Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 164: Full Moon (four)

"Are you going to do something tomorrow night?" Huang Xin asked suddenly after talking about the list of visits.

"Well, Haier has an old customer reception, I have to go to Qingdao, and I will be back on the plane the next morning." Wang Ai said without looking up while eating.

"If that's the case, you got the number 7 back from Cuba?" Huang Xin asked.

"Um, probably." Wang Ai picked up a bun and placed it on the small plate in front of him: "It will be at least five days, and the talk may be extended temporarily. Anyway, this is a private matter for us, so we don't need to be too strict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Bian also said that you can talk for a long time for a few days. In fact, the official delegation also has a similar situation. We are too strange to Cuba, and any situation can happen. I really can’t arrange an event temporarily when the time comes. I can’t Don't give face to the owner. A player said in the offseason that every second counts and no one believes it, doesn't it?"

"It's not necessarily true for you." Huang Xin smiled: "I see that many activities in your schedule a few days ago have been temporarily postponed to July? Then how long will you have to be busy after you come back?"

"I want to be busy for as long as I want, the bosses can't wait to squeeze me out of oil." Wang Ai took the egg drop soup and sipped it while complaining: "If you don't know that I'm richer than them, you can't really offend me, so I'll shoot at me. It’s fun to take the money, and to work on the inking energy, it’s shown me a bit earlier."

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank Mom and Dad!" Wang Ai suddenly picked up the egg drop soup and placed it in front of the opposite parents: "Drink tea, drink tea."

If Wang Bin didn't see him eating, Ai Xiaoqing gave his son a white look: "People who have children are so childish."

Wang Ai said twice and listened to Ai Xiaoqing: "I remember you are going to London to participate in the torch relay on July 22? Then? Stay in London to watch the Olympics?"

"Well, both the London Olympic Organizing Committee and the Chinese Olympic Organizing Committee have invited me." Wang Ai nodded.

"The Olympics will last until August 12. You stayed until then?"

"It depends. If nothing happens, I'll stay in London. Don't you plan to go too?"

"How many times have we been to watch, can we stay like you from start to finish?"

"There is no way, it is always not good to favor one another, especially some unpopular projects, which require my support."

"Then Germany, Super Cup, right?" Ai Xiaoqing said: "Are you planning to go to London in late July and then go directly to Germany to prepare for the new season?"

Wang Ai smacked his lips: "Yes, it's all connected. In fact, I have also invited me to the European Cup. I'm not going to Cuba, right?"

"Then when are you going to Daqing?" Ai Xiaoqing turned around.

"Huh?" Wang Ai was shocked: "I plan to come back from Cuba."

"Suppose you come back on July 7th, and then you are going to London on the 22nd. The summer advertising campaign is barely for half a month at the rhythm of your previous years. How can you be free?" Ai Xiaoqing knocked on the table: "Don't delay , Just tonight, you are going to Daqing overnight. It just so happens that you are not going to Cuba right away? If she is not obedient, you will accompany her to visit Cuba in the name of a group. I read your list of visits, everyone has it, but no The person in charge of team logistics and liaison, she has been doing similar work in the trade union for several years, for good reasons."

Wang Ai told his old lady to have a meal and said that he could not respond to the whole thing. After the old lady finished talking, Wang Ai asked subconsciously, "Now go?"

No one answered, everyone at the table looked at him.

"The list of visits has been reported."

"What's the matter with the addition of two people to our plane?" Ai Xiaoqing said domineeringly: "Don't talk nonsense, it's a mess for you to do something like this, or you can think about it until the end of the world if you don't smoke, hurry up I’ll go after dinner and take my family’s plane. The crew and flight routes are all ready for you."

After hesitating for a long time, under the unanimous strong request of the family, after Ai Xiaoqing observed and Tang Mudan reported that all conditions were fully mature, Wang Ai finally embarked on the road to meet people in Daqing. For this reason, he deliberately brought Zhao Dan and Yan Zhu, who had returned from the holiday, on the grounds that these two were witnesses when Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian were together in London, and Xu Qinglian respected them very much. In extreme cases, the presence of these two can play an assist effect.

The German Beauty was flying in the dark, the stars outside the window were dotted with light on the earth, and Wang Ai sat by the window silently. There were only three of them on this trip. The assistant Kang Si was still at work in Liaoyang and couldn't make a temporary transfer. Wang Ai only temporarily changed into the youth clothes that he hadn't worn for a long time, and brought his own black mobile phone.

"The hotel is booked?" Wang Ai asked when the plane flew over Shenyang.

"Yeah." Zhao Dan replied, "Tomorrow's flight route is also booked. At noon, we will fly directly to Qingdao."

The taciturn Yan Zhu looked at Wang Ai from one side: "As far as I know, Xiao Xu is a sensible person. She hasn't left after such a long time. It means that she has already wanted to drive. Don't have any worries. You She must know all about her personal situation, family situation, and career situation, and she needs her, so she won’t be any better."

Zhao Dan also said: "In your situation, if she still has obstacles to marriage, it is the same if she does not get married. It is nothing more than a procedure and a certificate. You have already passed the stage where you need this thing to protect something."

"Yeah." Wang Ai nodded: "When I get to Daqing, I will go straight."

"After getting off the plane, call Tang Mudan." Zhao Dan exhorted.

At eight o'clock in the evening, in the temporary dormitory next to the labor union on the fourth floor of the office building of the North Light Industry Production Base in Daqing, she was holding Xu Qinglian's arm nestled on the sofa and watching Tang Mudan of "Zhen Huan Biography". She felt the mobile phone in her coat vibrate and took it out. Look……

"The phone vibrates and you also vibrate? Is it infected?" Xu Qinglian asked, who didn't even turn her head.

"That, that..." Tang Mudan stammered: "Then what, no, oh no..."

Xu Qinglian turned her head and looked at Tang Mudan with a smile: "What's the matter? The end of the world?"

"Well, almost." Tang Mudan nodded honestly: "For us, the world is end."

Xu Qinglian tilted her head slightly, the lush white fingers of one hand lifted Tang Mudan's chin, staring at each other for a moment and suddenly said, "He's coming?"

Tang Mudan shrank his neck: "I didn't mean it, I didn't betray you, I'm not a traitor..."

Xu Qinglian ignored it, put down her hand and looked at the figure still flashing on the TV ahead: "It's really the end of the world."

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian looked around the room: "I was quite comfortable at first, don't you? I deal with those lovely jobs during the day, watch some lovely TV at night, and the lovely you stay with me... OK, Pack up, it’s not good for people to look at."

Xu Qinglian, who got up and changed her clothes, looked around again: "I haven't stayed enough for three years."

"Then are you going back or not?" Tang Mudan, who had assumed responsibility, asked anxiously.

"Everyone is here, can I still not go back?" Xu Qinglian laughed: "He will go crazy if I don't go back, and he will kill me."

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