Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 77: With Zheng He, with Qi Sheng (7)

The exuberant heart fire was not extinguished by the wind and snow in the courtyard, but at the moment when the door was opened, it was melted by Leoni, who was gentle and kind as the Virgin holding the Holy Child. Wang Ai was full of thoughts about working with her, and it was dispelled by his son's smiling face.

"I'm back?" Leo Ni gave a step sideways: "Come in, the temperature has cooled down these days."

"Yeah." Wang Ai's towering chest flattened slightly, and he untied his collar as he walked in the door. Leoni obediently took the coat from behind and hung it on a hanger on the side.

Wang Ai turned around and rubbed the child's face and small hands with his fingers. The child looked at the stranger in front of him. It was probably his gentle expression and some smell that made the child not afraid, but not interested.

Wang Ai raised his head and approached Leo Ni's face, and the two tall people put their foreheads on their foreheads and looked at each other silently until they smiled together.

"Go take a shower, the water is ready."


After a while, Leo Niu generously walked into the bathroom, took off her coat and stepped into the bathtub, squirted on her body and lay down halfway: "I heard that the white fish is not pregnant yet?"


"Look at me?" Leonie straightened her waist and pointed to her lower abdomen: "The stretch marks are gone, shall we have another one?"

"Policy forbidden."

"I'm a foreigner!"

"Is the child a foreigner?"

"Oh." Leo Ni sat down again, feeling uncomfortable, and then turned to leaning against Wang Ai's chest, holding his hand on her body: "Little white fish shouldn't have a problem. Did you go to the hospital to check it? "

"It's just a little anxious." Wang Ai took the towel cushion behind him, then lay his head back on the edge of the bathtub: "She is different from you. She is very traditional in her bones."

"I'm slutty." Leo Ni swayed her head from side to side and stroked Wang Ai's pectoralis major with her golden-brown hair: "Hey, which one do you like? Is it the most sultry to say the slutty? "

Wang Ai chuckled and hugged her a little bit tightly: "She will be up soon before coming. I feel that this time is almost the same."

There was a silence for a while, the water temperature was a bit cold, Leo Ni laughed: "You feel comfortable when your body softens."

Wang Ai hummed in a low voice, and Leo Ni sighed: "I only realized the high-level guidance thing today, and I am also to blame for not being vigilant."

"How can I blame you? You can't be idle during the maternity leave. It's my job to help me with this and that. The high-level guidance is my business after all."

"How did you talk to Senior Director?"

Wang Ai let out a long sigh after hearing the sound, probably his exhaustion was finally washed away by warm water and warmth: "I haven't been so angry for a long time, and nothing has made me so angry for a long time. Alas, the reason is the same as one plus two. simple."

"Yeah, I understand. You and Gao Zhishou and teachers and friends have supported each other, tolerated each other, supported each other, and fought side by side for so many years." Leo Ni grasped Wang Ai's hand and fiddled with his fingers: "But I I think you shouldn’t worry too much. It’s ridiculous to have good grades and no other problems, just relying on hearsay reasons. No matter how aggressive they look, they are ultimately weak."

"Yeah." Wang Ai let out a long sigh: "But they hit my bottom line. It may be that the more famous, the bigger the temper, the more arrogant and arrogant I am. Anyway, I understood Yu Ming at Munich Airport. After the reminder, a fire rushed to the forehead, and the feeling is still there now."

"The brain hurts?" Leo Ni said humorously in Sichuan dialect.

"Hehe, it's a bit." Wang Ai finally relaxed in consciousness, but when he felt relieved, the beauty was resurrected with the suppressed impulse just now.

Leoni was keenly aware of this movement, so she turned around and moved around twice and sat down slowly: "It's been more than half a year, check the degree of wear and tear."

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "The day is too close, maybe you are in good health, but you should be careful."

"Well, I just feel it." After that, Leoni raised her chin: "You see, I haven't moved."

I can't say, but the water waves in the bathtub still rippling gently.

"You know, you have a special temperament that will make people subconsciously like to stay by your side." Leo Ni is like a mermaid out of the water, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Maybe because I rarely get angry?"

"No." Leo Ni bowed her head and kissed Prince Ai's mouth: "You have never been with me. You are happy, you work hard, and you are sober. You won't go wrong by your side, and you won't be bored. No matter it is Sunny or cloudy, it’s always beautiful."

"That's right for you too. My life is very boring for many similar people. Except for reading and training, it is totally uninteresting. I have never even sent you flowers, and jewelry seems to have only been given once?" Wang Ai thought of this and laughed, "I'm a jerk, right?"

"The liar is the bastard." Leo Ni said proudly: "Before I met you, I never accepted charity, never accepted pity. I think the education of Chinese girls is wrong, whether it is traditional Chinese Virtuous and good-natured, or a British gentleman, are both culturally castrated the female spirit. Greenhouse flowers cannot withstand wind and rain, and women who lack exercise will surely lose out in various competitions in adulthood and become appendages of men. I think the spirit of Ms. Shen Jilan and Ms. Guo Fenglian is the correct socialist education for women."

Wang Ai listened admiringly to this exotic little lion giving a speech in his arms, and when she finished speaking, she said amusedly: "If we have a daughter, how about nurturing?"

"It's not just our daughters, all your daughters should be like this."

"Don't you think it's inappropriate to discuss such noble things in our... relationship?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Leo Ni lowered her head and looked at Wang Ai strangely: "I think you are too deeply bound by traditional Chinese morality. I ask you, what will the communist relationship between the sexes look like?"

Wang Ai was taken aback when he was asked: "Where did I think about this?"

"No, you should think, Confucius said that food **** is also very deep, even in communist society, the survival of individuals and the continuation of species are still the most profound tasks in our genetic code." Leo Ni was serious: "So , You should think about it, I thought about it anyway."

Wang Ai opened his hands and said, "Master Hartman, please tell me."

"Love is driven by reproductive needs, but it is finally a spiritual fit. You have said that morality, like all superstructures, comes from the material foundation and is the construction of a social rule that is most beneficial to human beings. Then around marriage What about the morality? Whether it is polygamy, polyandry, or monogamy, is it?" Leo Ni asked sharply.

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