Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 162: Full Moon (2)

He agreed to the action, but when it came time to act, Wang Ai still hesitated, just like always worrying about this and that before facing a major event. The three women met and didn't persuade them anymore. The scene three years ago gave Xu Qinglian as much excitement as it gave Wang Ai.

Leading the beloved girl to get the marriage certificate, the girl broke down and cried at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Wang Ai didn't want to experience such embarrassment and self-blame.

At night, Leo Ni was already asleep, and Wang Ai just sneaked up and turned on the computer for a while. After an unknown operation, he sighed and took out the phone to quickly turn it on, type quickly, and send quickly. After ten seconds of operation, he turned off the phone. go to bed!

At breakfast the next day, Leo Ni, who temporarily served as Wang Ai's assistant, picked up Wang Ai's black mobile phone strangely: "Is it turned off?"

He opened it as he said, and then said in surprise: "Yo, Tang Mudan’s text message, let me read it, it says, I’ll try it? What did you say? Oh, I want to pick her up, you help me try her ."

"Okay, did the business last midnight? I thought you would have to drag it for ten days and a half." Leo Ni patted Wang Ai's head approvingly. It was just cut, and it's furry and fun.

After a major event was put down, Wang Ai relaxed: "Eating and eating, I am going back to Haidian for a swim today, it's too hot."

In fact, there is also a swimming pool at the Summer Palace. It is outdoor. Wang Ai is too young to swim. Moreover, the two homes in Haidian and Dongcheng have a strong atmosphere. Unlike the summer palace, which is quiet like a summer resort, it will be boring to stay for a long time.

Shi Wenjun also returned to Haidian quietly and thoughtfully, but couldn't get into the water, so he sat on the shore and watched a few people swim in the water. Yesterday, I talked about the upgrade plan of Stupid Food, and she took the initiative to ask Ying, so she took over the task of submitting a special report to the higher-level department. According to the results of discussions by Wang Ai, a "small think tank," the report was mainly submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment, and the content was to point out the possible extinction risk of local edible livestock species, and to come up with a corresponding plan for idiot food. I hope that the superiors will notice this problem and start related arrangements.

As long as the country starts to pay attention to protecting the safety of local livestock and poultry populations, it does not matter whether it will support the dumb company or even use the dumb company, the largest and most comprehensive domestic poultry and livestock breeding enterprise in the country. If the idiot company wants to develop component-level luxury non-staple foods for local livestock and poultry, it needs to rely on a healthy population size. And as long as the country pays attention to technology, even if the idiot company's laboratory does not get the support fund, it can still buy the technology of the national scientific research institute to use it.

Taking the current high profits of the dumb company, it does not care about the cost of technology, whether it is purchase or research and development.

Wang Ai only took a rest at home for less than two days before going out to work on his business work. In fact, he wanted to take a few more days off, but Leo Ni, who had finally resumed work after two years of free time, disagreed: "My old lady has to be free for longer. Mustache!"

"Your momentum is not worse than it was two years ago. The Bundesliga has 55 goals and the national team has 100 goals. Sponsors are waiting to scratch the wall. Go ahead!"

According to Wang Ai's expectation, this busy schedule is mainly due to the occasion. After all, the national team breaking the 100th is really a great event. The General Administration of Sports has sent a congratulatory message to Wang Ai specifically for this matter!

Even if Wang Ai's home is only half an hour away from the General Administration of Sports!

Moreover, the date is still near, and all sponsors must seize this window of time to make a quick profit. But this impact will not be too long, that is, ten days and a half months, and then Wang Ai's "superstar" will be restored to its original state. So Wang Ai called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to tell the Cuban side that he was going to visit Cuba at the end of the month.

The route suggested by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs is Beijing-Moscow-Havana, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also suggested this route. Although the reason was not stated, Wang Ai understood that this was to prevent accidents. Although the odds are not high, Wang Ai is still good at it.

Of course Wang Ai told his parents about this decision, and everyone in the family knew about it, and they also made suggestions. The first idea for Wang Ai to go to Cuba was two. One was to meet the great Comrade Fidel. Wang Ai's current status in football is no less than that of Maradona. Comrade Fidel, who has retired and is willing to meet with international celebrities from all walks of life, will not refuse. The second is to specifically examine the socialist construction in Cuba to enrich Wang Ai's philosophical thinking and vision. Cuba has been lonely overseas and has maintained social stability, economic development, cultural prosperity, and technological progress under the pressure of the United States for so many years, which is quite remarkable. In Wang Ai's view, Cuba's socialist construction must be very distinctive and very valuable for reference.

As a member of the Academy of Social Sciences, although there are not many achievements in these years, mainly focusing on anonymous short comments on "Young Philosophers", but it is always the responsibility to produce results. Investigating socialist construction in different countries is precisely the job of philosophical research. Even if Wang Ai belongs to the Department of Literature and Philosophy, it is normal to occasionally appear in the Department of Marxist Studies. After all, Marxism is based on philosophy.

But after the family's research, I think this is a very important opportunity, so it's better to expand it. Seven years ago, Cuba passed an ambitious scientific and technological innovation plan, coupled with the world's leading biotechnology that Cuba already possesses, which makes the prospect of cooperation between the two sides at least in the eyes of the dumb company quite promising.

Although Cuba is sanctioned by the United States, its foreign economic and technological cooperation is very restricted. For example, if you use US dollars as a means of settlement, the United States will cheat you from time to time, making you very painful. But it doesn't matter to the dumb company. The dumb has never thought of going abroad. The demand for foreigners has always been the same: love to eat, not to eat.

In other words, even if the U.S. sanctions the stupid company that cooperates with Cuba in biotechnology, the stupid is totally irrelevant. In recent years, relying on public welfare to establish a business, relying on the red leadership of Shi Wenjun and the Zhou brothers, the dumb gang may be waiting for US sanctions.

Therefore, in the family discussion, Shi Wenjun took the lead in putting forward the request to join. It just so happens that the dumb company wants to upgrade, where can I buy the technology instead of buying it? Maybe Cuba is also attracted to the dumb technology, and the exchange between the two parties doesn't cost money. Later, Huang Xin, who has been in charge of Chaoyue Sports for many years, also put forward a request. Chaoyue Rehabilitation Medical Center is the top sports rehabilitation institution in the country and Europe, and it also has many technologies. Although I don't know if Cuba is strong or not, Cuban women's volleyball and boxing are very strong, and Cuban medicine is also famous in the world, so there must be a lot of accumulation.

And since it is a friendly visit, even if Cuba is relatively weak in this regard, it can be used as support or other transaction content. Anyway, it is impossible for Cubans to go to China to open such an organization to grab business. Wang Ai has no worries.

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