Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 136: Time and Space Battlefield (6)

"After talking so much, how did we mention these in the first place?" Zhang Lu asked and immediately remembered: "Yes, it is very unusual to say that you have improved the record too much. Then I recalled that these were supporting Xiao Wang. Children have been different since childhood, so for him, success is also him, and failure is also him. Although those who take the right path have their own personalities, they can always be predicted, such as improving the record by one or two goals. "

"Does this have commercial considerations?" Duan Xuan interjected.

"Definitely." Zhang Lu nodded: "But not absolutely. Like Xiao Wanger, he is successful in business? But he thinks, if he can achieve it, he has a choice. Not every star takes business seriously. Heavier, and even more successful, the more free. So in the final analysis, it is ability and timing."

"Little Wang'er, don't you say something? You are the subject of an interview today, so let Director Zhang praise you like that?"

"Hehe." Wang Ai laughed: "I think what Director Zhang said makes sense, and I am also very educated, and I became an audience without knowing it."

Zhang Lu also laughed: "To sum up, I think Xiao Wanger is a training method that is not worth promoting, but it is worth summing up. At least the next time we encounter this type, we will know what he really might become. It’s such a very high-cost training method with a very low success rate, but once it’s really a fluke, then it’s a series of miracles. This, how to say, from the perspective of the development of sports, our new China There are two points in the sports career of China. One is to take off the hat of the sick man in East Asia, to make the people confident and not let others look down on them, and the other is to develop national fitness and strengthen the people’s physical fitness. After all, a nation can only support a strong work if it has a strong body. From this perspective, Xiao Wanger’s model is too risky. Success is of course good. If it fails, it will be a huge waste. Especially from the perspective of people’s physique, what it needs is stable performance output."

When Wang Ai heard this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, and Duan Xuan seized the time to immediately ask: "Little Wanger?"

"Oh, I think what Director Zhang said makes sense. Although what he said just now is a bit of a heroic view of history, the more pure and simple things are, the greater the proportion of human factors. For example, Wang Yifu, a fellow of mine in Liaoyang, he played foolishly when he was a child. When the sports school teacher heard that he was capable of looking for him, he was beating birds under the Taizi River Bridge. You see, he and Xu Haifeng Xu had a complete personality. On the contrary. Xu Gui is calm and lively. Look at the photos of him when he was young. He wears a leather jacket and rides a big motorcycle. He doesn't feel like shooting at all. He only practiced shooting at 17, and entered the provincial team at 18, and at 19 The performance of the national team is going up. But although this model is quite legendary, it can indeed unearth some athletes who have created amazing results, but the country as a whole cannot rely on this, but must rely on systematic training. Wang guides and I, like me, can only supplement the formal system and cannot be the subject."

"Walk on two legs." Zhang Lu made a gesture: "Regular training is the main thing and it must run steadily in order to support the fundamentals of our country's sports. It is true that someone who can come up with a scary one, another wild way can be successful and has its own reasons, and digging and training can enrich our formal training system."

"What about our football youth training? In the past few years, the youth team's performance has gone down again." Duan Xuan said.

"He didn't say anything, it will be realized in a well-off society." Zhang Lu smiled and pointed to Wang Ai: "For the forward-looking judgment he made, you can ask him."

"Do you still have this view?" Duan Xuan looked at Wang Ai.

"Yes." Wang Aisi measured for a moment: "I said briefly before, here is a little expansion. In fact, a moderately prosperous society was partially realized at the end of the last century, but the coverage is not large, mainly in Shanghai and Guangdong. The economy is a strong province. So you see, Shanghai football and Guangdong football have risen in the past few years, right? Liaoning? Not to mention the decline, but relying on the old foundation. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to build in the first two decades of this century. A well-off society is about spreading a well-off society nationwide around 2020. At this stage, people generally have spare money, can pursue a higher quality of life, and begin to engage in more and healthier sports in their spare time. Of course, football, including other popular sports, has begun to lay a solid foundation and has its own strength. But in fact, we see that football is strong in Europe and South America. It is a developed society and is still higher than a well-off society. So I said that the foundation of football in a well-off society is talented. It’s good to start, but we still refer to our country’s excellent sports system, our country’s excellent traditional culture, and of course our population base."

"Doesn't it mean that it will be all right in 2020?" Zhang Lu thought.

"Of course, it's man-made, and we still need many of us to work hard together." Wang Ai nodded and said, "It's normal that the youth competition has declined a bit in recent years. Just now Director Zhang said that so many outstanding things are caused by people, of course. It will be defeated by people. It should be said that the results of youth competitions in the past few years are in line with our current level of national development."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai frowned and thought for a while and said to Duan Xuan: "I hope you don't cut off the paragraph below, Brother Duan, for me. I really want to say a few words of truth to the fans all over the country."

Duan Xuan nodded, it means I know, but it depends on what you say.

"In the Youth Department of the Football Association, I often read the information, including their games. Well, how to put it, I ask everyone to be more tolerant to them. Most of them work very hard and the level of hard work is not bad at all. At least, With me here, every one of them wants to be me, so there is no problem of not working hard. Bad grades are purely due to strength. Sometimes this thing can not rise up with more criticism. Sports also require Speaking of science and law." Wang Ai was a little embarrassed, but he said firmly: "I, let me put it this way, most of them are good children, but also children of ordinary people. Before putting on the national team jersey , Have suffered a lot, are dedicated to serve the country, and all hope to stand on the highest podium. So if they fail, they are more painful than us. For us, we just passed away, but for them It is a major setback in life. I sometimes think that if my grades are not so good and everyone's appetite is not so high, their public opinion environment should be better."

"Eh? Not necessarily." Zhang Lu smiled and said, "Without your good results, maybe the fans will be even more angry. There is not even a comfort."

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