Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 117: The Gate of Miracles (7)

When the media was enthusiastic about the dialogue between the four major opponents, the one who really played the leading game became another person: a fierce-oriented Frenchman-Ribery!

The four major shooters that were targeted in this game all misfired, while Ribery made a sudden appearance and scored a goal each in the second half... The Frenchman is actually very proud, in fact, very unconvinced, so he worked very hard in this game. Plus... Wang Ai was once again arranged to play as a substitute.

Probably considering the league lead, plus Wang Ai played 90 minutes in the last game, fearing that he would be exhausted, so Heynckes asked Wang Ai to come to the Allianz Arena as a substitute and stay ready to play support at any time. . Unexpectedly, Ribery played bravely and Wang Ai didn't play until the 85th minute of the game. Although he wanted to add to the icing on the cake, Wang Ai's unstable footwork, who was in the process of technical development, still affected his shooting accuracy, so that the two shots were not collected and the game was over.

"This is the opportunity that Joseph gave me to satisfy the media hype." At home in the evening, Wang Aiyan laughed at himself when he invited the two good buddies: "If the media hadn't kept up the competition among the three of us, we couldn't even give this time. I."

Wang Ai’s self-deprecation did not exchange the sympathy of the two buddies. Feng Xiaoting ate seafood and had no time to talk. Hao Junmin wiped the chili noodles on his cheeks: "It’s almost done. , The two of us have not had this opportunity yet."

Wang Ai nodded in agreement after listening to the ridicule of his buddies: "Yes, I can't feel happy without looking at you."

"Damn!" Hao Junmin rolled up his sleeves: "Old Feng, don't eat, don't **** eat! You still eat if he kills you like that? Are you shameless? Let's **** him?"

Feng Xiaoting broke apart a crab shell and wiped the juice from his face: "The kid is here, give him some face."

Hao Junmin, who has got Poe, decisively put down the donkey: "If you go, let him go, eh, leave one for me."

After the meal, a few people talked for a while, and Wang Ai took the two to the Bayern base. On the way, Hao Junmin actually took out a skateboard and put it on the ground, and stepped on it.

Wang Ai looked at his buddies in shock: "You, have you changed the project?"

"It's fun!" Hao Junmin emphasized, walking around Wang Ai on his skateboard very skillfully.

"This thing is easy to fall, right?" Wang Ai stepped on one foot very cautiously and tried, but did not dare to run.

Hao Junmin hadn't waited to say anything, Feng Xiaoting laughed loudly: "Boss, you are right, he... last year... um!"

Wang Ai looked at Hao Junmin and shook his head with a smile. The buddies are all this old. This is not a bad hobby. He can't say too much: "You remember to show my son tomorrow morning."

"You won't let your son practice ball?"

"It's still young." Wang Ai shook his head: "Skateboarding is very good. I can practice balance and exercise. It is not impossible for my son to have a little ball. All aspects will be strange. I also hope that he can master a sport, but he is not too demanding. What. I think that choosing other projects may be more conducive to him dispelling pressure. After all, football wants to replicate my height, it is too difficult."

After hearing this, the brothers thought for a while, and nodded: "Don't talk about the world football player when choosing football. If you don't become an Asian football player, you will be said to be yellow... One generation is inferior to the next generation. You think a lot about the boss."

"People say it's awesome." Wang Ai shook his head indifferently: "When you reach our height and popularity, you have to think more about everything."

Tonight, "Hans" saw Wang Ai leading the two Schalke players and did not talk nonsense, so he opened the door directly. The first shooter and superstar still have the privilege, even if the Germans are not. Will not give face.

"Do you want to study direct free kicks?" Hao Junmin and Feng Xiaoting looked at each other, "You really want to become the goalkeeper's public enemy?"

Wang Ai smiled happily and continued to ponder: "I first thought about how to improve the accuracy of the large arc's landing point. Recently, I have another idea, which is to consider whether it can be combined."

"Combine?" Hao Junmin's footwork is also good. He stepped on the ball and rolled back and forth twice: "Different methods of kicking are in different positions. How do you combine? Different ways of exerting force."

"Well... That's why it's innovation, so I have to think about it." Wang Ai said, backing away and preparing to kick.

Feng Xiaoting and Hao Junmin looked at each other and shook their heads secretly, not because they were not optimistic, but rather optimistic.

After more than an hour of training, the two didn't see anything, even Wang Ai himself didn't see it. Now he is still groping in the early days, and he hasn't resolved whether he can succeed in theory. However, Wang Ai doesn't have much pursuit now. There are too many championships and honors in the league, and only technical research can make him develop a strong interest.

The next morning, Hao Junmin really gently took Xiao Wang Sheng's hand to feel the charm of skateboarding. He left, Wang Sheng immediately made a purchase request to Huang Xin, and Huang Xin kept rolling Wang Ai's eyes. In the eyes of children and mothers, skateboarding is also a dangerous project.

Hao Junmin and Feng Xiaoting left Munich and did not return to Schalke but returned directly to China. There will be the final game of the top 20 soon. Even if the national team has already qualified, Lao Gao still needs to run the lineup. This time not only the two of them, but also Chen Tao of La Liga and Zhou Haibin of Eredivisie went back, but Wang Ai did not go back. Less than ten days after this game, it was the top ten draw. Starting from the summer, the top ten is Wang Ai’s main event. If he goes to the current game, he is too capable, which is not good for the team. Tactical drills.

A week later, the league reopened. The opponent was the veteran powerhouse Leverkusen, who was also the runner-up last season.

Although Wang Ai is very relaxed this week, but the teammates are not easy, Ribéry, Muller, Badstuber, Van Bitten and others are all injured. So Wang Ai, who has been rested for a week without injury and illness and in full condition, has once again started, this time his position is Ribery's left wing.

When Bayern's starting list came out an hour before the game, Duan Xuan, who was responsible for the game commentary, immediately joked in the live broadcast: "Does Heynckes use the constant transfer of Xiao Wanger's position to achieve change?"

Duan Xuan actually guessed right this time. The Bayern generals have participated in most of the national events this week, and they are generally in poor condition. While Leverkusen is strong and ready to work, this game is difficult to play. For this reason, he not only changed Wang Ai's starting position once again, but also gave Peterson and Olic a good meal before the game. It seems that he really hopes that they will go up.

Arrived in Leverkusen a day earlier, adapted to the Bayer Arena, Wang Aimo eagerly fists, he and Robben’s "Wings of Victory" are about to re-emerge!

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