Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 108: Why scream and walk slowly (8)

Zhao Xuri started in Hamburg as the main midfielder and cooperated with his teammates in the first half to lead Bayern 1-0. From the perspective of the situation, the two sides have offense and defense. Bayern is a little impatient and many attacks are not very threatening. On the contrary, Hamburg has played steadily and the threats are very direct.

After another ten minutes in the second half, there was still no improvement. Heynckes turned his head and pointed at Wang Ai seriously. Wang Ai immediately took off his down jacket and ran along the edge of the court to warm up. A few minutes later, he and Kroos appeared on the sideline at the same time, shook hands and ran into the field.

Heynckes temporarily retreated Mueller to the backcourt to play midfielder, and pushed Wang Ai to the front to play midfielder. The tactical intention was very clear: **** it!

Wang Ai naturally tried his best to embody his role, but he was stubbornly blocked by Zhao Xuri.

Wang Ai, who has changed clubs in three or two years, has limited everyone's understanding of him, and also brought him a broad tactical vision and high adaptability to different teams. But Wang Ai can't change the country, so Zhao Xuri's understanding of him is beyond imagination.

In the national team, Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri have the most duels, one offense and one defense. Although Zhao Xuri has the upper hand, it is only one or two of the times, but Wang Ai’s offensive speed can be delayed, occasionally. There were also successful steals, which made it difficult for Wang Ai to pass Zhao Xuri's midfield interception within ten minutes after he came on the court, and it also made the substitution unexpectedly not immediately effective.

The Hamburg fans gave Zhao Xuri a round of applause. After Wang Ai was intercepted by Zhao Xuri in the 70th minute of the game, he had to transfer the ball to Robben on the wing.

The offense and defense of the main front and back waist of the World Cup champion last year gave the Hamburg team the dawn of blocking superstars and incredible shooters...Unfortunately, this dawn was extinguished within ten minutes.

In the 71st minute of the game, Bayern counterattacked and Ribery made a surprise attack from the wing. Wang Ai did not respond in the midfield, but ran into the penalty area with speed. Zhao Xuri chased after Muller, who was afraid to follow up. After hesitating, Wang Ai received a cross from Ribery in the penalty area, jumped extremely high, "slapped" a header with Taishan's top pressure, and chased the score to a 1:1 tie.

After the kick-off, the offense and defense of both sides became more intense, Wang Ai began to move in a wide range, and his shadow was everywhere in the frontcourt, playing the role of free agent in the frontcourt. The Hamburg team has not made up their minds to liberate Zhao Xuri, so that in 78 minutes of the game, Schweinsteiger launched a quick counterattack with a big foot in the back. Wang Ai instantly changed from front midfielder to forward, sweeping like wind. Passing by Zhao Xuri, the wind pierced the Hamburg defender's line like the wind, and got the football more than 40 meters away from the goal. Facing the goalkeeper who was about to attack, Wang Ai's speed was unabated and his waist was twisted sharply.

Watching the game immediately became excited. This is the pendulum-style extraordinary and unsolvable method pioneered by Ronaldo and learned by many stars, except for his own physical fitness.

Wang Ai, who is more than 10 centimeters taller than Ronaldo, started this movement with a greater natural range. He lowered his upper body to ensure that the center of gravity remained in the middle of his body, and at the same time gave his legs full freedom. Both left and right are true. Yes, it depends on where the goalkeeper's center of gravity goes.

In the end, the goalkeeper randomly chose a direction to pounce in despair, and he was easily avoided. At his fallen foot, Wang Ai easily pushed.

"It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Wanger's pendulum pendulum?" Duan Xuan said in the live broadcast: "Maybe it's because there is no need for such a burdensome way, maybe because the team's tactical organization is relatively strict. Need or lack of opportunities for individuals to perform so passionately?"

"Both, hehe." Zhang Lu laughed: "But I feel that his action is more beautiful than before? Did you feel it? It feels that he used to do it harder, that is, he does not move, and his legs go back and forth. Move, and now, eh, the German TV station is really good, it has released his previous pendulum style."

"Really." Duan Xuan said in surprise: "Not only is the action now more beautiful, but also more confusing."

Wang Ai, who was celebrating with Gomez in the field, did not know the surprise discovery of his motherland commentators. It was not until the 2:1 score was maintained to the end that he unexpectedly heard in the locker room during a telephone interview after the game: " Really? Haha, maybe it’s because I practiced yoga? I feel that my body’s flexibility is better than when I was a child."

When the team returned to the hotel and asked Heynckes for leave to arrive at Zhao Xuri's home, the answer to this question was different: "Can it be the same as when we were young? Did we have women when we were young?"

Zhao Xuri rolled his eyes: "Don't show off with me? I have a girlfriend now."

"Yeah? Who has such a bad look?" Wang Ai asked strangely.

"Didn't you urge me? More anxious than my mother!" Zhao Xuri looked anxious.

"Why do you regret it? A big man and a big girl when married, you are a big star and old single, which will make people doubt the sexual orientation of our national team!" Wang Aizheng said.

"...I fight you against me!"

The brothers had a fuss for a while before eating and talking. Wang Ai only knew that Zhao Xuri's girlfriend was a Chinese student studying in Hamburg. Because Zhao Xuri is the most famous Chinese in Hamburg, he naturally had many opportunities to contact him. Since the teammates have been with Wang Ai since they were young, they will naturally learn from him in everything. For example, the good relationship with China's foreign affairs is not Wang Ai alone, but the entire group of people.

Zhao Xuri maintained a good working relationship with Chen Hongmei, the previous Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Hamburg, and Yang Huiqun, the current Consul General, so he met many good girls with good family backgrounds, reliable politics, and reliable character. After talking with Wang Ai, he bravely got on the line with one of the girls who looked pleasing to the eye and chased him fiercely.

According to Zhao Xuri, it has just been two months now, so the girl has not moved to his house.

Wang Ai was naturally relieved to hear such news and asked about the relationship of other teammates. Zhao Xuri was no longer ashamed. As a result, he found out that he was the last one to have a girlfriend, so Zheng Zhi didn’t need to say anything. Now, the children are quite old. Zhou Haibin, Gao Junmin, and Chen Tao are all planning to get married this year, but Wang Ai is the first of the 85 National Youth Group to have children.

"Get married this year? Why didn't anyone tell me? Aren't you afraid that I won't have time?" Wang Ai got interested, took out his laptop from Li Jun, opened the chat group, and said to his teammates: "They are all getting married this year, you are afraid of the world. No one will give you a certificate if it is destroyed, right?"

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