Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 583: Great freedom, escape (the second act: the last bondage)

The Chinese military implements a dual-chief system, with company commanders and instructors; regiment leaders and political commissars. Many of China's powerful units also come from the military, and naturally they also have the habits of the military. For example, the Public Security Bureau and the National Security Bureau are both directors and political commissars. The same is true for the sports department. For example, the head coach of the national team focuses on business, and the team leader focuses on thinking and life.

It's just that the most important team leader in this national team is always Liu Chunming, but after the old Liu Gaosheng succeeded Feng Jianming as the head of the Youth Department of the Football Association, there was no one who could really replace him. For a while, even Wang Ai himself was the team leader. Yan Shiduo has enough weight, but he is too busy. He usually has a lot of work and is also responsible for bidding for the World Cup. He can only take up his post during the competition period, so it is inevitable that the boss will be burdened with responsibilities.

These years old Gao has brought these boys together, be both fathers and mothers, both studying and living. So even if he started to do ideological work, everyone would only dare not say anything in a cold sweat.

"I will give you time to discuss and study." Lao Gao said briefly and stood up, greeted Li Bing, Fan Zhiyi, Chen Yang, Ma Dong and others to leave the meeting room.

Everyone is gone, Zhao Xuri touched his head in the conference room: "How long hasn't the high director scolded? I still miss it."

"Grass!" everyone started talking.

Chen Tao looked around: "How can we do it?"

People looked at Wang Ai subconsciously, and Wang Ai shook his head: "Say it, I still have to think about it."

Sun Jihai looked around: "Your boss has no objection, so let's talk about them one by one, who will come first?"

Dong Fangzhuo smiled and said, "I remember when I was in elementary school, I stood in a row when I was in elementary school. We can’t sort by size, we can’t sort by size, we can sort by age."

The old grandson opposite him blinked: "Oh, what about me? Yes, I just remembered that I am the oldest...Eh, that's not right, Lao Bai, are you four months older than me? What kind of pretense? ."

Lao Bai kept on saying, "I'm young? How bright do you think my head is?"

The team members watched the two big brothers playing tricks here, so they didn't dare to mix up and dared to have fun. After a while, Lao Bai said: "I think, everyone is too much to think about this and that, what do you think? Just this stuff. ?"

Lao Bai patted the newspaper on the table: "Is it useful? Normally it is useful, but are we average? We have always been in the second class!"

Speaking of this, Lao Bai touched his bald head: "I have been in a foreign country for the past seven or eight years. It's hard to say anything else, but I have read too much about China, and there is no **** thing that I can spot. Screw them with them, you are sure to win! You feel pressured to see this stuff, I tell you, I'm so **** happy!"

Zheng Zhi suddenly said: "I think Brother Bai is right. They can't spot everything about China. The more they say no, the more hopeful I feel."

Everyone laughed for a while, and Guo Liang suddenly asked Wang Ai in the crowd: "Boss, do you know the octopus Paul?"

"I know." Wang Aiyan was concise, and noticed that the expressions of many players suddenly became tense.

"Didn't we and Germany make a wrong prediction?" Wang Ai added.

"But the first five games were right." Guo Liang said with a little fear.

Wang Ai thought for a while and sighed: "We have no problem with the penalty kick. Don't listen to the British screaming. The British are just urinating. It depends on who and who is uncomfortable. They are desperate to challenge you. Listen. Loew said or Beckenbauer said it? The Germans think it’s okay. So, the octopus was wrong in our game against Germany. Besides, it has nothing to do with football."

Wang Ai is notorious for not believing in evil. When the national team played in the qualifiers in 2005, he severely rebuked the proposal to invite warlocks of the rivers and lakes. Since then, he has been the veritable "anti-feudal superstition leader" of the national team. In fact, the people of the national team don't believe it very much, but it is because of their low culture and doubts about some things that they don't understand. This gives these scammers a chance. In addition, they are also rich and generous.

But the octopus Paul was too confusing. Wang Ai saw that everyone still didn’t believe it, so he had to say it briefly: “The octopus Paul was deliberately used by the Germans to strengthen their confidence and attack their opponents. The German flag. The color is exactly the color of the octopus food, so it chose the German flag. In Serbia, it was because the color of the Serbian flag was more attractive than the color of the German flag. We did not choose this because octopuses do not eat starfish, which are poisonous. As for the finals, the Spanish flag is two prawns in the eyes of the octopus, and it will definitely choose Spain. Besides, how do you know that the octopus has been chosen once? It’s not a live broadcast. It’s a live broadcast, so you can’t record the camouflage in advance. Play it out?"

Everyone opened their eyes wide: "Can you still play like this?"

Wang Ai curled his lips: "Why don't you believe it, next time we find a crab that specializes in eating starfish to predict for us, do you believe it will choose us in every game? This thing is like all superstitions, looking at bluffing, To put it bluntly, they are all pediatrics, but you didn't expect it."

Luo Tongliang laughed and listened all the time, only to say: "The World Cup struggle, not to mention national honor, the bonus of tens of millions, is enough to use all kinds of means."

After listening, everyone nodded, they just didn't have the knowledge of Wang Ai, but they had a deep understanding of the intensity of football. Various off-field methods are emerging in the professional arena, and there are even gadgets such as astrologers and psychics.

Anyway, whoever believes is fooled!

"Boss, if you say that, I'm not afraid." Zhou Haibin said: "Then, let's talk about the game the day after tomorrow? Everyone should think about it and see how we can get it. Speaking of which, I have only one piece in my hand. I won a gold medal in the World Cup, I have never won a bronze medal!"

Before he finished speaking, Lao Sun, Lao Bai, Lao Luo, Lao Zhang and even Lao Qu, turned their heads to look at him together...

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Zhou Haibin was finally relieved by calling a few veterans to punch and kick, and the atmosphere in the conference room became warmer.

Wang Ai did not speak, and the actual presiding of the meeting became Chen Tao. While guiding everyone to discuss, he recorded the content of the discussion, and finally closed the notebook: "Seeing that we are going to have lunch, one last sentence, the day after tomorrow's game is the last one to come to South Africa After that, we went home, no matter whether we win or lose, we will be regarded as returning home. There are a lot of good things waiting for us. Therefore, whoever has any ability should not keep it, and whoever has any reserves should not hide it. Tucked in."

Hearing this, Wang Ai frowned suddenly, and then looked down at his knees.

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