Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 510: Flying over chaotic clouds (ten)

Wang Ai is particularly open, especially from his own people, and never hides it. So his women trust him very much, believing that he will never go out and mess around, and never fall in love with anyone at first sight. Frankly speaking, only Xu Qinglian is the one who fell in love with Wang Ai at first sight so far.

After pacifying these happy girls and chatting with the circle of people who are willing to chat with him, when the plane starts taxiing, the cabin becomes quiet, and Wang Ai has time to read Leo Ni’s second text message. .

"I ask you formally, I want a baby, will you give it?"

Faced with this compelling text message, Wang Ai thought for a long time, and finally slowly typed a line and sent back: "This is your power, this is you, Leonie Hartman, my dear person, The power of the person I trust, my lover, partner, and friend. You have the power to claim from me, and I must, can only, and definitely agree. And, I also happily agree."

Leoni waited for a while and sent a surprised text emoji. Wang Ai smiled and put away his mobile phone, looking at the sea of ​​clouds outside the cabin, memories of many years flashed before his eyes, the bright, proud, handsome, and confident tall girl at the time, wearing calfskin boots, clicked and walked. The figure on the stone road in the small town of Tubingen is truly a dream at midnight and still fresh and timeless. Even though she has been hugged by Wang Ai asleep, Wang Ai still misses the beautiful encounter in that beautiful afternoon.

Suddenly, Wang Ai's doubts about the child disappeared. It seems that it is not bad to usher in a small life? In the future, besides playing cats and dogs at home, or playing children?

During the steady flight of the plane, Wang Ai began to reflect on how he suddenly feared the arrival of the child. Didn’t he think about the child after planning a long marriage? Thinking of this, Wang Ai realized that his initial plan for children was based on marrying Xu Qinglian, creating a child with Xu Qinglian, and also his first child.

Suddenly Xu Qinglian left. He considered Huang Xin's age, which caused the first child to appear "bias" in his calculations, so that he lacked the necessary emotional preparation for this situation in his heart, so he felt strange. , Uncomfortable, at a loss, even if he has accepted it intellectually.

What did you think about the child with Xu Qinglian?

Oh, yes, I want to be his teacher myself, let him become a materialist, a communist, and a patriot. As for what the child wants to do when he grows up, I don't want to worry about it, just follow his interests. However, no matter which interest you are, you must accept strict formal education on the one hand, and you must not slack off on the other. If you choose, you must stick to it.

Thinking of this, Wang Ai relaxes, and I really want to talk to Huang Xin about the child's problems when I go back this time. Because there are a lot of quarrels, quarrels and even quarrels between the children. Although the children will be named Wang, they are a combination of two people and have half the "property rights" of his mother.

According to Huang Xin's idea, maybe he will develop into a polite and well-cultured person?

whispering sound!

Wang Ai himself is very polite, but when he thinks of the word polite, especially the boy’s words, he always thinks of the word "sven scum". It is probably because there are too many scum among intellectuals in these years, which makes Wang Ai profoundly trusts the saying "every time slaughter dogs", and even ignores the truth that he is the iconic intellectual of this era in China.

Well, it's okay to scold yourself anxiously, if you don't do it right, or if you do it wrong.

With this full of expectations for the future, Wang Ai flattened his seat faintly, pulled on the blanket and fell asleep. When the plane landed, it was already late at night, and Wang Ai was waiting in line for getting off the plane. I was still thinking about it, I don't know if Huang Xin is back.

Moreover, he should not be able to make it tonight's game. With Inter Milan's salary of more than 100 million yuan a year, he ran back to the country and played two games. Hey, he can score a goal. Obviously, the boss has to do it. Welcome with a smile.

Zhao Dan, who was driving, looked at Wang Ai, who suddenly smirked from the rearview mirror. Although he didn't know what happy things he thought of, he could suddenly get rid of the heavy pressure to win the World Cup, but it's always a good thing, right?

On March 7th, Inter Milan played at home against Genoa. After Wang Aigang came back less than 24 hours, Jose did not even put him on the list. Of course, Wang Ai did not go to Meazza to be annoying, but obedient. Staying at home, holding a muddy wiwi, grabbing the happy lady, and occasionally chatting with Shi Wenjun and Kang Si to watch the game.

As a result, Inter was in no state and could not find its way at all. The forward line of Balotelli and Mancini Jr. partnered with Sneijder-based midfielder in confusion, lacking tacit understanding, and Eto'o, who had recently been injured in the second half, also lacked. In the end, the two sides shook hands 0:0 and made a peace.

Looking at the screen and listening to the host’s rants, Shi Wenjun looked at Wang Ai amusedly: "You want to play in Inter Milan's sneaky test midfield, but the host is here repeatedly calling for your attack power, how about Are you embarrassed?"

Kang Si also snickered, Wang Ai touched her face, and suddenly put her hands together: "Leave everything to God."

The two despised it, and Kang Si also said, "Your gesture is for worshipping Buddha, not for worshipping God."

"So?" Wang Ai retracted a hand, his expression holy and solemn.

Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes: "That's the old way!"

Wang Ai spread his hands: "Your God is too difficult to serve. Forget it, I still like the old way. Huh, I'm actually a Taoist child, right? A layman?"

"Why is it a layman?"

"If you are a monk, I can't bear to touch women."

"You're really direct!" Shi Wenjun despised, and Kang Si on the other side covered her face.

"People have to follow their own instincts and curb the instincts on the one hand to comprehend the truth, and that can only comprehend the wrong principles." Wang Aizhen said: "But I have been practicing Taoist classics since I was young. , The stone of the other mountain, why can't I be considered Taoist? I'm at least a Taoist theorist. If you don't believe me, find an old Taoist to talk to me about Marxism-Leninism?"

"People also have classes. Besides, is Marxism-Leninism Taoism?"

"I regard Lao Tzu as a philosopher. I am considered to have practiced his philosophy. He is the ancestor of Taoism. Why am I not considered Taoism?"

"Don't be bullshit." Shi Wenjun got upstairs and prepared to rest: "How old are you, you've grown up!"

"I have read "The Tao Te Ching" when I was nine years old. The three books of "Political Economics", "The Seventy Years of the Communist Party of China" and "The Tao Te Ching" count as my enlightenment reading!" Wang Aizheng pointedly confronted Shi Wenjun. From the back, said: "This will be my family study in the future, and my children will also use these three books to enlighten them!"

Shi Wenjun, who was upstairs, stumbled, and then listened to Wang Ai's quizzical question: "Do you agree?"

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