Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 56: An Zhi Ruo Su (6)

But even with all the above-mentioned shortcomings, she has one thing that fits her best position, that is, she is not jealous, and even willing to share it with others. As early as two years before Leo Ni and Wang Ai made clear their minds, she had divided the territory with the lions in the hot springs of Aachen. So far, Wang Ai doesn't know how they talked, but there is no doubt that since then, she and Leo Ni have both acquiesced to or even explicitly stated the existence of each other.

Only with this kind of disposition can we put down the tenacious Huang Xin, the majestic Leo Ni, and the persistent Shi Wenjun, and only when she sits in that position can we dispel the ambitions of all forces and act honestly. Own business.

Different from outsiders, Wang Ai and Huang Xin, Lei Aoni, Shi Wenjun and even Kang Si are all clear that: She just debuted late, and she is probably the strongest among these people. Mo said that she almost created a huge Alpine Light that takes into account the European trade deficit and China's small commodity exports out of thin air. When she was in school in the early years, when Wenjun, who was in charge of the stupid company, was chased by opponents and faced collapse. At the moment, she came forward to think of a way, and finally saved the crisis.

In the next few years, she never made another move, but this scene left a deep impression on Wang Ai's family, Huang Xin, and Shi Wenjun. At that time she was just a high school student, she was just a little girl who was used to being shy. She had such an amazing performance, such an amazing insight, and an amazing calmness.

Some things are really congenital. If Huang Xin, Leo Ni, and Shi Wenjun all started from bronze and gradually turned into platinum and diamonds with a little bit of polishing, then she would be the king as soon as she appeared.

So no matter what the angle is, as long as she sits there, she can sit still. No matter how many people encourage them, Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun will not have ambitions. From Wang Ai's small home to this career, they can maintain stability and order. For all private companies, the most serious crisis has always been the issue of heirs, and it all comes from within. Even the stronger the outside, the greater the destructive power inside.

Whether Wang Ai, Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing, they all had to seriously consider this issue.

I don’t know whether character determines fate or fate determines character. Wang Ai’s choice, Huang Xin, Leo Ni, Shi Wenjun’s follow, and her background, after years of complex interactions, have formed the current situation. : That position will be resolved sooner or later, and from all aspects, the most suitable person to sit in that position is in self-exile.

"I'm worried." Wang Ai said for a long time, feeling a bit hoarse, so he coughed: "I am worried that she will be scared off again. Now she knows that Tang Mudan is the eyeliner of our family and will not expel her, and even voluntarily ran to Daqing. Going to work in my family’s company... It’s hard for me to tell what kind of state she is in now. Maybe she’s still not struggling. I just stay there and keep the peonies because we worry about her. If I rashly..."

Wang Ai sighed again: "I'm afraid she will be frightened again, and she will run out of sight."

Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing looked at each other. No one said, "It's hard to find a man with two legs." Wang Ai's wife is hard to find. High-ranking households can naturally adapt to this position, but the ambition and coveting of high-ranking households will naturally come with the arrival of marriage, and it is almost impossible to expel it. It must exist forever, and it may erupt at any time. It is difficult for small-minded households to have the mind and ability to manage this family business, and as Wang Ai becomes famous and his family business grows, all kinds of private means have to be guarded against. Domestic competitors, The white gloves of high-ranking families, the Xia Jiumen of the arena, and even foreign forces directly coming from hateful countries must be guarded against.

The older the rivers and lakes, the smaller their courage. The more methods I have seen, the greater the worry.

The couple who already have a certain height and position know that this kind of thing would rather be believed to be true than unreliable, and would rather expect the enemy to be lenient than to be negligent. Therefore, it was too heavy to say that she gave up and looked for a daughter-in-law who had been nurturing for many years and had seen her since she was a child.

Wang Ai is reluctant, and they are also reluctant, in terms of feelings, pros and cons, and in all aspects.

For a long time, Ai Xiaoqing thought about picking up the tea cup, took a sip and put it down: "It's cold!"

After finishing talking, I got up and returned for some tea. After sitting down, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Or, I'll go see her another day, she won't turn my face with my old lady."

Wang Ai opened his mouth to stop, but he remained silent. It has been two years since Wang Aicong and her have known each other for so long. Even when Wang Ai went to school at the National People's University and she was in Liaoyang No. 1 Middle School, the two of them communicated uninterruptedly. In the past two years, apart from occasional reports by Tang Mudan to let Wang Ai know about her, of course she could also know what Wang Ai was doing through media or corporate discussions, but the two never contacted him directly.

Of course Wang Ai was panicking, but the scene of her collapse two years ago frightened Wang Ai. Even now, even appearing in her dreams can make Wang Ai wake up. So Wang Ai stayed for two years: Fortunately, are people still there? Wang Aining can be slower and steady, let her slow down and adapt, and dare not approach rashly because of missing her. What happened two years ago must have impressed her very deeply. Who knows if she will be fertilized again because of Wang Ai's sudden approach? Isn't it still under control now?

Still Wang Bin said: "Don't worry. Since the child hasn't run, it means there is hope. You really want to go. What are you going to do?"

"I scolded her. I haven't had a phone call with me in two years. Have you forgotten me as an old lady?" Ai Xiaoqing said indignantly.

Wang Bin shook his head: "Yes! You are just pulling the child over, and she is not feeling overwhelmed. Then you will drive the child crazy again."

"Why is it so crisp?" Ai Xiaoqing defended, but his voice fell low.

Wang Ai looked good, and they looked good, and pityed her life experience. Finally, he got a family of three, a world-class world leader with resourcefulness, a deputy ministerial cadre, and a deputy of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. The chairman was helpless.

Throughout the ages, the most difficult thing is the human heart.

It can be regarded as a character who can make this family of three helpless. From this point of view, really worthy of Wang Ai.

"Let me take a look at what she has done in the past two years, and get all the data to analyze and analyze what stage the child is now, and then decide what to do." Ai Xiaoqing finished speaking and looked at the father and son. people.

Wang Ai thought for a while: "Tang Mudan is a good channel, but you must use it with caution. Because of her friend, she worked as a front-line operator from a privileged position. She stayed and guarded for two years... Alas! Chivalrous style. No matter what happens in the future, I have to be worthy of her."

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