Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 78: With Zheng He, with Qi Sheng (8)

Wang Ai frowned and thought: "It stands to reason that productivity promotes changes in social patterns, and changes in social patterns evolve moral standards. In primitive communism, matrilineal clan polyandry is moral. Later, polygamy is also moral, and then to capitalism and society. Doctrine, morality becomes monogamous. You mean, communism will change?"

"I dare not make a conclusion, but is there any possibility of change?" Leoni opened her eyes wide, as excited as a philosophical debate: "I think there is!"

"What about the evidence?"

"For the future, anyone can only guess from a few signs." Leoni shook her head: "But I did find some evidence of tendency. For example, people have invented many alternative tools, such as artificial uterus, such as Drones, 3D printing, robots, artificial intelligence, do you know what this means?"

Wang Ai pondered for a while: "The relationship between the sexes is weakened?"

"It will not be weakened. After all, the difference between the body and genes is deeply ingrained. Humans have evolved from single cells to advanced mammals. The relationship between the sexes has existed for at least 1.8 billion years from our humans, even for very low-level organisms. So it is predictable. The future of the two sexes will not disappear, unless it is a very distant future. Since the material basis is such, then there is still complementarity in consciousness."

"What do you mean is that the demand pattern of the relationship between the sexes will change? Free from sexual demand, it will become a deeper physical and psychological need, so that the pattern of love will change?"

"Yes." Leo Ni nodded happily: "This is my speculation. In a communist society, women are unlikely to use their body's womb to get pregnant, and even **** life may be completely replaced. The relationship between the sexes will change. For pure spiritual connection, psychological needs."

"What about the family? If children are produced socially, for example, parents provide genetic genes to ensure the continuation of some genes, targeted disease prevention, talent discovery, and of course the genetic diversity of the human species itself, what about families? ?"

"I am afraid it will be open-ended." Leoni shrugged: "The material is extremely rich. The family no longer has the material production function, the technology is highly developed, the family no longer has the sexual demand and the stable supply function, and the family model will inevitably be more Awareness. A person can be loved by multiple people, can love multiple people, family relationships are no longer monogamous at this stage, and morality will also change in accordance with this trend."

As Wang Ai thought, he subconsciously turned on a little hot water, and then he woke up: "You said so much to get me out of my moral guilt? You are telling me that I, an individual, has entered communism. Doctrine? In spirit?"

Leonie smiled and shook her head: "Of course it’s not really entering, it can only be regarded as pseudo-communism. But you can’t deny one thing. Of course, you and me, who grew up in rich Europe, are better than many people in thought and behavior. Especially people in developing countries are closer to communism. After all, highly developed productivity is the most fundamental feature of communism, so in a relatively developed productive environment, human consciousness and social rules will be closer to communism. And you , Better than most Europeans."

Wang Ai nodded, and Leo Ni immediately said: "There is another evidence why you made a large donation. I can understand self-protection in the early years, but now? Do you still need self-protection? Maybe you need it, but no. Is it so urgent? My analysis is that you grew up under the classic socialist education, and then you quickly entered the material civilization environment with extremely developed productivity in your youth, so that your thinking progressed quickly and passed the intermediate stage."

Wang Ai nodded in sigh: "It's amazing to be able to say **** so fresh and refined!"

Leoni laughed and threw a hammer on Wang Ai several times: "That's why I like you. You will use a short sentence to tease many people. There are several levels in the words. But you said, Is this a kind of spiritual love? A Platonic? Is there any truth to my speculation? Will the relationship between the sexes and love under the communist environment become like this?"

Wang Ai thought about it seriously: "Well, it's a very valuable hypothesis. It also gave me an idea of ​​why the bottom of society is morally conservative, and the higher the top, the more open."

"you say?"

"The bottom layer is the one with less resource allocation and poor resistance to risks. Therefore, after the huge changes in social rules such as morality, it is difficult for them to resist and make up for the losses caused by turbulence. And morality will provide them with the most basic needs to meet. For example, the morality of monogamy will restrain people like me, leaving some to the bottom. And people like me will instinctively regard morality as a bondage, and break free consciously or unconsciously."

"Meat eaters despise."

"Yeah." Wang Ai nodded, "Since then, this sentence has a class character...not only class is conscious, but class is also present."

After that, Wang Ai looked at Leoni seriously, and Leoni smiled sweetly: "I know I know that humans cannot exist beyond history, and humans cannot exist beyond the stage of development they are in. Our discussion just now was purely academic. On a level, I don’t intend to make it a code of conduct for me and my children."

"Yes." Wang Ai nodded: "No matter what it exists, it is wrong today, and today's view of right and wrong is also right. We are living in the 21st century, not the 31st century. So, alas! Our home will be out. There are a lot of rich second-generation people. If they do anything wrong, I will go to the newspaper to sever the relationship between father and son. I will amend his will and let him fend for himself."

"So cruel?" Leonie tilted her head and smiled.

"Isn't the death penalty cruel?" Wang Ai shook his head: "Human society must protect itself through punishment. The same is true for our little family. It's just that lynching and patriarchal law are immoral, but expulsion is still possible."

"Well, but I remind you that when our children start to doubt their family relationship, your education will make the children come and condemn you one by one." Leoni solemnly said.

Wang Ai froze for a moment, then blinked and nodded: "Wrong is wrong. If children can learn from their fathers, my dad won't be in vain. Besides, I don't think children will be because of this. Just deny me completely, right? A flawed father is real."

"You are so cruel, both to the child and to yourself."

"Just be nice to you?" Wang Ai stood up holding Leo Ni, "Thank you for discussing academic issues with me, and comforting my two anxieties."

"What about physically?" Leo Ni hugged Wang Ai's neck and smiled: "Should you move?"

"We are already in communist love. We don't need to move."

"But I haven't arrived yet!"

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