Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Kaleidoscope (eight)

No one could have imagined that this game would turn into a massacre. After Van Bitten took the lead in the first half, Robben, Ribery, Gomez and Olic succeeded one after another. Because the main players performed so well, especially It was the front court who scored goals, so Heynckes really couldn't say who to replace him for a while, so he had to make Wang Ai replace Gomez in the 75th minute of the game.

   Seeing the No. 20 jersey wandering on the turf of the home court, Bayern fans are enthusiastic: in the first game you scored one in 5 minutes, in the second game you scored three in 15 minutes, and now it’s 15 minutes again, let’s have another hat trick!

  Wang Ai can't laugh or cry after hearing the fans' cries, but this is the style of the Germans. They don't like to be humble and humble. With the encouragement of the fans, Wang Ai decided to do things like Bayern!

In the 87th minute of the match, Wang Ai, who had been guarded for more than 10 minutes, finally got a better chance. When he was preparing to receive Muller's bottom pass, he suddenly changed direction and ran out first, then stopped and ran. Going back, the defense of the Hamburg defender beside him was slack. As a result, Mueller's pass arrived on time, and Wang Ai put his foot in the ball and turned the score into 6:0.

The ball was re-started. The beaten-down Hamburg team had a weak foot when attacking, and Tymoshchuk stole a pass. Wang Ai, who was standing in the center circle, turned sideways to the ball, and fell to the winger Luo. At this foot, Robben, Wang Ai and Olic fired three arrows together, and Mueller and Piggy followed behind him. In the Hamburg team’s highly defensive retreat, Robben made a sharp pass and Wang Ai met in front of the door. , Facing the attacking goalkeeper near the penalty point was another challenge, turning the score into 7:0.

  The Allianz Arena has once again become a boiling ocean. German old and young men are waving flags and jumping in the stands. Although the cheers are not as neat and artistic as the Italian fans, but the enthusiasm will flow down. Even the directors and senior executives in suits at Bayern are all smiling while standing in the middle of the stands.

  However, this is not the end.

  Wang Ai, who was originally ready to play in the 15th minute of the second half, warmed up in vain for a while, and then sat for more than ten minutes, which made him very ordinary when he first appeared on the field. Therefore, although there was a reason for the Hamburg team to guard against it in the first ten minutes, it was Wang Ai himself that was more important.

  His explosive kicking also requires a warm-up process.

  Now the warm-up has just been completed, but the game has entered stoppage time, and there are only two minutes in a hurry. He put all his body and energy into it, his body is highly excited, and his energy is highly concentrated. Although football is in the Bayern half, Wang Ai's footsteps on the forward line are moving all the time and doing it anytime, anywhere. Preparation for the response.

Just as the referee looked down at his watch, Bayern made a comeback and once again hit the front of the Hamburg penalty area. Muller with the ball cut across two steps and found that the chance was not good. A decisive cross was passed. Wang Ai, who had just moved in place, received the ball and faced the defender. With a belt under his feet, the body rotates, and after playing a Marseille round in the penalty area, he shoots to the bottom.


  This is Wang Ai’s hat-trick within 4 minutes after his debut. It executed Bayern’s big win to the last minute and burned the enthusiasm of the fans to the extreme.

  The audience on the sidelines cheered for the eighth time, the coaching staff substitutes on the sidelines embraced for the eighth time, and Heynckes on the sidelines scratched their hair for the third time: how to arrange the attacking power and the attacking players too fiercely?

  Hamburg’s tragic kick-off for the ninth time in this field, the ball has just been taken, probably because the referee could not bear to see such a massacre, decisively blew the final whistle, and the Allianz Arena became a sea of ​​joy. All the team members raised their hands to applaud from the stands almost at the same time. Wang Ai, who was too late to thank, also applauded with everyone, and then hugged with all his teammates.

Heynckes stood on the sidelines and slapped everyone one by one, saying some words of encouragement. When Wang Ai was here, Heynckes pointed at Wang Ai with a smile on his face, and Wang Ai smiled and spread his hands. It goes without saying.

  At this time, if the old handsome has troubles, it is also a trouble of happiness, and Zhao Xuri, who visits Wang Ai's house at night, is completely silly in two emotions.

   "Oh, your house is really big!" This is the first sentence of Zhao Xuri when he walked into Wang Ai's yard.

   "No way, the population is large." Wang Ai said indifferently: "Your performance today is not bad."

   "Let's pull it down, I asked you to pour eight." Zhao Xuri curled his lips: "I said it's over, you still pour in."

   "Aren't you not there?" Wang Ai said with a smile: "Don't tell you that you haven't understood the character of Germans in the Bundesliga all these years?"

   "Yes." Zhao Xuri shook his head: "Fortunately, I am not on the court with 5 balls."

  "Are you really not hurt?" Wang Ai said concerned.

"It was scary at the time, but it was okay, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come, am I?" Zhao Xuri shook his head indifferently, and when he met Huang Xin head-on, he immediately smiled: "Mr. Huang, Mr. Huang, I am Xiao Zhao! "

  Huang Xin exchanged with Leo Ni in 2007, and Zhao Xuri transferred to Tubingen in the second year. He was his old leader, although he was not very old, he still had a child in his arms.

Wang Ai has not officially announced the birth of Wang Sheng, just like he has not officially announced his girlfriend, but friends like Zhao Xuri are already good friends in the family, so he does not shy away from it. After the two have exchanged greetings, Wang Aicai Pointing to his son and said: "My son, his name is Wang Sheng. Son, this is your brother Zhao Xuri, hurry up and call."

  Zhao Xuri hasn't reacted yet: "Yes, hurry up and I will teach you to play football."

  Wait until he was finished, he realized that he was inferior, and gave Wang Ai two punches: "You are really good, my son is so old."

  Wang Ai glanced at Zhao Xuri: "It's age."

  Zhao Xuri sighed, he still has no girlfriend, and he is 2 years older than Wang Ai. He looks free and easy, but he is actually very strict, both to himself and others, and he has many visions and standards for choosing a partner. As a closest friend, Wang Ai is not very persuasive. Under normal circumstances, friends do not take the initiative to ask for help, or they are not going to fall into a big hole. Wang Ai will not interfere with friends' housework.

The barbecue grill in the backyard has been set up. Today, Hamburg lost too badly. Naturally, there are no parties. Bayern has parties, but Wang Ai successfully spread his image of "two bottles poured" through the party held by Ram last time. This group of Germans was dying and drinking, and Wang Ai was allowed to ask for leave, so neither of them had a meal. They happened to have a meal and a chat at home.

"Brother Zhao, you know." Wang Ai pointed to Zhao Dan who was flipping the barbecue grill. Zhao Dan was happy with Zhao Xuri. Zhao Xuri also nodded. He knew that this is not simple, but also quite mysterious, rare and curious Zhao Xuri. Didn't inquire much.

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