Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 160: Another sunny day (ten)

"What's the upgrade direction?"

"Brothers of the Zhou family submitted a report suggesting that we expand the cultivation of local pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, etc., to enrich the diversity of the industry, so as to provide consumers with multiple choices under the pattern of the Great White Pigs dominating the world."

"Two-headed black and reed chicken like that?"

"Yes, but not only that. We are also planning to use modern biotechnology to improve these species and increase the amount of meat." Shi Wenjun said: "In fact, the diversification of light product lines cannot fundamentally solve the problem. In the final analysis, we still have to grasp the seeds. It is to use our technology to cultivate local breeds that are as large as the meat produced by large white pigs, so that the price will not be too far apart."

Wang Ai thought for a while: "That just delays the weakening of our foundation, and does not really regain the height difference to maintain our transcendent status."

"So we have to upgrade from another angle." Shi Wenjun glanced at the man appreciatively: "After our research, we believe that there is another way to upgrade from a green and pollution-free foundation, which is to classify products."

"Waox like?" Wang Ai asked suddenly.

"Yes." Shi Wenjun nodded vigorously: "In fact, we stupid food was a luxury in the food industry before, but we didn't mention it, and the people couldn't really accept wagyu. But the actual status is like this, which is equivalent to wine. Maotai and Dahongpao in tea. But in recent years, with the expansion of the well-off society, the consumption ability of ordinary people has become stronger and the conditions for luxury goods in agricultural and sideline food have gradually matured. Therefore, we must clearly create a local agricultural industry in China. By-product luxury jewelry."

Speaking of this, Shi Wenjun straightened up: "Who is it for me in this regard?"

Several people looked at the domineering little beauty, and couldn't help but smile and applaud. Wang Ai said, "To say that, this second upgrade direction is complementary to the first one. Really want to create the luxury of wagyu, the breed itself. It must be rare and the investment in technology must be large to allow consumers to accept relatively high prices and maintain our stupid style, right?"

"Yes." Shi Wenjun made a gesture: "Ordinary big white pigs are responsible for solving the basic problem of the people's animal protein intake. And our various small pigs solve the high-end needs of high-end people and the whole The diverse needs of society can also prevent the extinction of our native species."

"Extinction?" Wang Ai became alert.

"Yes." Shi Wenjun sighed: "With the expansion of foreign pig breeds, many native species that could be distributed in mountainous areas before have become smaller and smaller. Farmers and farmers have to pay attention to profits and grow bigger after all. The road to large-scale production. In the end, many native species not only cannot compete with foreign species in the market, but even survival becomes a problem. Just like some protected animals, once the scale is small to a certain scale, they will fall into a dangerous situation of ethnic degradation. ."

"This is a situation more terrifying than the general extinction of protected animals." Huang Xin interrupted: "These animals are after all closely related to human life. It's like saying that there is only one kind of rice in the world, so if something goes wrong, there will be a famine. The whole world. If there is only one pig breed, once there is a plague or even a biological weapon dropped by the's terrible."

Wang Ai was silent for a long time: "In the end, it will be solved by technology. Only by increasing the meat output of our local pig breeds to be similar to that of foreign breeds can we maintain our position in the market competition. However, this issue has already involved national security. We should Report to your superiors and get some support."

"Didn't you never reach out to your superiors?" Shi Wenjun asked in confusion.

"What is the matter, if it is normal market competition, of course we cannot go to the superiors to cry, but this matter is beyond our scope of responsibility. We must at least let the superiors know what we are doing, so that the superiors can pay attention to this issue early. We can also benefit from strength. For example, we can buy and use the research results of national scientific research institutions." When it comes to this, Wang Ai pondered: "With the strength of our family, even if we try our best, we can maintain it at best. There are hundreds of local varieties, and the biological sequence of these varieties cannot be maintained healthily, so we have to rely on the country to find a way. As a company, we can only maintain our market position while sharing the country’s problems. If we ourselves If we die, we won’t be able to talk about these things. If the country wants to solve this problem, we also need a focus. We must be the starting point to achieve both economic and social benefits."

Leonie on the side looked serious: "This is the embodiment of your idea of ​​integrating the struggle of individuals and businesses into the sequence of the nation and the country?"

"Yes." Wang Aishu sighed: "Personal struggles will rise in line with national expectations, and enterprise struggles will be in line with national requirements. We are not a small business anymore, light industry, agriculture, sports, finance and even the future The cross-border e-commerce companies that may be separated are all bosses in their respective fields, and we are all well-known personally. Therefore, the temporary gains and losses are not important. The important thing is that the direction and strategy cannot be wrong."

"Sounds a bit..." Huang Xin smiled: "Put your limited life into infinite service to the people?"

"How can it be so noble?" Wang Ai shook his head: "We are just businessmen who know how to be in awe."

Just as he was talking, a car stopped at the door of the house, and Zhang Xiuyun walked in with a handbag a moment later: "Where are they? This is the movie "Where the National Flag Raises" that we are going to release this summer. Please take a look. ."

"Oh?" Wang Ai came and took the CD with interest: "Whose film was made?"

"Xu Haifeng."

"Huh?" Wang Ai nodded: "How do you convince him? I can't make a phone call, so let me go if I'm in a hurry."

"Half of the profit is donated to the national shooting team." Zhang Xiuyun smiled.

"Okay!" Wang Ai pointed at Zhang Xiuyun and laughed: "I think you are getting more and more slick, but you have to do what you say. These big bosses are all in the same spirit. You lied to one and you got offended. For a large group, the future will not be possible."

"Don't worry, never." Zhang Xiuyun shook his head sternly: "I asked the finance of the national shooting team to follow."

"Okay, watch a movie!"

The screen was set up in the corridor of the courtyard. After the movie was over, everyone was talking about it, and Wang Ai sat on the periphery with a smile and hummed a song: "Nine-Jiu, that sunny day, 18-year-old brother..."

Zhang Xiuyun in the crowd was taken aback when he heard the sound and walked gently to Wang Ai: "It has been ten years since I heard you sing this song last time? I remember that it was the morning of the end of October, when I was still Qinglian's guard."

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