Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 121: From Muller to Muller (1)

The final whistle sounded and the Allianz Arena became a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone is excitedly telling the birth of the new Bundesliga record, and everyone stands up and tries to prove to others that they are witnesses. On this ordinary night, in this ordinary event, it turned out to be such an extraordinary moment.

Surrounded by his teammates and a large number of Bayern staff, Wang Ai of Wanzhong Center walked to the sidelines and opened his arms to the Super Saiyan. Heynckes, who was flushed on his face, laughed and hugged the Chinese and said a few words of congratulation. , Pointed to the TV reporter who was already impatient.

As he walked towards the reporter, Wang Ai waved to the fans who were still cheering him in all directions.

"Wang, you broke Dieter Muller's record 35 years ago. Congratulations." The female reporter in the shawl sent congratulations excitedly: "Does this game have any special meaning for you? Why do you play so well? ?"

"There is no special reason, it should be in better condition. This time I played as a center. Everyone trusted me like Mario and gave me a lot of opportunities. In the end, uh... luckier."

"Is it just luck?" The female reporter asked with a smile: "In fact, since you came to the Bundesliga, people have been guessing how many goalscoring records you will break, but I am afraid that people did not expect you to break this. How many records have you broken? Did you expect it?"

"After the World Cup in Korea and Japan ten years ago, I once saw Mr. Fang Dan's words. He said that the bonus he set up has been waiting for people to receive it. I think this should represent the ideas of the previous players and the players who set records. . Every record created is looking forward to being broken. Only in this way can the sport of football bring more joy to the fans, just like this game. So, with regard to the record, I hope to break all that can be broken, but There is no specific plan. Neither I nor my teammates will make record breaking a priority. Only new records that are inadvertently achieved in the pursuit of victory are meaningful."

"Tomorrow your name will spread all over the world again. At this moment when the game has just ended, do you have anything to say to your family?"

"Uh..." Wang Ai suddenly smiled, looking at the camera and said: "Make me something delicious, I'm hungry."

The female reporter smiled and spread her hands: "That's it? You Orientals are too subtle, can't you be more direct?"

"Are you direct?" Wang Ai nodded and looked at the camera again, and said solemnly: "Roasted elbows, six!"

The female reporter laughed aloud, and even couldn’t stand firmly on Wang Ai’s shoulders, and finally calmed down: “If I’m not married, I even want to date you. Congratulations again, Dr., and thank you for creating this new Bundesliga. Record."

"I am also very happy to be able to achieve my new personal record in Germany and Munich." Wang Ai waved his hand and said goodbye to the reporter.

Back in the dressing room, Wang Ai clapped his hands: "Everyone, go to my house when I have time tonight, I invite everyone to dinner!"

"Six Happiness Meatballs!" Robben raised his hand to order, and then gave Ribery Cop: "So the boss's big meatballs!"

While it was lively, Li Jun held up the phone: "Doctor, I promised Duan Xuan's telephone interview, it's almost time."

"I haven't taken a shower yet." Wang Ai said, took the phone in his hand, motioned to his teammates to walk out of the locker room, and was slapped on the shoulder by Neeringer to congratulate again. Wang Ai smiled and nodded. , Said a reporter from our country's TV station, and then found a quiet little room.

"Little Wanger, how are you doing now?" Duan Xuan's enthusiastic voice came from the phone after connecting to the live broadcast room through the director.

"Now? My whole body is sweaty."

"I just saw you being interviewed by a German reporter on the sidelines, but your speech was too fast, and we didn't have time to translate. Can you tell us about the record you broke?"

"Oh, okay, please give me some water for a few seconds. I have a dry throat and a bad sound." Wang Ai said, taking the oversized thermos mug from Li Jun, and then Duan Xuan, Zhang Lu and the central five sets. All the viewers in the audience heard the crazy sound of drinking water like "Gudongdong, Gudongdong", just like big animals.

"Little Wanger, drink less, just finished running." Zhang Lu couldn't help it.

"Uh, uh, cough cough, it's okay, Director Zhang. I didn't run much in the last few minutes, and then I was delayed for a long time on the sidelines, um, I drank it, just now..."

"New record..." Duan Xuan reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh, oh, sorry, I didn’t prepare much today. I also heard from reporters just now that Dieter Muller scored 6 goals in a game 35 years ago. This is the record for the most goals scored in a single game in the Bundesliga before today. Now It's seven, Bayern, me." Wang Ai paused, and Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu didn't ask, so he continued: "I didn't think about what to do before the game. Everyone knows that there are many uncertainties in the game. Mine. The state, the state of the teammates, the state of the opponent, the offensive and defensive situation of the game, etc. are all unpredictable. Today I played the center, the position responsible for scoring, and then played relatively smoothly."

"Then you knew when you scored the sixth goal? Know that you tied the record, right?"

"Well, yes, Ram reminded me, he is careful and knows a lot."

"Then the last one you deliberately pursued, right?" Duan Xuan said: "At that time, you should think that since you still have time and you are in a good state, why don't you just break the record? Have you thought about it?"



"If Ram doesn't remind me, then I will continue to be immersed in the smooth rhythm of the game, of course, I will also pursue goals, and the kick is smooth. It feels like a little kicking crazy. Generally, athletes at this time are I can't feel the passage of time and the exhaustion of my body, but after Ram said, he must be a little excited and thoughtful."

"But I think everyone didn't give you the ball at the time, and you didn't take the initiative to ask for it?"

"Bayern is a collectively supreme team, and if everyone gave me the ball at that time, it would make it more difficult for me to score because the opponent would give up other people and surround me."

"Little Wanger, I noticed that your goals today are all moving goals, there is no set-piece, why?"

"Didn't I kick one in the first half, I didn't score, and then there were very few free kicks."

"You mean, the opponent is guarding against you?"

"It should be, we study our opponents, and our opponents also study us."

"The time is coming, Xiao Wanger, do you have any last words to tell the national fans?"

"Hmm..." Wang Ai paused, and said slowly and gently: "It's really hard for you to stay up until this time. The game is over. You should rest early. I wish you a good dream."

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