Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 79: With Zheng He, with Qi Sheng (9)

After Wei Di received clear opinions and action guidelines, Wang Ai didn't delay much, and started thinking about it that night. In the current confrontation, businessmen can have contacts with the Football Association and the senior management. Only the professors supported by the reporters have caused the elders to have a terrible headache. Can agitate the fans.

On the afternoon of the third day, in the dressing room before the upcoming battle of the tower, Wang Ai felt that he still couldn’t keep secrets too much. He wanted to give everyone a little confidence, so he took advantage of Lao Gao to finish the decoration. Stand up in the crowd when you go out.

"What are you worried about lately? I know." Wang Ai caught everyone's attention with a single sentence, including Tang Yaodong, Su Maozhen, Li Xiaopeng, Ou Chuliang, and Fan Zhiyi, whose nose was not ventilated: "But I What I want to say is that everyone’s responsibility is to prepare for the game with peace of mind, to play with peace of mind, and to play the style of our world champion."

"Old, boss..." Hao Junmin stammered.

Wang Ai shook his head at him: "What I can tell you now is that I believe in the organization and the superior."

The coaches were silent, and his teammates looked at each other, and finally Zhao Xuri smiled reluctantly: "Boss, you talk like this... Don't be official."

Wang Ai's expression is complicated: "What the high-level coach can carry, no others need to carry it. I can carry it. You don't need to carry it. You are the hole card. Besides, this national team is just a part of everyone’s football career, and everyone has their own future. I won’t talk about it in the game, but I’m the same. But you’re different. It’s a multitude of things. Maybe you will eat at any place in the future. We don’t want you to be innocent until we don’t use you for the time being. You’re offending people. So, do your job well and...keep silent before getting my clear request!"

The room was very quiet. After a while, Zheng Zhi in the crowd unexpectedly raised his head: "Captain Wang, if you want to say that, we really can't say anything, but let me say something on behalf of myself. I don't want Gao Gui to leave. ."

"Boss, boss..." The teammates scrambled to speak.

At this time, Zhou Haibin stood up and walked to Wang Ai and pressed his shoulders: "Boss, then you can resist. Anyway, you have been carrying things all these years. But you have to remember that you really can't hold on that day. , Don’t forget, you still have a bunch of brothers."

Gao Lin sat in the crowd with his arms folded: "Our relationship with Gao Gui is no different from the boss. As for offending people or something, I don't care much. Without Gao Gui and you, can we have a world champion? We? Can there be an Asian champion? How come we are geniuses? There are not even 23 players from 84 countries!"

Yang Hao, the captain of the 84th national team who returned to the national team, said dullly: "You have a bunch of good brothers, but Gao Gui also has children."

"Okay, okay, everyone." Wang Ai sighed and smiled: "Although the matter is bad, it is not that serious. I am trying to find a way and I am doing things. So everyone still plays their own game. The opponent's strength is nothing. But everyone must concentrate on completing the tactical arrangements of the coaching staff without getting injured. From now on, everyone’s attention will be on the World Cup in Brazil in three years. I can honestly say, why do I have to do this? Because , I still want to win the championship, and I didn't get enough once! I think the Hercules Cup has been exhibited in China for four years, too little, and I have to come for another four years!"

"Yes!" The teammates high-five one after another: "Come on for another four years!"

"I didn't get enough!"

"At that time, let's see who will say that high-level guidance is not good!"

When Lao Gao came back from the outside, the dressing room was boiling over, making him inexplicably: I am going to step down, are you so happy?

Fan Zhiyi swayed over with his shoulders and smiled: "These guys let go, they want to win the world championship again."

Lao Gao, with one hand in his pocket, laughed, and calmly said to everyone, "Have you remembered the arrangement just now?"

"Remember!" everyone echoed loudly.

Lao Gao was silent for two seconds and turned to one side: "Let's go, then go on."

The team members filed out, and Tang Yaodong walked to Lao Gao and pressed Lao Gao's shoulder admiringly: "The one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!"

When the people were gone, Lao Gao blinked suspiciously, then shook his head: Forget it, I'm already lying flat, haven't I?

Today's Chinese team is still a semi-main lineup, and Wang Ai has only played halftime. He is used to dealing with a world-class midfielder and central defender. He has no pressure to face even the top Asian opponents. , He scored 4 in the first 20 minutes, and he got 4 chances in the first 20 minutes. When he jumped from the penalty area one after another with a cautious attitude of "good completion of tactical arrangements," his opponents simply couldn't stop him.

Wang Ai can't remember the last time he was in the national team's big four, but he remembered that the header was the only big four. The opponent's weak body, rough technology, and of course the loss of confidence before the start of the game, all made Wang Ai in a strange feeling of "beating up a child".

Against the backdrop of the excited fans and cheering reporters, Wang Ai became vigilant: if he gets used to abuse of food and vegetables, the competition will not be able to stand up to it.

So even if Lao Gao doesn't change him, he doesn't want to play.

Gao Lin, who replaced Wang Ai in the second half, also added an extra goal and scored a goal with Wang Xinxin, finally defeating his opponent with a 6-0 disparity. However, the Tajik fans did not show any hatred. After the game, the Tajik National TV reporter on the sidelines asked questions very friendly. Looking at the happy opponent who exchanged jerseys with the Chinese team players, Wang Ai understood. .

The opponent is using the Chinese team as a star team... But yes, isn't the world champion a star team? Or last year's world champion?

Besides, the Chinese team released at least 45 minutes in this game. In the last 20 minutes of the first half and the last 25 minutes of the second half, the Chinese team simply did not organize the offense seriously. They have been dribbling in the midfield and used the opponent's attack to hone. Defensive system. This can be seen by opposing coaches, players, fans, and reporters.

So the score is very disparity, but half of the world champion playing the Asian mid-lower team, this is a manifestation of strength. Of course, you can't avenge this kind of friendly attitude that doesn't need to be stated.

Leaving from Tajikistan in the icy and snowy area, the team flew directly to the warm spring Guangzhou and was greeted by a large number of fans at Baiyun Airport. The fans have the simplest minds. As long as the national team doesn't jump back, they think that the scolding of Lao Gao is nonsense and nonsense. So it was not affected at all, and the welcome ceremony was very warm.

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