Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 547: The east wind blows and the drums of war (7)

"If your system is really good, can it be promoted?" Wei Di asked.

Old Gao thought for a while: "It still depends on the situation. Without their high degree of understanding, unity of thinking, and the technical characteristics of the two core players, the actual value of this system will be compromised. Although it will also help, it will not be so obvious. ."

Director Liu pondered and said, "How difficult? Is there any?"

Gao Hongbo nodded: "Yes. The main reason is that the time is too tight. Our new system was developed too late, and we have truly unified our minds. It has been less than a week. Next, we must give full play to its combat effectiveness. Many adjustments have been made. After all, everyone has been professionally engaged in football for many years, and the mindset is deeply ingrained. Even if there is a new thinking commander, it must be practically transformed into specific changes in play, position, interaction, and coordination. This will take time."

"Will this affect your combat effectiveness?"

"Leaders can rest assured in this regard." Fan Zhiyi said: "We have analyzed, the current skeleton has been pulled up, the difference is that the bones are not in the same position as before, and the meat needs to be adjusted and adapted, but the process should be fast. Everyone has been thinking about it for a whole year, and in general the direction is the same. Next, we only need to make improvements in the same system. In this regard, our coach and the players are all designers."

Li Bing also said: "In the group stage, Spain, we are not sure, but Honduras and Chile, we think that the problem is not big, and we can withstand the adjustment of our new style of play. This can basically ensure that the group will qualify. After three strict games Actually, after entering the knockout stage, all aspects should have already taken shape. Besides, if it doesn’t work, you can go back to the original style of play, it’s quite mature. If it doesn’t work, can you let Xiao Wang play center? ."

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room. If it weren’t for the final touch of the Hercules Cup, it wouldn’t take so much effort at all. Wang Ai’s scoring rate, let alone with the Chinese team, even with the Thai team, would dare to roar. The group is out!

Seeing that everyone’s thoughts are almost expressed, **** looked at the watch and made an overall assessment: "You cannot convince me without competition practice. But I also think that your theory is self-consistent and very novel. This It’s amazing. I support your theoretical exploration. Chinese football as a whole still lags behind the West. Competitive sports, especially big ball games, are also behind. You can take the lead in bravely carrying out independent theoretical exploration, which is very good. Just from work From the point of view, your statement today is not enough to motivate the organization to make up your mind. Of course, don’t be discouraged. We will put the decision in your first game."

"However, we are not sure about the first game in Spain." Wang Ai asked nervously.

**** Turning his eyes to Wang Ai, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he looked at left and right: "This little guy, he grew up under our noses, and his temperament has not changed since he was young. What can I say. Xiao Wang Son, if I guess right, you are the founder of this football theory, right?"

"Everyone." Wang Ai said quickly: "I am not convinced, but in the end everyone created it together."

"Yeah." **** nodded: "But you are the only theoretical player in this national team, right? So, as you, you should know that the success or failure of the theory is not only the specific victory or defeat, but also Changes in actual application. Now that you have put forward the theory, we must believe that our experts are capable of digesting and understanding your theories. When you play the first game with Spain, we will watch and the experts will analyze yours. Does the theoretical system have combat effectiveness. Don't you believe we can see it? Especially in the case of open-book exams?"

Wang Ai looked at the leader with a smirk, and said for a long time: "...I'm in a hurry."

The leader smiled and shook his head, pointed at him, and said nothing.

At the end of the meeting, the leaders shook hands with everyone one by one. When they came to Wang Ai, they patted the back of Wang Ai's hand: "Little Wang, don't be too stressed. When I came, the leader told me that as long as I can qualify for the World Cup, Even if the task is completed, it is a victory to complete the task. What is the strength of Chinese football, the organization has a clear judgment and understanding. After so many years, your efforts have been seen by everyone. The World Cup will begin immediately, just give it a go. Regardless of victory or defeat, the motherland is your strong backing."

After listening to the leader's remarkably important words, Wang Ai shook the leader's hand. Although his face was still smiling, there was flashing water in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "With such a motherland, we will be fearless."

"Okay." The leader smiled and nodded: "Then I will wait for you to come back!"

The leaders went back. Professor Zhang was going back to the National Defense University. Wang Aifei wanted to send it off. The two of them simply walked out of the Olympic Sports Center towards the National Defense University, where Professor Zhang’s home was also.

"Are you really not going to South Africa?"

"There is still work."

"Don't lie to me!" Wang Ai rolled his eyes and said, "I went to university for more than ten years anyway, don't I know what summer vacation is?"

Zhang Zhaozhong laughed loudly: "The superior has other tasks. Don't you also know me through TV? Besides, I am a soldier. If you weren't looking for me, I wouldn't get involved with football."

Wang Ai looked at Professor Zhang and suddenly said, "Aircraft carrier?"

Professor Zhang was taken aback, and looked at Wang Ai with a deep look, before he smiled for a long time, and patted Wang Ai on the shoulder without saying anything. Wang Ai also knows that this matter is sensitive, and the Varyag is still painting on the slipway in Dalian!

So I continued to persuade: "From the point of view of our duties, we have this theoretical result, and we cannot do without the help of you and the National Defense University. After all, you have provided the most natural military thinking of our army, and you insisted strongly when we doubted it. This helped us to open up a new path. Now we are about to go out. How can you, the company commander of the recruit company, go and see if it is right? Test the theoretical results? From the football perspective, we are the strongest national team. , The strongest moment of the strongest national team, don’t you want to witness history?"

"I can sit in an air-conditioned Beijing home, and I can just adjust the sound level to witness the TV, and I can also adjust the time of the test at any time. Is it comparable to going to South Africa?"

Wang Ai Qijie: "Why are you all crooked in your life?"

Professor Zhang smiled coolly: "You can't do it. I am a layman in my life? Anyway, I won't go. I appear in the national team. I have a bad influence. I can't say what I will bring to you."

Finally forced the truth of Professor Zhang, Wang Ai changed his mind, but also, although Professor Zhang is not an internationally renowned, it is really not difficult to know who he is. It really put him in the national team delegation. It's hard to say whether it is good or bad.

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