Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 40: Kaleidoscope (ten)

Zhao Xuri, who made Wang Ai show his face, snatched a bunch of meat from Wang Ai's hand, choked and knocked on his chest, and drank a big swig of beer: "Me, there are others, we guys When I grow up with you, I can be considered a battered skin. Anyway, you sneer, I should eat and drink."

  Wang Ai smiled, picking up a bunch of boiled mushrooms and dipping it in some sauce to eat.

  The night is breezy, except for the fluorescent lights above the backyard, only the sound of Kang Si occasionally sending some snacks. Looking up, the lights on the third floor of the house are all on, and occasionally sounds from the projection TV can be heard from the lobby on the first floor.

  The feelings of the two brothers are similar, it is rare to be quiet.

I don’t know when the wine bottles were replaced with coffee and tea. The brothers drank water, ate dried fruits, talked about the past, the present, and the future (read the third sound, otherwise the soul will be lost). People are all gone, brother. The two of them still have a strong chat.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, Wang Ai got up and took a football and two pairs of sneakers from the back door of the house: "Go, go for training."

  Zhao Xuri pointed to his nose: "I went to your house to be a guest from thousands of miles away. Even if you ask me to eat a barbecue, even if you ask me to train?"

  It is rare to say to Wang Ai that he is ashamed. After thinking about it, he asked back: "Why don't you train at this point?"

  Zhao Xuri slapped his **** with hatred: "Go, go, train!"

The two brothers walked out of the yard playing around and turned south into the quiet big forest. The evening breeze was cool and pleasant. Of course, Wang Ai didn’t run around, mainly to introduce this piece to Zhao Xuri. Forest. When it was almost time for a walk, I started jogging, and finally ran fast, and then took Zhao Xuri to the park on a large lawn in the forest to start practicing.

  At that time, the 84 young people of the country basically achieved a leap in personal value and personal achievement through Wang Ai's hands, but each person's personality is different, and naturally the relationship between each other is also far and near. Technically, the person who fits Wang Ai best is Chen Tao, but Chen Tao has become less talkative over the years, his personality is dull, and he can't chat with him. Zhou Haibin is more bored than him. Others, including Gao Lin, Zeng Cheng, and Mao Jianqing, have been Wang Ai’s followers since entering the country. At that time, as long as Wang Ai speaks, they just nod their heads to do so, whether it is football or life, even Dong Fangzhuo, who was rebellious in his early years.

  The only exception is Zhao Xuri. He probably had the best physical fitness when he was a junior in junior high school. He followed Wang Ai the most closely when he was training hard, so he didn't feel afraid of Wang Ai psychologically. So when it comes to chatting, he is the most able to chat with Wang Ai among the same group of people.

  The two brothers are on this grass, kicking and taunting each other while kicking the ball. This is not even training. Although they are sweating, they are just playing in Wang Ai's view.

  This game was played until the middle of the night, and the two went home happily. That night Wang Ai rarely went to the third floor but stayed in the guest room on the first floor to accompany Zhao Xuri in a room, talking until he didn't know when he would go to bed. Such an intimate performance surprised Li Jun, a bystander.

  Roben, who came to the house a few days ago, does not have this treatment. Li Jun remembered that Wang Ai said that Luo Ben was his good friend and teammate, but he only said one comment to Zhao Xuri and Wang Ai: good brother. At that time, Li Jun thought that Zhao Xuri was inferior to Robben. At this time, he only understood the difference between the two.

  I was speechless all night. The morning exercise was delayed the next day. Both of them woke up after 7 o'clock. They hurriedly ran outside and came back for dinner. After breakfast, Zhao Xuri planned to leave, and Wang Ai did not keep him. After all, he still had his business when he returned to Hamburg.

But it wasn't until this time that Zhao Xuri slapped his head, opened his bag and took out a "flashlight": "This is a kaleidoscope I made. I should have taken it out last night, but I forgot, hehe ."

  Huang Xin took it and fiddled with curiosity, and Wang Ai curled his mouth: "You did it on purpose. If I don't serve me well, you won't show it out."

   "I made it by myself!" Zhao Xuri emphasized: "It's not glass but tin foil inside. I worked a lot."

Without waiting for Wang Ai to continue taunting, Huang Xin put down the kaleidoscope and said happily: "Xiao Zhao, you are really troubled. It's rare that you have such a clever hand. I will play with him when the child stops biting things and tell him that you did it. of."

  Zhao Xuri chuckled, bent down and gently touched the delicate face of Wang Sheng who was sleeping in the stroller with the back of his fingers, and straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'm leaving."

  Huang Xin hurriedly said: "I have someone book a ticket for you, and let Wang Ai take you to the airport. You two will talk again."

  Zhang Guang drove, accompanied by Zhao Dan, accompanied by Li Jun, Wang Ai talked to Zhao Xuri about the recent national team race track on the way to Munich Airport: "Will you participate in the top 20 next month?"

   "Gao Gui did not say to let me go, but I may have to go to the scene, there should be me in the big list."

   "Alright, you can go back to Beijing when you have time. My second child is about to be born, just in the first few days of September."

  Zhao Xuri turned his head to look at Wang Ai in shock, and nodded in understanding after a while: "Okay, I will prepare another kaleidoscope."

  Wang Aihaha was happy, and when he arrived outside the airport, he dragged a suitcase from the car. Zhao Xuri took the suitcase and said, "Give me something delicious again?"

"What can I do for you?" Wang Ai patted his buddies on the shoulders: "Okay, let's go, I'm so happy that you can come here, but we all have our own business in front of us, when will we retire? That’s it, you can be together all day nonsense."

  Zhao Xuri shook his head: "If you really retired, you might not be in this mood. I think we have to think about something together after retiring."

   "Okay, study together when that time comes, and work together."

  Waiting for the small plane carrying Zhao Xuri to fly into the sky, Wang Ai's car had already returned, and when passing by a newsstand, he remembered that he forgot to buy it this morning, so he asked Li Jun to go down and buy a lot.

Turning to the sports section of a newspaper, Wang Aile is happy. This ingenious report is a small inventory of the three Bundesliga games that Wang Ai participated in. After all, he has now won the top scorer list with a total of 35 minutes of playing time. , People want to ignore but can't ignore it.

According to the report, Wang Ai’s seven goals so far have used seven different methods. The first is to spur a header, the second is to hit the goal inward, the third is to break through, and the fourth is to fish. Leap to the top, the fifth is a front shot, the sixth is a front shot, the seventh is a front shot...

"Dr. Wang did not accept our interview, so we don’t know if he is performing a technical demonstration. Although this season has just begun, I have already imagined the happy expressions of Bayern fans at the end of the season. They may never have been on a striker. Seeing such a colorful shooting performance."

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