Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Kaleidoscope (6)

  The content of the impromptu interview with Wang Ai after the game still caused some controversy. Some fans are discussing whether Wang Ai is talking irony and putting pressure on the club. Then Bayern officials clarified this misunderstanding, claiming to communicate well with Dr. Wang, and Wang Ai also clarified on his overseas social media that those words are his true thoughts. As long as the team wins, he does not matter whether he is the main force or the substitute.

These remarks also aroused the interest of CCTV. After relaying the request for a telephone interview through Kang Si, Wang Ai spoke into the microphone on the recliner in the backyard of his home the next afternoon: "The main lineup of the team is very strong, enough. To deal with most games, there are almost first-class players in every position in the frontcourt. Since I can play multiple positions, there is nothing wrong with being a general substitute. As for everyone’s concerns about my game status, please rest assured, My training has never been slack, and the Bayern team’s training matches are also very intense, no less than a less intense league, so I’m fine."

"I can understand the head coach’s thoughts. In the past, Bayern’s bench thickness was questioned, and there may indeed be some problems. Then I’m here to back up various positions in the frontcourt. It may be the best combination at this stage. I am not. Repel this kind of idea and arrangement." Speaking of this, Wang Ai smiled a few times: "Many people say that I have won the Grand Slam, so what else do I pursue at this stage? Is the data? I have refreshed. There is too much personal data. The only thing I can’t do personally is collective honor and collective data. I have to rely on the collective. Then I will do well if I do it to the benefit of the collective."

  "The national team? If the national team requires me to do this, then it's okay, no problem at all."

   hung up the phone, Wang Ai sat in the backyard and shrugged at the family. Of course, the main force Wang Ai wanted it, but didn't want to force it. Compared with other players, he has very few injuries caused by physical toughness, and high-intensity adaptability brought by attacking all-around. This makes him always the first substitute in the coach's mind even if he is a substitute, so he will play. Opportunities can be guaranteed.

  Since Wang Ai and Bayern signed a new type of contract, his focus has been more on whether he has a wonderful performance that can often be reported by the media, instead of caring about the status of the starting team and the main team. When Wang Ai transferred from Deportivo to Chelsea, he learned to compress his physical fitness and energy to explode in a short period of time during a period of rigid relationship with Jose. It can also be used in Bayern during this period of time. It's nothing more than a question of adjusting mentality.

  For example, persuade yourself: Just play 10 minutes a week, how easy it is!

  As for the main force or something, it will be easy to achieve a good result, and it can make a smooth transition with the existing strong Bayern first team without arousing opposition from these big-name stars. Isn’t it good?

  The training is still completed step by step every day, plus self-training morning and evening, the relationship between Wang Ai and his teammates has deepened day by day. Wang Ai’s interview statement after the last game, especially in the next period of time, Wang Ai really did not put pressure on the coaching staff or club officials, so that the suffering teammates really relaxed, even the fiercest position competition. Gomez was also talking and laughing with Wang Ai during training.

  Thursday night, Wang Ai attended a party organized by Captain Ram, and was helped home by fellow Shi Wenjun in Robben’s explanation of “he only has two bottles”.

  Wang Ai used actions to tell his teammates: It’s not that I don’t like playing with you, but I really can’t afford it.

   "Pretend you are tired all day long?" Shi Wenjun, who helped Wang Ai back to the living room and immediately let go, said with a lip.

  Wang Ai grinned and went upstairs on his own. After a while, Wen Jun also came up and grabbed Little Beauty’s slender waist: "Didn't you tell me to quit drinking? Forgot? What do you say is good for the child?"

  "You call quit drinking?" The little beauty was slapped with her waist, but she fanned her hands deliberately: "It tastes great."

   "Did you drink it tastes really big?"

   "I still...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh."

  After drinking some wine, his perception dropped a little. Wang Ai forgot that it was in the master bedroom, and Huang Xin had just put his son to sleep. Looking at the two obsessed men and women in front of the computer, Huang Xin stroked his forehead. The little beauty was actually quite indifferent in this respect, not to mention indifferent, but she has her own clear goals in daily life. There is a plan every day, and it is not like Wang Ai is so crazy wherever he goes.

  Probably this is the common problem of liberal arts. People in liberal arts always have a bit of romance in their bones, and people in science always have a bit of calm in their bones. Before the breakthrough in the relationship with Wang Ai, Shi Wenjun always maintained a calm and calm attitude towards life. Although he would have some girlish fantasies outside of work, but rarely. Her family and background determine her inherent tenacity and stubbornness, and of course she is also sharp and sharp.

  However, after the relationship breaks, everything is different.

Before, Xiao Meiren was a typical independent woman. She had money and career, dreams and pursuits, and ways and plans. After the breakthrough, she became homeless and became centered on Wang Ai. It's almost the same, but in Huang Xin's feelings, it is definitely not as high as it is now.

  In the past, Little Beauty worked for Wang Ai, but now her life belongs to Wang Ai: almost what Wang Ai says, no matter how unconvinced she is, her body will always follow suit.

  Even Wang Ai was worried about whether she had lost herself, but after a while, she discovered that this was not the case. She just had a profound idea of ​​“marrying a Han from the Han” like a traditional woman. When Huang Xin and even Wang Ai persuaded her, she was still plausible: I don't want to work hard anymore.

  Well, Huang Xin retreats speechlessly. She has reached the end of life in one step, and she really needs to stop and find her way. As a result, things that Little Beauty would never do in the past are now being broken through by Wang Ai a little bit, such as this time when the passion in the master bedroom is going on.

  Huang Xin didn’t know whether to persuade her or not to persuade her. He suddenly noticed that the male player among them squeezed her eyes triumphantly while fighting. Huang Xin rolled her eyes nicely, and looked back at her son. He didn't know if the child grew up and found that there was more than one mother in the family, and his outlook on life would be skewed to the horizon.

  The two people gambling on the sofa finally realized that the occasion was wrong. Wang Ai held the little beauty's **** with his legs crossed around his waist with one hand, and beckoned to Huang Xin. Huang Xin waved her hand quickly and stared at Wang Ai with her eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, Huang Xin woke up and smelled a familiar smell. He moved naturally and lay in the man’s arms. He caught the man’s criminal tools and sighed after another while: “Don’t force it at home. what."

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