Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 107: Why scream and walk slowly (7)

The plane traversed the Eurasian continent. In the first class, Wang Ai and his party were asleep except for Huang Xin. Wang Sheng inherited her mother's good upbringing, and found that his father and a lot of uncles were sleeping, so he silently played with his own in the stroller without making a sound.

I slept until dawn, and after seeing the time there was about an hour to land, Wang Ai took the child to the bathroom instead of Huang Xin, and washed his face by the way. At this time, following the bright sky outside the window, a passenger on the same plane finally discovered the existence of Wang Ai, and people immediately greeted everyone. Wang Ai also warmly greeted everyone.

Regarding the child in his arms, Wang Ai did not shy away from it, and certainly did not "show" him. Instead, he put him in the stroller and came back to chat with everyone. It was the first time that many people knew that Wang Ai had a child. Some people might still know Huang Xin, but no one asked.

When I first met with a superstar like Wang Ai, everyone wanted to know more about it, or that Wang Ai himself paid much more attention than his family members, even children who were completely unknown to the outside world.

Just like this, while chatting and occasionally taking photos with autographs, the end of the journey arrived. After saying goodbye to the flight attendants politely, Wang Ai's family walked out of the airport and quickly boarded the car from home.

It was cold in Munich at six in the morning. After the car drove into the Samaritan Manor, Zhang Guang, who came back early, had already prepared breakfast. As Shi Wenjun and Kang Si stayed in the country, the once bustling home was quiet a lot. Only Wang Ai and his six guards, one assistant, Huang Xin and her four guards, one son, and 14 people.

After breakfast, Wang Ai quickly entered the state and took the ball to the quiet artificial forest to the south to adapt. Although the morning and night exercises were still maintained during this period of time in China, the training during the day was inevitably reduced, and the biological clock was completely different. The rhythm of the eight districts, this must be re-adjusted back.

The University of Munich has a few days to start. During the New Year, there is a half-month holiday for Christmas and New Year, and then a half-month winter break at the end of January. The former and the winter break roughly coincide, so Wang Ai did not delay a few days. Class, there is no need to worry too much about the mathematics exam questions that make him headache. So he went to Bayern headquarters in the morning to sell his leave to Heynckes.

After getting the physical data of Wang Ai’s test, the old man expressed satisfaction. Although the weight has slightly increased compared to before the holiday, this increase is understandable considering that it is a traditional Chinese festival and Wang Ai’s status as a superstar. You can recover soon.

"Did you watch the last game?" Putting down Wang Ai's medical report, the old man asked calmly.

"Look, everyone is tired of playing, and the other party is more prepared than us." Wang Ai said bluntly.

The old man nodded: "You are on the big roster for the night game. Under normal circumstances, I won't want you to play, but I don't rule it out. Can you?"

"Except for the exhaustion of jet lag, there is no problem." Wang Ai also replied directly.

Around 9 o'clock, all the players on the training ground came, and Wang Ai just took a look and turned home. The old man watched the players' eyes watching Wang Ai leave, keeping his eyes out of sight and out of mind. In this fight about Wang Ai's morning time control problem, he has already lost, and even hasn't won from the beginning, he is just uncomfortable.

After going home and reading a book for a while, Wang Ai felt sleepy and talked to Huang Xin. He came to the second bedroom and fell asleep until lunch. In the afternoon, I went to the club to participate in the pre-match tactical training. Wang Ai felt that he was in a good state. After eating a nutritious meal at the headquarters at 3:30, he boarded the club's bus with everyone and went to the Allianz Stadium.

For the first time today, the new defending gold element accompanied the club to the stadium, sitting in the bus that followed the club in Ivecury. After arriving at the underground parking lot of the stadium, watching the players talking and laughing in turn, they got off the car, followed by Zhao Dan and Liu Liang, and silently followed the players into the stadium and guarded near the locker room.

Under the leadership of two professional guards, Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan, Wang Ai's defense usually has a temperament that is completely invisible at ordinary times. The advantage of concealed defense is that it can both paralyze opponents and prevent ordinary people from being disgusted.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Wang Ai was sitting on the bench wrapped in a long down jacket, surrounded by Olic, Alaba, and Gustavo.

Today’s opponent is Wolfsburg. Bayern’s defeat in the last game has completely awakened Bayern. Heynckes used this defeat to strengthen his coaching authority in turn, so this game seemed full of spirit from the beginning. .

Wolfsburg hardly made any threatening attacks, but managed to maintain Bayern's powerful offensive. Not to mention luck, the first half maintained a 0:0.

When Wang Ai, wearing a woolen hat and wrapped in a down jacket, returned to the dressing room, he found that the atmosphere was a little dull. Ribery and Robben, who usually love to play, did not speak, and Gomez's expression was lighter. When Wang Ai moved towards his position, he understood for a moment. After the loss of the last game, criticisms from inside and outside the team continued, including Neuer, Ram and others in the media who made self-criticism to the fans. Apologize.

This is a rare phenomenon, so everyone is under a little psychological pressure. Although the situation was good in the first half, no goals were scored.

When Wang Ai closed his eyes and looked back at the first half of the game, the locker room door opened, and Heynckes walked into the locker room, looking at the nervous eyes of the players, and commented calmly.

His comments distracted everyone's attention, and at the same time kept the slight nervousness. After the second half of the exchange of venues, Bayern's offensive remained unchanged, while the overall organization was still relatively tight. This situation finally blossomed in the 59th minute of the game. As a result, Gomez successfully volleyed in front of goal.

Heynckes breathed a sigh of relief, and Wang Ai also breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that he doesn't need to go on his own. Fortunately, today's state is average, it is difficult to say whether he can score a goal.

Sure enough, after more than 20 minutes, Bayern added another goal and kept the score of 2:0 to the end.

In addition to slightly less score, but from the collective to the individual, from the tactics to the scene of the overall victory, the team got rid of criticism from the outside world, and also allowed the team to adjust the lineup more calmly.

A week later, the whole team went to Hamburg where Wang Ai’s national teammate Zhao Xuri was located to start the Bundesliga’s North-South derby. Before the game, Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri had an appointment to visit his home in the evening of the game. The two brothers exchanged some things about domestic football the opinion of.

In this game, Wang Ai is still arranged to play as a substitute, but he knows, Heynckes knows and even the outside world knows, he is definitely going to play.

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