Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 135: Time and Space Battlefield (5)

Zhang Lu ignored Wang Ai's joking: "In short, our mindset was completely transformed through the 02 World Cup. We believe that Xiao Wanger's model is not absolutely impassable, but requires very harsh prerequisites."

"So, he is more correct than all of you? Genius?"

"No." Wang Ai and Zhang Lu said in unison.

Then Wang Ai made an inviting gesture and asked Director Zhang to speak. Zhang Lu shook his head: "I have a drink, you say first."

"I was actually just like what Director Zhang said, I have Renmin University as a backer, and I have a retreat, so I am very relaxed in my mind and have no utilitarianism at all. I just play as I want, and develop as I want. It's just a ignorant person who came out, and really analyzed and summarized theoretically, and Zhang had to guide these people."

"A series of coincidental results." Zhang Lu finished drinking the water and said: "The investment is very high and the foundation is very good. I mean, according to his comprehensive development model, the foundation is very good. Then the family conditions are good, and the personal brain is good. , This is the material basis of his path. Then there is no pressure in 84 countries, and Xiao Gao is open-minded. In short, the right person and the right method meet the right coach at the right time, and then there is a right opportunity . Of course, he himself provided a suitable trick."

"Small trick?" Duan Xuan said curiously.

Zhang Lu hehe: "How old was he in 2002? 14 years old! Entered the national team? Playing in the World Cup? Dreaming? What did he have before? He played in a World Junior Championship. But there are National Youth and National Olympic Games in the middle. Which round? It’s him? How many people want to go for more than 40 years to realize their dreams? And everyone who goes to the World Cup is useful. Even if you can’t play, it’s useful to be a sparring partner off the court. What's the use of him?"

"Direct free kick?" Duan Xuan fought the injustice for Wang Ai.

"Before the World Cup, have you heard of a young free kick master in China?" Zhang Lu asked rhetorically.

Duan Xuan frowned and thought for a long time: "It seems, I haven't heard of it. Hey, at that time, I knew that Xiao Wanger was the champion of the World Junior Championships."

Zhang Lu spread his hands, and Wang Ai smiled: "We have the confidence to win in the World Junior Championships. Besides, I was too young at that time, three years younger than the opponent, and my strength was not enough to form lethality. A year later, my strength will come up. Only then will the opportunity mature."

Zhang Lu hehe twice: "Just talk, then I ask you whether it was a warm-up match or a training match before the World Cup, have you played? Have you played once?"

"That's not true." Wang Ai said hehe.

Zhang Lu pointed to Wang Ai: "You kid is playing with everyone. You want to go to the World Cup, but you are afraid of being squeezed out, so you have been fooling around with the national team, and then sneaked up with Milu. Agreement. At the critical moment, when the final list was confirmed, Milou took out the video of your private training free kick. Now there is no chance for anyone who wants to refute. Of course, you are also trying to confuse your opponent. In this regard... …Cough cough, anyway, your heart, a double-edged sword, we ourselves are dumbfounded by you, and our opponents are frightened by you."

Duan Xuan uttered, "What about this?"

"Isn't it?" Zhang Lu said: "I remember very clearly that after the World Cup list was announced, a newspaper said that Wang Ai was a young genius, but it was too early to bring the World Cup to the World Cup so early. It would be suspicion that young people should be trained step by step. Even if you are training soldiers and opening your eyes, you should not waste the precious World Cup places."

"Oh, what's the result?" Zhang Lu smiled bitterly: "This kid is in Gwangju. He scared everyone to death."

"Although I can know some news, I don't know at all about him, a strategic weapon belonging to the national team. So when I saw him actively requesting to play, my heart was sad!" Zhang Lu said with a look of memories: " The game was not about to give up! Then I saw him grab Ma Mingyu's direct free kick, and I stood up angrily."

"Should the national team spoil him like this?"

"No, I'm angry because he shouldn't bully the honest person like this!" Zhang Lu angrily: "At that time, I thought, this thing must never go away like this, what is this? Did you practice in the World Cup? It’s good to take you there! The pony has a good character and a simple personality, so you can’t bully people like that. People are already good at long shots. Why are you?"

"Then..." Zhang Lu sighed deeply and slowly laughed out: "Then...Don't mention it. Oh, my buddy said that he was stupid at the time, and was filled with righteous indignation a second ago, and a second later. Just... the goal was scored?! The fundamental reaction to this great sadness and joy. I saw that the expressions of the fans in the stands were similar at the time, and they were all shocked by the conspiracy of this guy and the guy Milu."

"In fact, Costa Rica did not react, and was not prepared for this in advance. At that time, the Chinese team had two free kick masters, um, not too high. In short, they were the penalty shooters. One was Ma Mingyu and the other was Li Xiao. Peng. The pony has enough strength, but the head is almost impossible. Li Xiaopeng is good, but the strength is not good. In short, each has its own problems and is not so threatening." Zhang Lu concluded: "So at that time Costa Rica didn't care about being behind. The field provides the Chinese team with a free kick opportunity and fouls as long as it is worth it. This should be their pre-match arrangement, so Xiao Wanger scored first, they did not react, and soon there will be a second one. Wait for it to react. Now, because it’s not easy to adjust the defensive action temporarily. Finally, another one came. This guy really tapped the ability of a high IQ player incisively and vividly. Our Chinese team did not have such a relaxed mentality and dared to do so in the competition. Playing, because hundreds of millions of people watch you play, how many leaders have a heart hanging on them, do you dare to toss like this? You can be a hero if you don’t frighten and shiver! Huh? He dares!"

"He has a good mentality, relaxes, and concentrates. He doesn’t think about anything when he’s on the court. In fact, he rarely thinks about any interpersonal relationships or ethics. As long as he thinks he makes sense, he insists. "Zhang Lu shook his head: "This is related to his retreat and knowledge. It is a combination of these two points. It supports him in a muddled insistence when he is not accepted by the football world but only tolerated by Xiao Gao himself. It finally came to fruition. A few years later, we in China will have the World Cup champion, the Olympic champion, and the first world footballer. It was unimaginable in the past, has not been through for decades, and even sees no light. Yes, it took him a few years to get it done. It can only be said that football, after all, is caused by people. And the times have developed to this stage, all conditions have been partially successful in a small range, and then he is in it, Time is also fortunate."

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