Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 122: From Muller to Muller (2)

The sudden warmth confession is like a bowl of hot milk in the silent late night of this early spring, mellow and warm.

Here Wang Ai hung up the phone and went to take a bath. Over there, Duan Xuan and Zhang Lu also took off their headsets, stretched their waists, and didn't want to leave while sitting in their chairs. In fact, the fans are not sleepy at this time, as are the two of them. Such an exciting game has just ended, it is strange to be sleepy.

After a while, Zhang Lu suddenly laughed: "I can be regarded as watching Xiao Wang'er grow up, right? He just mentioned the World Cup in Korea and Japan on the scene, ten years ago."

"Me too, Teacher Zhang." Duan Xuan said with a smile: "The kid who would cry after losing the game turned out to be born. I am still excited when I think about the footwork. I was thinking about the Chinese team in the future. Just like that, even if it's a foul, let the opponent foul the opponent's front court, there is hope, and it will take Xiao Wang's feet."

"People don't rely on free kicks anymore." Zhang Lu smiled and shook his head: "Eh, short paragraph, we haven't gone to Munich for an interview this year? In previous years, when Ronaldinho was here, he would go once a year."

"Yes, I will apply to the station to have a look later." Duan Xuan said with a smile suddenly: "This person, there is a stage theme. In the past, we were too close. We went on shows and talked on the phone. We have all been on CCTV. If we don’t expand, there’s not much to say. This may be the reason why Taili didn’t plan this year."

Zhang Lu nodded: "Little Wang'er is yours from CCTV."

"That's it." Duan Xuan nodded: "But they are also great, and they do everything well. We CCTV up and down from the advertising department to our channel leader, who doesn't like him? Oh, just what he said just now. Oh my heart."

"Well, Xiao Wanger, this kid is different from ordinary people from the beginning."

"You don’t even feel that he is a star in front of him. You feel that something is wrong when you are far away. How else can someone earn billions of dollars a year? Everywhere is Kung Fu. Hey Zhang, if we are going to Munich, I think it’s in the station. If you can approve, what do you want to ask? We are free, right? This looks at the end of the season."

"Talk about the Bundesliga, talk about the records, talk about the World Cup, and talk about life. You are an adult. Did you notice in the camera just now that Huang, who is beyond sports, is holding a child?"

Duan Xuan said twice: "Take him to test DNA at that time!"

While the two were gossiping, Wang Ai was also at home to entertain all his teammates. Basically all the people living in nearby communities have arrived, and those living far away have also arrived. Sixteen or seven strong men filled the living room of Wang Ai's house. There are many people in Wang Ai's family. Hearing that everyone is going to be a guest, they all started to work together and quickly covered a long table.

Even eating and drinking did not end until more than eight o'clock in the evening in Germany. But even on this occasion, Wang Ai avoids all topics that may cause controversy. Most of the time, he puts the wine and meat in place, allowing everyone to eat and drink, and then he chats with his teammates in a low voice.

In the middle, I even ran out to answer a lot of phone calls. Anyway, everyone was used to him and understood at this time.

"Have you eaten enough?" Wang Ai sent away all his teammates, walked to the gym at home, and said to Leoni, who was doing yoga, "Look at what you guys are eating upstairs. Are you hungry?"

Leo Ni turned her head to ignore Wang Ai, Wang Ai wandered up curiously, and touched the convex white belly: "What's wrong?"

"Knowing that I won't have any strength yet!" Leo Ni hummed.

"That's it? It's a big deal. I will practice one hour less tonight and use you on your body. You can stand it."

"Do you really think I can't stand it? I'm afraid of exhausting you."

"Oh, then I have to try it. It just happens that Huang Xin is uncomfortable today, but you are here."

"Who is afraid of whom?" Leonie straightened her waist from the mat and provoked, "Go now!"

"Just go!" Wang Ai rolled up his sleeves to keep up.

Huang Xin, who was coaxing the inexplicable Wang Sheng on the side, bowed her head deeply: As long as Leo Ni is here, the house will instantly become a barn. Angrily, Wang Ai turned around and came back, smiling at Huang Xin thiefly: "Let her wait, I haven't finished training yet."

Leonie waited for people upstairs to the left and right without coming, angrily wrote a note on the door, and then turned off the lights and went to sleep.

When Wang Ai came upstairs refreshingly to push his second sleeper, he noticed that the three characters above were "Bad Egg"!

The door is locked, but this is Wang Ai's house. In order to prevent women from committing suicide, Wang Ai has the key to every room!

Delicious, delicious, good practice, good game, good mood, Wang Ai stopped tossing, and fell asleep, until the next morning was awakened by Leo Ni.

Leo Ni had finished washing, supporting the pillow with one hand, and scratching Wang Ai's face with her golden brown hair with the other.

"Congratulations, my man, I was so proud of you last night!" Leo Ni, with red lips and white teeth, smiled sweetly.

Wang Ai blinked, "I'll wash my face."

A few minutes later, Wang Ai flew to bed. Ten minutes later, Wang Ai straightened up and smugly put the quilt on Leonie: "The game is suspended. Come back tonight!"

Leo Ni couldn't move a finger at this time. It was Wang Ai who saw her look too nasty, so she gathered it up, and then went out for morning exercises!

There seems to be a lot of people in the plantation today? People greeted Wang Ai from time to time. Fortunately, the area of ​​the plantation was so large that Wang Ai found a relatively flat forest area. Before long, Liu Liang reported that someone was shooting on the side.

"Go and ask if it's a reporter? Be polite." Wang Ai glanced at the imaginary goal and continued to shoot, looking for and firm footing.

"What if it is?" Liu Liang asked.

"If it is, just ask them to wait for a while, and I'll go over after I'm done. If not, just ask the other party what's the matter and what can I help with. In short, don't put on airs for me."

Liu Guangming heads up, negotiates in the past, and returns: "From the "Kicker" magazine."

"Oh?" Wang Ai's voice changed slightly: "Really diligent, did Li Jun have an appointment with you?"

"No, but it seemed that you picked it up last night. You went out to pick up Consul General Wang's phone and immediately picked it up again. It seems to be "Kicker"."

"Really? I forgot to drink, so you go over again and ask him if he has breakfast? Do you want to come to my house to eat together, and then help me preliminary review the interview outline. I have some things that are not convenient for me to say."

At 7:30, sitting in the bright and spacious dining room of Wang Ai's house, it was slightly chilly in the early spring morning, but Wang Ai's family has the habit of exercising in the morning, so they don't feel cold. On the contrary, the flowers outside the window wafted with fragrance, so that the appetite of the people facing the abundant food was even more open.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Doctor." The reporter thanked him politely.

"Don't be too hard for me for a while." Wang Ai smiled.

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