Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 37: Kaleidoscope (7)

  Wang Ai, who was advised, shook his waist and was dexterously caught by Huang Xin.

  She opened her eyes and looked at Wang Ai funny, and moved her hand: "Forgot what my hand did?"

  Seeing that Wang Ai didn’t understand, Huang Xin threatened with a little force in her hand and then calmed down: "Idiot cup, haha."

  Wang Ai looked at the ceiling and laughed wildly. He turned over and kissed Huang Xin on his mouth. Then he put one hand on the bed and stared at Huang Xin's eyes: "You don't want to act with me."

   "How come?" Huang Xin smiled and shook his head: "I love you, I like this home."

Seeing the man still looking at her caringly, she couldn't help but raise her head a little on the man's lips: "We were friends before and appreciated each other. Although the transformation of the relationship requires a process of mental transformation, it is not that difficult. I It feels like our house is not the kind of red lanterns in the old society, but...a bit ahead?"

   "How do you say?" Wang Ai became interested, and simply put his elbows on both sides of Huang Xin's head, and his body and Huang Xin were facing each other.

Huang Xin adjusted her hair, lay down and looked at the man again: "You said that food and **** are all basic desires. The more productive you are, the more you will share all of this, right? The European socialist approach, is it something In this sense, it also represents the scene of the future of society?"

After discussing social science, Wang Ai's interest came: "I have thought about this issue before, but you should be aware that food resources can be shared, as long as the productivity is enough. However, sexual resources must be brought by another subject of human society. The cooperation is completed, so food resources can no longer be scarce after a certain stage, and sexual resources are scarce in the foreseeable future."

  "Will the robots of the future be satisfied?" Huang Xin thought, "The kind of highly bionic?"

Wang Ai thought for a while and nodded and shook his head: "It's easy to desire only the flesh, but with the development of society today, you should also notice that this is not just a problem of the flesh. For example, love, from the perspective of our sociology. , More of it is actually people’s desire for society. The more developed the productivity, the more thoroughly the traditional society will collapse, the more lonely people will be, or else they will not be as popular as pets. Love can completely release people’s hearts. No matter what kind of privacy can be given to each other and exchanged with each other, so as to get the warmth and security of the soul. I am afraid that the more developed the society, the stronger the demand, after all, people are social animals."

Huang Xin frowned and digested Wang Ai's words. He let the man lower his head and arched her pajamas with his nose. After a while, he slapped the man on the head, and looked at the man with his mouth in his mouth and closed the pajamas. Said: "If you say so, then the stable operation of a society must ensure that the distribution of sexual resources is fair, so we must adhere to monogamy and remain morally right... Is our condemnation right?"

   "Yes." Wang Ai said emotionally: "I have always felt a sense of guilt, and I am afraid that you are not hiding it from me, but I am actually unhappy."

  "If you are not happy, why should you stay with you?" Huang Xin smiled, raising both hands to cup the man's face: "You can tell me about the theoretical issues in this respect?"

  Wang Ai raised his eyebrows and bumped Huang Xin lightly on his waist: "This occasion...oh, don't say it, it's on the road."

   "Say quickly." Huang Xin also moved.

"Simply put it, I'm going to practice in the morning." Wang Ai said: "There is a term called **** and captivity, have you heard of it? Do you think about the wars from ancient times to the present, does it often include adultery against women? Of? Why?"

Huang Xin frowned: "I have never thought about history from this perspective. What do you mean is that sexual resources are highly monopolized in an exploiting society. When the revolution in pursuit of equal land rights occurs, it also includes the sharing of sexual resources? "

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "For our morality, our history books can't talk about these, but they all exist. Because most soldiers in wars are proletarians, that is, there is very little sharing of sexual resources. Groups, they have material needs as well as sexual needs, especially young and strong male soldiers. On the other hand, if the distribution of sexual resources is very equal, then this kind of behavior does not have the soil for a large area to occur, only Will happen individually, right?"

  Huang Xin sighed: "So, our behavior is wrong anyway."

   "Yes." Wang Ai said in relief at this time: "I hope we are the last generation who made mistakes, and our next generation will not make this mistake."

   "But what do I tell my children? I am still young, but one day I will grow up and be sensible."

"Frankly tell the children that our elders are wrong." Wang Ai has already straightened up at this time: "Don't worry about the prestige of parents. Parents who don't make mistakes shouldn't exist. We can formally convene the family after the child enters puberty. Meeting to discuss and explain this issue."

   "There seems to be no better way." Huang Xin frowned.

Wang Ai got out of bed and put on shoes, and raised his head and said: "Children have the life and happiness of children. We as parents can't take care of it, and children can't control the happiness of our parents. I will never agree to any idea of ​​splitting up the family. , I will never agree to your villa or her villa. Besides, in my family, besides this aspect, what else is wrong? One generation of children should be better than a generation of parents. They learn from us in other aspects. In this line, only this aspect gives them room for improvement."

   After finishing talking, Wang Ai smiled and turned around and went out. When he came back, he found that Huang Xin no longer struggled with this issue. In fact, after the formation of this complicated family relationship, everyone had time to struggle. But no matter how sad it is, there will always be a time to pass, and no matter how difficult it is to solve, there will always be a time to solve it.

And when I really overcome the difficulties, I look back and find that it doesn’t seem to matter. It’s like Wang Ai’s career at Bayern is insignificant. In the eyes of ordinary people and in the eyes of young footballers, that’s what the mountain is admiring. Incredible.

  Friday, the Hamburg team came to Munich, accompanied by the Hamburg team and Wang Ai’s national teammate Zhao Xuri. The brothers have never met in this capacity, but the two brothers maintained a tacit understanding and did not contact before the game. After all, the coaches of both sides have already made tactical arrangements and are waiting for the party after the game.

  Saturday afternoon, at the Allianz Arena in the north of Munich, Bayern in the red jersey and Hamburg in the black jersey started the third game of the Bundesliga this season. In Hamburg, Zhao Xuri started and Bayern Wang Ai came as a substitute, but Heynckes specifically told Wang Ai before the game that he would have more than half an hour of game time in this game.

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