Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Large is Chinese (1)

  After Zhao Xuri left, Wang Ai participated in the team training in the afternoon. The day after tomorrow, he will accompany the whole team to Zurich to participate in the second round of the UEFA Champions League qualifying round. At the Allianz Arena two days ago, Bayern defeated their opponent 2:0. In that game, in the second round due to injury, Muller had a poor side effect. Finally, Wang Ai came on the bench as the right winger. Robben, who felt huge pressure after completing a hat-trick in 15 minutes, played well. , One pass and one shot help the team win.

  Due to the weak opponent's strength and Bayern dominated the game, Wang Ai sat on the sidelines for 90 minutes and didn't get the playing time. At the end of training the next night, Heynckes hesitated for a moment and found Wang Ai to explain slightly: "It would be unthinkable if we were eliminated in the Champions League qualifying round. You saw it throughout the game. It was useless. Your chance."

  Wang Ai nodded in agreement. He has never had any in-depth exchanges with Heynckes. He is still fighting the old coach, and he always likes to use his tough performance on the field to "convince" the coach to give him playing time.

  I'm not in a hurry anyway.

  Now the second game is here, and Wang Ai still cannot confirm whether he has a chance to appear. But everyone in the family estimated that he would have to spend dozens of minutes on whatever he was doing, or they would not be able to explain everything. It's true that Bayern doesn't make much money on Wang Ai, but it's not that it doesn't make money. After all, his collective portrait rights are shared with Bayern. The club also needs to use him to enhance its radiation in China and Asia.

  Furthermore, even from the perspective of maintaining the status of the first shooter, we can't really shield Wang Ai. That way, even Heynckes could not explain to the club or to the fans.

  On the evening of August 22, the whole team, ready to go, landed in Zurich and drove to the hotel. At this moment, Wang Ai received a call from the Chinese Embassy in Germany, asking about Wang Ai's recent itinerary. Wang Ai didn't know, so he said as he remembered: "I will return to China after the 27th, and there is something about my family in the top 20. I will probably not be back until mid-September."

  After hearing this, the other party was silent for a while and then asked: "Dr. Wang, we want to arrange for you to participate in an event..."

  After talking for about five minutes, Wang Ai hung up the phone and went to the hotel to talk to Kang Si who had arrived first, and made some corrections to the next itinerary.

  Generally speaking, Wang Ai’s work schedule is relatively simple. Make a basic table based on the match time announced by the German Football Association, and then add various other activities to it. Including national competitions, invitations from Chinese organizations abroad, sponsor business activities, club business activities, charity activities, etc.

  Among them, national events are the first priority, as long as there are all other activities sidelined. The second priority is the official activities of Chinese agencies abroad. Embassies and consulates usually arrange for Wang Ai to participate in two activities. One is the leader's visit to the country where Wang Ai is located. Wang Ai will be the candidate to be interviewed, and the other is Cultural activities organized by representatives of traditional Chinese holidays and overseas Chinese students. Of course, there is another kind of temporary activity. Wang Ai can go or not.

  Because Wang Ai’s reputation is too high and the international influence is too great, so the foreign organizations use the card of Wang Ai not much, not more than ten times a year, which has no impact on Wang Ai. Therefore, Wang Ai is also basically there if you please.

  Sponsor activities are relatively large. Adi has a new product launch conference every year. Wang Ai usually participates in the country where he is located, usually one afternoon plus evening. In the afternoon, Wang Ai went to the event site as an endorsement star to interact with the fans. In the evening, there was a reception to interact with sponsors and other spokespersons, about a dozen times a year, except for summer and winter breaks. During these two periods, Wang Ai is often in the country and has nothing to do, so domestic sponsors often use this time to invite him intensively.

  There are no regular events in the schedule during the holidays, so Wang Ai can adjust freely here, and there is no pressure on work.

  There are fewer club activities and charitable activities. There are two main types of club activities, one is participation in sponsor activities and the other is charity activities, which are about once a month on average. Wang Ai's personal charitable activities are even fewer. The R Fund does not have much activity. It is generally a step-by-step investment. It is basically not necessary for Wang Ai to come forward in person. The situation of the Wang Fund is similar. Only Wang Ai comes forward for major events.

  So it is calculated throughout the year that the non-football public events that Wang Ai attended are not intensive, which is the guarantee of his exceptionally stable performance on the field. All parties who invited him to the event, whether it is the official or the sponsor, understand that his stable performance on the field is the guarantee of the effect of the event, so they all cherish the opportunity to invite him.

  This invitation is a temporary event of the overseas organization. Wang Ai agreed to it if it was necessary, and the embassy will arrange it temporarily.

  The next morning the whole team went to Zurich's Rozgrund Stadium to adjust the venue, and the game started at 8:45 in the evening. Wang Ai sat on the sidelines in a black away jersey and was accompanied by Robben, the "Old Sick". This guy was injured somehow after the last game. The club does not want him to be injured unless necessary. Simply put it on the sidelines as an alternative.

Soon after the opening game, Gomez scored a goal. Bayern's whole team continued the good form of the previous game. Muller, Ribery, and the piglets all performed wonderfully, but in the end they were almost a little too close to make an additional score. .

Wang Ai wanted to play in this game. In the Champions League last season, he played too few games. In the end, he lost the Champions League golden boots that he had held for five years. 13 total goals surpassed his 12.

  Although Wang Ai has strategically abandoned all major honours in 2011 under various subjective and objective factors, he still wants the Champions League golden boots. Even if goals in the Champions League qualifying match are not counted in the Golden Boot statistics, Wang Ai still needs to play more in the Champions League to get the club used to it.

  At the beginning of the transfer negotiations, Wang Ai had vaguely made this request with Bayern. Bayern let Wang Ai rest assured that he would never let him, the current striker with the number one goal in the Champions League, sit idle.

   So, at about 65 minutes into the game, Heynckes asked his assistant to notify Wang Ai to warm up. At this time the score on the field is still 1:0. Bayern is in a good state today, but luckily, it is always close to the goal.

After preparing for the event last night, Wang Ai stood on the sidelines and waited for the dead ball. At 10:08 pm local time, in the 23rd minute of the second half of the game, Wang Ai and Ribery shook hands on the sidelines and then walked onto the blanket-like stadium.

  In place of Ribery, Wang Ai knew that he was going to play the left wing without any explanation. He has played 4 games for Bayern so far, replacing Gomez in two games as a forward, and replacing Muller as a right winger in one game. This time it is the left winger's turn. He has become more of a substitute for Bayern's frontcourt.

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