Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 39: Kaleidoscope (9)

"This is my elementary school classmate and my assistant, Li Jun." Wang Ai pointed to the small eyes that brought the dishes back and forth: "Sometimes you call me and he will answer them, but he knows you and won't delay. thing."

Zhao Xuri and Li Jun smiled again, and Wang Ai was pressed on a chair: "My house, I often entertain club teammates, but the national team entertains very few teammates. Most of you are in Germany, and I, Spain, Britain, Italy, this time it's fine, I also come to Germany."

   "I would rather you not come. You kick us when you go back and forth." Zhao Xuri vomited.

  While passing by, Shi Wenjun just smiled when he heard it. Zhao Xuri looked up at Shi Wenjun and then at Wang Ai. He didn't dare to confirm: "This, you are Shi Zong, right? I've seen you fool cup?"

  Shi Wenjun smiled and nodded: "Hello, Zhao Xuri, I have known you a long time ago, and Dr. Wang always talks about you."

  Zhao Xuri touched his head silly, and when he saw Wenjun was about to leave, he subconsciously said, "Let’s eat together?"

  When Wenjun waved his hand and left, Wang Ai explained: "She is getting pregnant."


   "Prepare to be pregnant."

   "Oh." Zhao Xuri nodded, and suddenly reacted: "Huh?"

  Wang Ai slanted his eyes, picked up a roasted chicken wing and stuffed it into Zhao Xuri's mouth: "Close your mouth."

   Zhao Xuri bowed his head obediently: "Wow, hot!"

  I listened to Wang Ai’s leisurely voice: “The good girl in this world, if you don’t hurry, you will be searched for by others. Anyway, I don’t think too much.”

  Zhao Xuri immediately felt that the chicken wings in his hand were not fragrant: "Hey, I didn't meet the right one."

Huang Xin took the children, Shi Wenjun, and a few female guards who don’t like barbecue opened another table in the room. The backyard is where people who love barbecue do their own things, but they all know that Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri have two. In other words, so no matter who baked it, he would send a portion to the brothers, and then they hid aside to talk, and the brothers left a meal to open their mouths.

Wang Aiqi opened two bottles of Tsingtao beer and handed it to Zhao Xuri. Usually the two brothers hardly drink, that is, some business occasions have to drink. Anyway, in recent years, Wang Ai saw Zhao Xuri drunk only once, that is, he won the World Cup last year. How hard is it to get this guy to drink.

  Half a bottle down, a few plates of barbecue, and the interest slowly rose. Zhao Xuri arched Wang Ai with his shoulders: "Boss, teach and impart experience, my mother is always anxious."

  Wang Ai casually said: "Finding a woman is like buying things. What you pay attention to is a relationship. Have you ever bought something?"

  Zhao Xuri gnawed abalone and nodded, then his eyes changed as if he was looking at an idiot.

Wang Ai didn’t care about him: “There is a situation that is very interesting. I have a relative. At that time, I was young and my family was poor. When the material comes to the price, I think about it all when I’m at home, and I must have the one that suits me best to maximize the value of these two money. But..."

  Wang Ai spread her hands: "She went to the mall to buy things, and went back nine times empty-handed, eh do you know why?"

  Zhao Xuri frowned: "It's not like that."

"Yeah." Wang Ai threw away a pig bone: "The idea is too specific, and it is often impossible to pick it. After all, no business is the roundworm in your stomach. Design a product that is not suitable for everyone's specific situation, but can fit the general situation of the general public to sell. Do you think this is the reason? I remember that you also thought about doing business for a while?"

  Zhao Xuri pondered and nodded: "So are people?"

  "Can't that?" Wang Ai raised the wine bottle and touched his buddies: "Aren't we all reading the same textbooks? Who teaches children not based on a standard that is suitable for the general public?"

   "Ke people have personality after all." Zhao Xuri retorted.

"That's right." Wang Ai nodded: "There may indeed be one that fits perfectly in the crowd, but the question is can you find it? You have also run training camps, so you should have noticed that 1.4 billion people speak of it. As long as your standards are fine, you will definitely find that there are not too many. How many talents can you find in such a huge training camp? Will you be able to play the national team in the future? You see, we are almost the biggest appeal, right? If it doesn't, it may be that among these 1.4 billion people, there really won't be any."

Zhao Xuri sighed: "I remember you used to say a truth on TV, that is, out of 100 teenagers who play football, one can enter a sports school, and one 100 who enters a sports school can enter a city team. Anyway, I Remember that you said in the end that one out of 20 million people can be selected to enter the national team, right?"

  Wang Ai nodded: "It seems so."

   Zhao Xuri shook his head: "I understand what you mean, then I... lower the standard?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "It's not to make you lower the standard, but to distinguish the priority. For example, you have to list some principled issues, which are what you don't want to kill you. List them all. Then list them again. Come out some things you can do, and finally list some things that you don’t think are important. Oh, I said, there is a criterion for this unimportant thing, that is, what are you looking for a woman for."

  Zhao Xuri shrugged his shoulders: "Why else? Wife."

"That's easy to say." Wang Ai patted Zhao Xuri on the shoulder: "What is my wife? From my professional point of view, one is population production and the other is material production. Population production is the business of the two of you, material production. In today’s society, production is husband singing and wife singing. Generally speaking, when our stars at least play football, their daughter-in-law will follow us to provide us with logistical support. Standard? What should be removed?"

Zhao Xuri put down the wine bottle and looked at Wang Ai. Wang Ai blinked: "Moral and character are the first, and it is also a matter of principle. After all, we make a lot of money. If we find a wrong mind, you will know that we It’s no different from ordinary people."

Zhao Xuri fell silent completely, his expression serious, as if thinking about the feelings of heaven and human beings, Wang Ai didn’t care about him. After a long time, he picked up the grilled shrimp again: "I have time to make a list. Boss, please help me see it. When you say I really have a sense of urgency."

"Yes, when you are 17 or 8 years old, you are all slippery, loyal and lovely. The older you get, the more hateful you are. Not only women, but men too. You always want the best, but you are also depreciating yourself. , The blossoms are worthy of being folded, and the branches should not be folded without flowers."

  Zhao Xuri suddenly laughed when he heard this: "Boss, how did you figure out so many things? But your house is... hehe."

   "Do you study philosophy?" Wang Ai shook his collar: "What can't you figure out?"

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