Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 509: Flying over chaotic clouds (9)

"Ah, that's it." Wang Ai suddenly said, "In other words, you and I can live one life, as long as you don't have a second one, right?"

"Actually you still earned it."

"Of course, hehe, I have so many by myself."

"No." Leo Ni shook her head solemnly: "The current family planning policy is two out of one, and you are one, we are more than one. According to the fact that we have one child in each head, overall it is less than two out of one."

Before Wang Ai nodded, Leoni suddenly said, "However, this policy cannot be sustained in the long term. This method of weakening the population is too ruthless. Two steps and one directly cut off the population base. If it persists, it will be this century. In the middle leaf, there are only three to four billion people left in China. But now you see, such a large-scale infrastructure construction will not be used by then, won't it all be wasted?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Talents are the most precious productive force. It's just that our population is expanding rapidly for a certain period of time. There is no way. Under the threat of the United States and the Soviet Union, we must have enough population to prevent our nation from being destroyed. You said North America. If there are hundreds of millions of Indians, how can they be wiped out? This is what we thought at the time. After the situation improves, there is no danger of national subjugation and species extinction, and it does not match the stage of economic development. Child policy."

"That should be changed? I heard that the concerns of an aging society have been mainstream in recent years."

"Well, I guess it will be soon, maybe only one or two years. But what." When it comes to this, Wang Ai smiled: "Such a big event will definitely not happen overnight. The big events in China have always been small steps. One step at a time, it is estimated that the two-child family will have the second child first, then the single-child family will have the second child, and finally the full second child, or even the third child."

"Then we can catch up."

Leo Ni looked at Wang Ai affectionately, suddenly rolled over from the sofa and straddled Wang Ai's legs: "Give me one, right?"

"Are you buying groceries? Just one?"

Leonie hung down on Wang Ai's chest: "As a father is so strong and a mother is so healthy, why can't you just say it? I don't believe it, you try to show it to me! Practice is the truth! Practice is the test. The only standard of truth!"

"Did you use these words like this?" Wang Ai said angrily.

"You punish me?" Leonie raised her head: "Look, I'm not afraid!"

It lingered all night, and the sky was a bit cloudy the next day. Wang Ai arrived at the airport in the morning, and Leo Ni then saw him off. While waiting for the flight, the two were still whispering.

"Do you dislike children?"


"Don't lie to me, I can feel it."

"Uh, maybe having a child makes me feel that I am suddenly not a child, right?"

"Do you still want to be a kid?"

"Yeah, it's so nice to be a child, carefree." Wang Ai bowed his head sadly: "I haven't had enough."

Leo Ni looked at Wang Ai contemptuously: "How old are you going to play?"

Wang Ai Yangtian sighed: "What a cruel reality! I'm only 23, why should I be a father?"

Leo Ni said leisurely: "I remember that Mr. Wang and Ai always had you at the age of 20? This is your family tradition? No wonder there are so many surnamed Wang."

"What are you talking about?" Wang Ai was a little angry: "I know that Huang Xin can't delay any longer. No matter how old he is, it is dangerous to have children. I also know that having children is very important, but I am still a little surprised emotionally and I am not prepared. By the way, are you ready?"

Facing Wang Ai's sudden counterattack, Leo Ni was also a little at a loss: "Uh, I don't seem to have it either."

"Right?" Wang Ai was happy: "Then we have to learn together. Since the biology textbook in high school, I haven't studied this aspect again."

"Humph! Didn't you still study it last night?"

"Scientific research." Wang Ai pointed to his brain: "It depends on the brain, not the body."

The two talked and laughed for a while. When the plane came, Wang Ai picked up his bag and got up. The two hugged and separated. Wang Aigang took two steps and suddenly came back and said to Leo Ni, "I have forgotten to tell you, thank you. "

Leo Ni smiled, and Wang Ai shook her head: "Among the new generation of cadres, Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun, two generals, were transferred abroad by me, and you are the only one in China. Qinglian is not there, and Kang Si is still tender and able to resist. Only you can fight."

Leo Ni was a little embarrassed to call Wang Aikua, and stroked her hair beside her temples: "There are many young cadres."

"The key is trust." Wang Ai nodded Leo Ni's face: "Not only trust in character and ability, but also trust in thoughts and ideas, especially for cadres at your level."

Lei Oni looked at Wang Ai steadily, suddenly made a grimace, turned around and kicked away.

Wang Ai looked at her tall figure and blew a whistle: I can make the lion do his best without spending a few dollars. I'm so smart!

As soon as I arrived in the cabin, my mobile phone rang. I took it out and read a text message from Leoni: "I will make money for you during the day and stay with the bed at night. I am so miserable!"

Wang Ai replied: "Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Just as Wang Ai greeted passengers from all walks of life, the cell phone rang again, and Wang Ai had no time to look. He was surrounded by a group of girls. Wang Ai was able to hear the babbled words clearly. The oldest of these girls is only 22, and the youngest is only 17. They are children from a group of wealthy people. This time I went to Milan to watch Fashion Week.

Seeing that Wang Ai smiled and didn't have any airs, one of them asked if Wang Ai could find him if he went to Milan. Wang Ai smiled and wrote the address of the Inter Milan training base to these girls, telling them that they can find him at the base. Yourself. If you are not there, you can ask the person in charge of the base to call yourself, and I will help them to visit the base.

A few girls didn’t ask for Wang Ai’s cell phone number. Of course, Wang Ai didn’t care about others asking for cell phone numbers. There was a famous post on “Grab the Wild Wang Ai” on the Tianya Forum. The reason was that Wang Ai had the most prestigious post after the end of the Olympic Games last year At that time, a couple rushed up to take a group photo after spotting him between the games, and then posted it to show off on the Internet. At that time, Wang Ai was sitting high in the stands. The couple held him from left to right. The girl was still touching the gold medal on his chest.

The biggest effect of this post is that it attracted many passers-by who took photos with Wang Ai. They took out their collection of photos and uploaded them. For a while, it turned out to be a large collection of passers-by and Wang Ai. Based on these photos and the records of netizens, people concluded that it is really easy to take a photo with Wang Ai. As long as you speak, he must agree, no matter where he is at the time and what his mood is. But at the same time, no one can get his cell phone number, especially the private cell phone number. Moreover, he doesn't want other people's phone numbers, no matter how beautiful you are.

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