Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 161: Full Moon (1)

A word, aroused endless thoughts.

The past, flooding like a tide.

The cool breeze in the summer evening, the rippling blue lake in the distance, and the laughter of children nearby, all of which can't dispel the loss in Wang Ai's heart.

As a great star who refreshed the history of the five major leagues with 55 goals in May, and the national team scored more than 100 goals in June, he was widely praised and well-known. Few people in Wang Ai's position would reject him.

But that person refused for almost three years, and as long as Wang Ai didn't bow his head, he planned to continue to refuse.

Since the marriage failed in September 2009, there has been no call, no text message, and no words. At that time, Wang Ai was still at Inter Milan and completed an unprecedented six crowns in Serie A that season and broke the Serie A scorer record. In the summer of 2010, he went to South Africa with the Chinese national team and created a jaw-dropping achievement-representing the yellow race and winning the World Cup for the first time. After that, he stayed at Inter Milan and won the double crown with the team, and once again broke his own Serie A scorer record. In the summer of 2011, he came to Bayern Munich. After an unsuccessful first half of the season, he broke out in the second half of the season. Together with the two most powerful football stars, he formed a three-strong juxtaposition of super giants, and played A vigorous super giant war.

Counting a natural year, two years and eight months, according to the habits of European stars, three full seasons.

Even though Wang Ai has created so many brilliant achievements, and only one of them is enough to make a life-long achievement, she is still silent and has no expression.

From 22 to 25 years old, it was not a blank but strange three years.

If it hadn't been for Tang Mudan to tell him many times that it was okay, Wang Ai felt that he would be unable to hold on. It's like the peacock with the largest screen, no matter how she seduce her, she will ignore it.

I can't hate it anymore, I can't move my anger, and I'm full of deep exhaustion and helplessness.

"I see, you go back first." Standing at the doorway with his hands back and looking at Kunming Lake for a long time, Wang Ai turned around and said: "Yes, the film is good, keep it up, I like this style, and I think the audience will like it too. Sincerely Treat your works with sincerity, and you will get better and better if you own this platform. Come on."

Zhang Xiuyun smiled: "I know, we will work hard."

Zhang Xiuyun, who got in the car, saw Wang Ai waving at her at the door, and she sighed deeply while driving forward in the car.

"She persuaded you to pick up someone again?"

When Wang Ai returned to the yard about to eat dinner, Wang Ai hugged his two sons at their small dining table, watching the youngest Wang Zhonghua also take out a spoon to eat by himself, and praised the children’s mother. , The abrupt Leoni said.

"I didn't say it directly." Wang Ai replied, picking up his chopsticks and peeling the cucumber.

Several women looked at each other, and Huang Xin sighed: "Don't delay, pick it up early, otherwise the house and outside are not stable."

Wang Ai put the vermicelli, cucumber shreds, kelp shreds, and carrot shreds of a chopstick in his mouth and smiled, "Isn't it good to marry you?"

Huang Xin laughed: "Although we are not quite normal, it is still normal to compare with her. When a lover is unrestrained, everything is good. But once we put the chains on us, happiness can only be temporary."

Speaking of this, Huang Xin pointed to herself: "Values ​​determine that we will not be reconciled. We have to make trouble, and then zoom in layer by layer outside the house."

Leo Nei said: "We have found a suitable position for us for so many years, and we have become accustomed to each other's existence. Emotionally, life, work, and even we are the closest friends. This system is right. Each of us is continuously producing benefits, so don't touch it."

Speaking of this, Leoni looked up into Wang Ai’s eyes: “The bigger the person, the fewer friends. We all cherish our current life and current relationship, especially to me. If you shake this system, let Everyone calculates against each other, even if I don’t leave you, I will stay away from your home. The distance from you now is my maximum."

Shi Wenjun, who has been listening with his chin in his hands, said slowly at this time: "I have seen growing up since I was a child, and I have also given supplementary lessons. In those years, I have envisioned the future countless times, and now is the best solution. I have been the best solution for the past two years. There is a heart hanging, but I can't persuade you nor can I persuade her. You two are born with extreme obsessive-compulsive disorder, what can we normal people do?"

Huang Xin and Leo Ni who were talking about it laughed out loud, and Wang Ai rubbed their faces: "Eat, eat."

Leo Ni stalked her neck and looked at Wang Ai, and suddenly stretched out her hand and patted him on the head. Wang Ai almost smashed her head into the bowl: "What are you doing?"

"Go this summer! I'll tell you very seriously." Leoni sternly said: "You are not obsessive-compulsive disorder, you are procrastination disorder! Everyone tells you that there is no problem, you still procrastinate! Don't make excuses for yourself , Huang Xin gave birth to children the year before, I gave birth last year, Xiaobaiyu gave birth to children this year, who will give birth next year?"

Wang Ai was stunned for a long time: "What's the reason for this?"

"I don't care!" Leonie lied: "Why should I give you a baby, she doesn't need it? I tell you, I have always wanted to hear how high a soprano would have a baby."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes, and the other two laughed unscrupulously. After laughing for a long time, Wen Jun couldn't help but patted the table: "Give me a good talk, it takes such an effort!"


"What are you? You!" Shi Wenjun waved his hand: "You have four women's things and you don't understand it? Just try harder after meeting."

This time Huang Xin and Lei Oni laughed unscrupulously, and Shi Wenjun, who was suddenly promoted to an old lady, added two sentences: "If she hasn't had a man for three years, she promises to be crazy. Then you will toss her hard. If she doesn’t cry and tells her husband, don’t rest. If you dare to repent, promise, you take the two of them, three fights one, and when will you take it down."

In the laughter of the two, Shi Wenjun said seriously: "Maybe she needs a reason to yield now. From a psychological point of view, you have been awkward for so long. She needs a reason to persuade herself and calm her mind. The crux of the action. So don’t be afraid, force her, force her to be a bit miserable, she won’t do anything. No matter what, it won’t be more serious than in the past. In fact, if you were not soft-hearted three years ago, you would be hard at that time, such as Find someone to get the marriage certificate, maybe she passed by then."

"I..." Wang Ai looked tangled: "Let me ask Tang Mudan first."

Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes, and Huang Xin said instead: "Alright, let Tang Mudan directly test and see what her condition is. I think since she ate the London specialty you sent during the Chinese New Year, it should be the same. Now, let Tang Mudan take it a step further. The two of them have been alone for three years. It’s not a problem to be bolder."

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