Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 5 Chapter 584: Great freedom, escape (the third act: Wang Ai's complete body)

A pair of pure white thick knee pads are Wang Ai's "sign". Regardless of the competition, Wang Ai will wear this pair of knee pads. This has become his unique appearance feature, and he even applied for a trademark for it.

Knee pads are not very reasonable when it comes to closer examination. Back then, Xu Genbao said: "It's useless for you to wear this stuff. There is very little protection against collisions and sprains."

But Wang Ai has been wearing it for three main reasons: First, when he was a child, a model worker in a large collective enterprise where Wang Bin worked would have leg pain whenever it rained. What Wang Ai said was that there was wind coming from the bones of his knees. Drilling, he also urged Wang Ai to protect him in the future, so Wang Ai has a psychological shadow on rheumatism; the second is that the knee joint is the most important joint for football players. In terms of Wang Ai’s passion for dribbling, it is most likely to hurt the knee joint. Once injured, it will be very easy to relapse, and the natural state will fall off again and again, so Wang Ai's troublesome point must be strengthened to protect; the third is that although the protection effect is average, FIFA does not prohibit it, then it is better to have more, and gradually It has become a habit.

Just because it's useless and harmless, it's just that Mr. Kim Boss persuaded him once and no one said anything. Later, as he applied for a trademark, others thought that he had deliberately created a personal logo to improve his image and expand his commercial value.

Because he is becoming more and more famous, no one talks about him anymore.

It's no good but no harm anyway.

Wang Ai's thick and powerful knee pads are actually quite useful. Tight knee pads will restrict the movement of the knee joints and not reach the maximum limit. It not only protects the most common muscle disengagement-joint load-bearing-overstretching-joint injuries, but also allows Wang Ai's knee joints to resist the knee pads. Get more exercise under pressure.

But in any case, this is a kind of restraint.

During training in the afternoon, Wang Ai was still hesitating, and until the evening Lao Gao pulled him and said something: "Most of your abilities are spelled out by yourself, and the other coaches and I helped to give pointers. Our national team You first lay the foundation, and the other is to fight by yourself. Once you get in between, your brother-in-law, I’m not insulting my mission. It’s today. But the day after tomorrow’s game I really don’t know what you can do now. No? I always think you are a treasure chest. Nothing can stump you. You always have new tricks at critical moments. Is there any more this time?"

Looking at Lao Gao's hopeful eyes, Wang Ai secretly exhaled and pointed to the white knee pads on his legs.

Lao Gao looked at it and frowned: "I always think this thing is not good for you to play, but what you have played over the years...I gradually forgot. Looking at you this way is equivalent to weight training? Really? Say you are so good, so many years, are you still hiding a hand?"

Wang Ai calmly looked at the crazy Lao Gao before saying, "It's not that mysterious, but it does have a little meaning, but it is not deliberate. It is subconscious self-protection, and I would rather reduce the performance on the court. I didn't expect it to be formed. A little reserve of combat power."

"Is it time to take it down?" Lao Gao stood up excitedly and circled: "How effective do you think it is?"

Wang Ai nodded: "It's definitely going to be taken down. What else can I do? No aliens fight against me. Is it effective? At most 5%, I guess it is 1,2%. I will try tomorrow. Give it a try."

"All right, then you go back and rest, tomorrow I see your effect!" Lao Gao drove Wang Ai away excitedly.

When Wang Ai left, Lao Gao sat down on a beach chair, looking at the tranquil blue swimming pool water, and muttered to himself: "The effect may not be great, but this is self-suggestion! He has to be instilled! "

After Wang Ai took off the knee pads, he did feel much more flexible, and he put it on again after getting used to it for a day. What he and Lao Gao said was: Waiting for the game to win suddenly before the game, Lao Gao agreed without a doubt.

In the intensive preparation of the Chinese team, two days passed.

There is nothing to say about adapting to the venue, the final venue is no worse than the standard European stadium, not to mention it is highly anticipated. There is not much to say about Spain. The preparations for these days are mainly to judge and simulate the tactics that the Spanish team may use in the finals. It is generally believed that the World Cup final is also the first time for the Spanish team, and that the Chinese team that has changed its tactics in the group stage will definitely impress the Spanish team. Specifically, the core of the Spanish style of play will encounter the Chinese style of play. The frustration after the core is bound to be noticed by the Spanish Bosque team and avoided.

However, the Chinese coaching staff could not study the possibility of avoiding it completely, because Wang Ai's position in the midfield can be taken care of in all directions. So the final conclusion of the study is two: one is to change to the side lanes and attack the weak areas of the Chinese team, or use the large-scale mobilization of the two side lanes to continuously move the center of the Chinese team to make it exhausted; the second is Continue to attack the middle and exert more pressure to suppress Wang Ai, force the Chinese team to keep Wang Ai in the backcourt and release Chen Tao. Because of Wang Ai's comprehensiveness, Chen Tao is still weaker in all aspects.

But there is one thing that the Chinese coaching staff and the rear staff have agreed, that is, the Spanish team will be very cautious in the opening stage. Obviously, with Wang Ai who has restrained the Spanish attacking system, it will be very difficult for the Spanish team to score goals, and Wang Ai himself is unpredictable. Therefore, the Spanish team will definitely be the main player in the opening stage to ensure that their side does not concede a goal. At the same time, they will also make targeted adjustments after observing the Chinese team's final play and formation.

Based on the above analysis of the enemy situation and comprehensively judged the strength of the Spanish team, Lao Gao and the coaching staff agreed on the starting lineup: forwards Dong Fangzhuo, Bai Guanghai, Wang Ai, Chen Tao, Zhao Xuri, Zhou Haibin, Luo Tongliang, Li Weifeng, Guo Liang, Sun Jihai, Zong Lei.

At 8pm on July 11, the much-anticipated South Africa World Cup final will be held at the Johannesburg Football City Stadium. At the climax of this World Cup, the attention of all parties also reached a climax. The Spanish Prime Minister, the Chinese government, the President of FIFA and even the great South African Mandela have all appeared. China Central Television also equipped the game with the most powerful commentary content: host Bai Yansong and Zhang Bin, and guests Xu Genbao and Liu Chunming.

Looking at the Chinese team members who are warming up on the field, the two hosts and Xu Genbao, one of the founders of the Tubingen system, are screaming while Liu Chunming is slipping.

"Leader Liu, what did you find?"

Liu Chunming shook his head. He didn't want to talk. He suddenly realized that it was live broadcast. Although it was late in the night, there must be a lot of people watching, so he had to say: "Have you noticed that Xiao Wanger is a bit different?"

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