Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 55: An Zhi Ruo Su (5)

Of course, Wang Ai and the mother of the child are the decision makers for the cultivation of the next generation, but the words of the elderly also have a great influence. After all, if people show you children and don’t take their opinions seriously, they will do their own thing, so it’s better to go and unanimously.

It's just that the matter at home is a little bit sensitive, Wang Ai and her children's mothers have never had a positive and in-depth exchange of important things. For example, is the child's registered permanent residence in the country or abroad? The identity of the child does not need to be protected. Is Wang Ai taking turns to marry the child’s mother to give the child a legitimacy? For another example, Wang Ai always wants to get married, right? With such a big celebrity, such a high profile, and the age, no matter what you are inside, you at least have a legal wife outside.

If you are an ordinary star, you can't avoid Wang Ai's level, or that his love life has never belonged to him completely. It is destined to be cared by the superiors and the people are happy, and it is impossible to keep it completely confidential. Wang Aineng said that according to his own will, he would rather pay a heavy price to maintain his freedom of feelings and marriage. He has reached the limit and will give an "account" to the outside sooner or later in the future.

Huang Xin doesn't fight, Lei Aoni doesn't, Shi Wenjun is obedient, Kang Si...has no right to speak. It seems that Wang Ai has settled this problem on the surface, but it is not. This is actually a problem that will never be settled. It can only be kept stable periodically. Otherwise, Kang Si will not go upstairs from 2003 to Wang Ai until 11 years. It is not known how long it will take to be a bed. .

In fact, it's not just her. If you count them carefully, Wang Ai and Huang Xin met in 1996 and only got together in 2009. Wang Ai and Leo Ni met in 2000 and only got together in 10 years. Wang Ai and Shi Wenjun have known each other in 1998, and they have been together for 10 years. They have gone through a long period of running-in and test, and even spent most of their youth. Only when values, emotions, experiences, future, and family all come together. Nowadays.

Wang Ai has dealt with these issues very carefully. In these long years, he has always been free to come and go, but in the end, just like Huang Xin said: We are all your admirers. Because of Wang Ai's unremitting efforts in school, football, and career, they have inspired them and made them peers.

However, all of this cannot ignore the human factor, that position is vacant, and all surrounding forces will be attracted. This is an objective law and is not subject to human will. Specifically, Huang Xin, Leo Ni, and Shi Wenjun all have their own defenses. They all learned the methods of Wang Ai to train their defenses, and they have gradually spread out. These are their respective hard-core supporters. More broadly speaking, beyond sports is Huang Xin's basic game. She originally represented Wang Ai in acquiring Liaozu, comforting the old, and leading the team. In addition to the last personal defeat and retreat, she played in Liaozu, Liaolan, Chaodian, and Liaoning. This department is very popular. Thunder and lightning flashed after Leo Ni went, making this nostalgia even more profound.

And Leoni’s basic game is in CY Sports. With her relationship in the German league and German politics, CY Sports, which is centered on the Tubingen youth, can’t get rid of Leoni’s influence. It’s not easy for Wang Ai to go there. .

Shi Wenjun’s basic game is in the dumb company, and the Zhou brothers are her iron rods. At the same time, her performance before and after the earthquake, and her performance in hosting the Stupid Student Fund for many years, were also highly appreciated by her superiors. In addition, when she took charge of the Alpine Light, she easily recovered the veterans represented by Liu Dingxiang.

Wang Ai hopes that his women can keep up with him and spare no effort to train them, so that these three ordinary girls have gone through many psychological tempers and growth, and finally become outstanding people. The jokes Wang Ai joked with Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun when he returned from Munich were not a joke. He was really worried. If such a woman fights, it's not the level of saying something bad behind her back. If she doesn't make a lot of trouble, she will make smoke everywhere, and her buttocks will catch fire.

Even if they listen to Wang Ai's words and can control their supporters not to cause trouble, they still have their own relatives and friends. Huang Xin's mother died a long time ago, his father is still there, Leo Ni's parents have no influence, but his brother is still there, Shi Wenjun has both parents. These die-hard supporters and loyal allies of Wang Ai in the past can stand on the opposite side of Wang Ai when their relatives are fighting with others.

No matter how many firewalls Wang Ai has set up, for example, he has decided to raise everyone's children and establish a relationship between mothers and children since childhood; he has decided to establish a family property management committee in the future, and set up a party committee in the management committee, and the superior will send someone to supervise this The development of a large family property; he has decided to set up a family foundation. Children who work in the company receive wages, and those who do not work receive living expenses.

But as long as that position is vacant, the potential crisis will continue to deepen.

In this family conversation, after Ai Xiaoqing said that he would rather his grandson be an ordinary person and not allow them to be crooked, Wang Ai fell into long-term thinking.

For a long time, Ai Xiaoqing sighed and asked tentatively: "You haven't been there?"

"What?" Wang Ai woke up and looked at his old lady: "What?"

Ai Xiaoqing shook his head: "Girls, you can't always hang them like this, you have to coax you anyway."

Seeing his parents were looking at him, Wang Ai relaxed and leaned on the chair and lowered his head.

After Leo Ni expressed her heart to him in Shenyang in the summer of 2007, he gradually realized what kind of crisis his greedy feelings might hide, and even earlier he had calculated that "dreams come true." How to ensure that dreams do not turn into nightmares afterwards.

His solution is to choose someone who can hold down others, do things fairly, and at the same time is not jealous, to sit in that position. In the end, he discovered that perhaps it was God's will in the dark, that person was right by his side, and he was someone who he didn't even know why he didn't forget, and there was something wrong with him, but he still subconsciously identified it.

She is only older than Kang Si, and there is no quantifiable support in her family. At the same time, she intervenes in the work at the latest. She just created the light of the Apennines and left. She still has a deep psychological gap that can’t be filled. Her attitude towards marriage is much more stubborn than Leoni’s kind of unmarried establishment under the influence of others. She is a family tragedy, profound destiny, and even unable to fill. Established by smoothing the scars.

Apart from the fact that she was raised by the Wang family, there is almost no trace of her in the five major systems of light industry, agriculture, sports, finance, and philanthropy. Many middle and high-level cadres don't even know her existence. Although Zhang Xiuyun and Liu Dingxiang have also taken up management positions, their foundations are too shallow and the number of people is too small, and they cannot be combined into a basic board.

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