Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 548: The east wind blows and the drums of war (8)

"Oh, you are so worried about this. It's easy to handle. We can ask the organizer to give you tickets for fans? You are an ordinary audience in the stands, who pays attention to you. It's really not possible. You can join CCTV. Go, you are not a well-known guest of CCTV."

"Huh? Is this okay?"

"That's OK, I'll call now."

"Who are you calling?"

"Call Zhang Bin!" Wang Aili said straightforwardly: "I plan to insert an interview for them before going to South Africa, and give you an attache position, how about? CCTV reimbursement!"

"Can it work?"

"Well!" Wang Ai lifted his chin and fumbled out the phone, and dialed the phone with his mouth. After a few words, Zhang Bin really agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ai looked at Professor Zhang triumphantly: "Do you know how much they have taken from me in the past ten years? Do you know that my interviews are not enough for advertisements? Do you know that I yelled to win the World Cup, sports The channel didn’t do anything. Did you charge a hundred million more out of thin air? But I ended up changing your Professor Zhang’s travel expenses for half a month, and I lost a lot of money. If I were them, I could laugh and urinate!"

After automatically filtering Wang Ai's muddling words, Professor Zhang said with interest: "Do they also tell you about this?"

"They don't say anything, but..." Wang Ai pointed to his head: "I have a brain."

Professor Zhang squinted his eyes vividly: Who do you think has no brains?

"I will analyze, summarize, and read the report. How much did the advertising cost of Chinese football-related programs accounted for ten years ago, and how much does it account for today? Why did 35 become 55? Isn't it still earned on us? Besides, Whenever I go to a CCTV show, my sponsors always call me to complain, blame me for not telling them in advance, I still don’t know that my show is popular? Just ask a sponsor, and you will know it. Anyway, the advertising fee for my last show was enough for the sports channel to run half a year’s salary."

Zhang Zhaozhong nodded in amazement: "You have a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physicality, which is really remarkable. That's OK. I will go back and ask the leader. If it is convenient, I will take a trip to the sports channel, and I will also be touched."

Wang Ai nodded deeply: "You agree, I can be considered relieved to start and end. Please help guide, we can't help but testify, or else we don't pay attention to things. Okay, then I'm leaving. "

Seeing Wang Ai turned around and left, Professor Zhang was stunned and shouted behind his back: "Aren't you going to accompany me home?"

Wang Ai turned his face ruthlessly: "The mission is complete, who will accompany you a half-old man?"

"Hey you kid!" Professor Zhang, who has always been gentle, was finally irritated and ran after him with his sleeves rolled up.

How can Professor Zhang, who wears leather shoes, catch up with Wang Ai, who is in the same position? Shengsheng told him to run away. At dinner in the evening, Wang Ai was finally caught by Professor Zhang: "No one has been so angry with me for a long time!"

This is the last night of the national team in Beijing. In order to relieve the tension for many consecutive days, the Foot Management Center invited the family members of all the players to Beijing and arranged board and lodging. People like Wang Ai can go home at night, and gather and set off at noon the next day.

When the family members go to South Africa to watch football, the players are solely responsible. Anyway, the wool is on the sheep. The football center must pay the money. When the money comes back from the World Cup, the football center will not double the money back. So even if the team is still super mixed in China, they have prepared one hundred thousand yuan for the family to play for half a month.

Besides, there is no money to fly. Captain Wang’s immediate superior-President Wang has already said that he chartered a flight!

The plane is of course the German Beauty, and Leo Ni is a member of the delegation.

Coming back from Milan, Conse did not follow this time. Leoni followed the whole process. She could concentrate on launching the cooperation between the R Fund and the World Wide Fund for Nature and Greenpeace. And Leo Ni has handed over the two positions of Super Sports CEO and Stupid Company CEO, and she is going to accompany Wang Ai when she comes back from the World Cup.

Of course, it is a reason to jump out of the existing work pattern, but for Wang Ai's family and Leo Ni, it is more important that Leo Ni is also 27 years old and should have children. It's better for children and adults a little earlier. It's just a strong young age to take the children to nursery school for two or three years and return to work when they are in their thirties.

Anyway, no one dared to take her position. No one dared to take her position before, and no one dared to take her hostage in the future.

Do you dare to let me go to work, I will beat your child!

At half past nine in the evening, the banquet was over, the teammates and their relatives left, and Wang Ai naturally returned home. However, Wang Ai did not return to his home in Dongcheng District this evening, but returned to his home in Ya'er Hutong. It was another hot summer day, and the house in Houhai was quiet and pleasant.

"How do you want to play?" Turning on the light in the spacious bedroom, Leoni leaned against the bathroom door in a charming manner.

Wang Ai tore off the jumper on his body and threw it on with a scream. Soon there was a sound of piano rustling in the bathroom. Five times, five times and three times, all the tossing was water, and the bed was sweaty, and finally disappeared. Wang Ai leaned on the bed and pulled the blanket on Leonie, who was lying on his chest, to prevent it from being blown by the air conditioner. broken.

"Are you not having fun anymore? Why are you still playing?" Wang Ai teased her.

"Well, I'm used to it." Leonie murmured, still not letting go.

"You get my heart out, I won't bear it."

"You have the ability to kill me?"

Leo Ni closed her mouth and found that Wang Ai was silent. She rubbed her head from his chest, and found that Wang Ai looked strange and suddenly became guilty. Of course, she can't die under normal circumstances, but if it's a ostentatious way of doing it, It can be suffocated... In fact, it feels okay when it's dry, just can't watch the replay, which scares people to death.


Listening to Wang Ai speaking and feeling his touch, Leo Ni felt her goose bumps all up.

"When are you going to have a baby? I thought it would be good on the eve of the World Cup. If it goes well, it will be born in April next year. It will also be a good day.

When Wang Ai said this, Leo Ni secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Wait, I plan to wait for Huang Xin to finish giving birth. Otherwise, she will be born in October, and I will have a big belly by then, and you can't be too busy. Besides, Pregnancy reactions are also contagious, no matter who of us is infected, no one is good. We can't help but be together. It happened that she was pregnant and I helped, and when I was pregnant, she helped."

Wang Ai nodded and sighed: "The beauty is kind, how can I repay it? I regret it a bit, I shouldn't provoke so many of you."

"I recently listened to cross talks, and there is a very interesting sentence, what is a perfect person? That is a finished person." Leo Ni adjusted a more comfortable position on Wang Ai's chest and murmured: "You want any shortcomings. , Who dares to love you?"

Wang Ai exhaled and tightened his arms.

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