Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 116: The door of miracles (6)

On the eve of the game, Feng Xiaoting and Hao Junmin greeted the boss in the group at the same time. Among them, Feng Xiaoting's position is relatively stable. Hao Junmin is currently almost as the main substitute, but it is a pity that Feng Xiaoting is injured and Hao Junmin has a cold. When the two teams met in the first half, Feng Xiaoting caught a cold and Hao Junmin was injured...

"Are you two afraid of me getting to this point?" Wang Ai laughed decisively.

"I rely on, single practice!" Feng Xiaoting is always very courageous as long as he doesn't face Wang Ai.

"Eating poor tomorrow night!" Hao Junmin threatened strongly.

After talking with the brothers for a while, Wang Ai decisively dropped the mouse and greeted his men to accompany him to the base. Less than ten minutes after going out, the base janitor was already waiting at the door.

"Hans, hello." Wang Ai waved enthusiastically.

In fact, they are not called Hans, but the Germans themselves joked that they would call Hans in the street, so that someone will turn their heads, and Wang Ai is not welcome. People who don’t know are called "Hans", and anyone who knows is also joking. Called "Hans".

"Hans" smiled honestly: "Doctor..."

"What's the matter, Hans? Want to sign?" Wang Ai paused and asked cheerfully.

"No, thank you for taking a photo with my son."

"Oh, little thing, are you okay?"

"Uh, I, I shouldn't ask..."

"Well, the restaurant you told me last time was delicious, so I decided to answer your question."

Seeing that Wang Ai's smile is really easy to talk, "Hans" boldly said: "Have there been any changes in the team recently?"

"No." Wang Ai blinked and laughed: "Don't read the analysis of those newspapers. It's not that serious or the Bayern crisis. No, we lead the league."

"I mean, tactics..."

"Tactics..." Wang Ai thought with a frown, but "Hans" himself became scared and quickly added: "I, I mean, has the tactics changed? After all, it feels uncomfortable to kick."

Wang Ai looked at "Hans" in amazement, and then suddenly. Gatekeepers are often loyal fans and have related interests. The game went smoothly. The club was happy from top to bottom. The game was not good. The club was dull from top to bottom. The gatekeeper is very easy to be affected, and he often dare not say anything. For example, if you open the door a little later, a star in a good mood may laugh and ridicule, and a player who is in a bad mood may curse.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Ai laughed: "Hans, you should remember that Joseph is coaching for the third time, right?"

Speaking of this, Wang Ai spread his hands: "..."

After talking, Wang Ai smiled and walked into the base. "Hans" scratched his hair behind his back. With his upright mind obviously not suitable for the Chinese doctor's way of talking, he was only excited when Wang Ai came out after practicing for an hour. Waved his hand: "I understand the doctor, you mean he can come here for the third time, there must be a way, trust him?"

Wang Ai smiled and gave a thumbs up.

On the afternoon of the 26th, the whole team ate a little nutritious meal temporarily at the club to ensure the energy during the game and then drove to the Allianz Arena. Wang Ai's entourage drove along by themselves as usual, and the teammates had already seen no surprises. It was only when the Inter Milan stars arrived at Wang Ai's house in Beijing that they knew why Wang Ai's frame was so big. This rumor spread among the stars. When Wang Ai just came to Bayern to invite Robben to dinner, Robben asked: Does your family have more money than the club?

In addition to the head-on collision between the leader of the league and the fourth in the league, it is a pity that the Chinese derby was not staged. However, most fans are not concerned about these two, but the three stars of the two teams: Wang Ai, Gomez, Huntelaar!

Now the boss, second and third in the top scorer list! The number of goals currently scored is 27, 19, and 19 respectively!

Although Wang Ai's unrelenting togetherness makes this contest seem to lose its suspense, but who knows? In is unlikely that Wang Ai did not become the king of attendance. It is not because of injury or bad condition, but other people's condition is too good. In short, this season's scorer list started from the first few rounds of the league. The dispute finally had another opportunity for direct dialogue.

In the 23rd round of the league, 19 goals can be scored, which is already at the level of golden boots, but at the moment he can only take bronze boots. The same team has one who scored 19 goals in 23 rounds is already very good, but there is another who scored 27, and that guy only played 13 games in total, most of which are still substitutes.

In short, this season's scorer list is hell.

In addition to these three, there is also a striker who is also very concerned about Raul. The prince who was ruthlessly kicked out of the house by Real Madrid fell to Schalke 04. He has performed quite well in these two seasons. He scored 13 goals last season and maintained a very high level of competition. After all, he was the same in the late Real Madrid. Goal efficiency. In other words, this is the goal efficiency of a normal person, and a 33-year-old veteran can't ask for more.

Unlike Huntelaar at 28, Gomez at 26, and Wang Ai at 24, the three young people compete with each other, the old guy has lost his vigorous pursuit of personal honor.

However, there was also a "match" between Wang Ai and Raul. Earlier, Raul was replaced by Wang Ai as the number one in the Champions League. It was two years ago, and Raul has never caught up since then. . Of course, Wang Ai's lead also made everyone but Messi and Ronaldo desperate. In addition, before the start of the second half of the season, German TV conducted a 2011 best goal selection. Wang Ai's back header and backflip barb, two wonderful goals, unexpectedly lost. Raul shot in front of a goal.

This is another wonderful Golden Globe Award lost after Wang Ai did not get the Puskas Award at the 2011 FIFA Awards Ceremony. Losing these two goals to Neymar was very wronged because Wang Ai came to see Neymar. Except for the feeling that he was passing in front of the goal, the other was mediocre. Many of the goals he played in the league were better than him.

However, Wang Ai knows about his family affairs, and the Hercules Cup is still in the National Museum. So it's okay to temporarily give in on some unimportant things, and it is better for them to have fun than they do things clearly.

But Wang Ai let it in, and they also promoted it, but there are always people who can't deceive, such as fans without a stand. FIFA is thick-skinned, impenetrable with swords and guns, and Wang Ai took the initiative to help cover it. So the Puskas Prize used to be pretty plain, but this time the selection of German TV station was not covered by Wang Ai, and the other party did not ask him. , The two sides did not have much friendship, so the dispute was very big.

In the end, the TV station came out and said that because Wang Ai had two wonderful goals in a year, the votes were divided. The next step will be to improve the statistical method before it is considered fooled.

Therefore, this game is hot before the battle. It is known as the dialogue between the three best shooters of the season and the dialogue between the new and old best shooters in the Champions League.

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