Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 165: Full Moon (Fri)

"The base is well built." Standing under the base office building, Wang Ai casually praised the general manager of the Daqing Base of Northern Light Industry who came from home.

The boss of the base nodded with a smile. Of course he knew who the real boss was at his level, but he didn't expect that the master would suddenly arrive. The entourage only brought two of them, and he didn't say what to do, which made people feel confused.

Wang Ai didn't want to alarm anyone, but when he arrived at the base, he found that no one was carrying it, so he couldn't get in!

This reminded me of the base system that he proposed in the early years and was later implemented: the militarization of access control, authentication and non-recognition of people. The reason for this is that for the actual life-long employment system, the employees tend to be too lazy after losing the pressure of unemployment. Strong disciplinary requirements must be used to ensure basic labor and work order, and strong disciplinary requirements must be used. To select talents to avoid intimacy and internal corruption.

Every year, the Discipline Department of the Group will report cases of violations of discipline and the Group’s Security Division will also report cases that have been sent to the judicial authorities to repeatedly beat employees and ensure a positive corporate culture and working environment.

In this way, even if it is Wang Ailai, it will not work well, someone must sign as a guarantee. However, only the boss of the base knows that Wang Ai is the prince of the company. In the early years, the whole factory staff watched the Wang Ai ball game in the paper mill of Ai's early years. Now the employees of the Liaoyang base know the truth, but the employees of the non-local base do not.

So in the end, he could only temporarily call the boss from home and let him open the door in person.

"I'll go up to pick someone up, and you can wait for me in the communication room." Wang Ai pointed to the brightly lit fourth floor: "Don't think too much about it. I'm not here to pick something wrong. I'll leave when I pick someone up."

The boss was puzzled, but Wang Ai didn't seem to want to explain, so he didn't ask: "Well, I'm in the communication room. In Daqing, we are a well-known company and can do anything."

Wang Ai smiled and nodded, and then walked into the office building. The spy Tang Mudan had already understood the structure and appearance of the office building and the location of their dormitory clearly. So even if Wang Ai came for the first time, the old horse knew the way, and what he walked was called a slip!

Deng Deng Deng stepped up to the fourth floor and turned to the right. There was an iron gate deep in the corridor, which was specially installed by the base party committee for the two permanent female cadres. On the left hand side are the windows facing the factory area, on the right hand side are offices with lights out, and on the left hand side at the end of the corridor are two rooms that were originally used as warehouses and later converted into dormitories for female officials.

The whole corridor is bright at the end.

Hearing the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground in the corridor, Tang Mudan, who was helping to pack his luggage in the room, raised his head and found Xu Qinglian's hand stopped and continued casually. At this time, Tang Mudan was not afraid of her anymore, he opened the door to the corridor with a deliberate laugh.

Three men walked over from the darkness, one of them in a straight black youth suit, leather shoes under their feet, a height of 1.9 meters away, a free and easy step, with a faint smile on their faces, and the two behind them were in the dark. It's eye-catching, but it sets off the stalwartness of this man.

This is the world’s No. 1 star, the No. 1 star in China, who is always excited and excited in the newspapers, TV, and the Internet for three years. The **** in the hearts of tens of thousands of fans, set countless brilliant records at the age of 24, won three Golden Globe Awards, and three legendary figures of World Footballer.

Tang Mudan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, but only one sentence came to his lips: "She is inside."

Wang Ai stopped and slightly bent over to look directly into Tang Mudan's eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Hee hee, pack your luggage." Tang Mudan burst into a bright smile that made Wang Ai dazed.

Wang Ai smiled: "Peony, you have been so hard for these three years."

Tang Mudan was a little shy: "It's not hard, you go now."

Wang Ai gave a hum, took a deep breath, and stepped forward to open the door.

In the room, Xu Qinglian turned her head, Wang Ai stopped...

People who think about it all day and night!

Haven't seen you in three years?

Thousands of words, nowhere to speak, thousands of miles away, close at hand.

But like that rustling autumn grass.

After a long time, Xu Qinglian's gaze gradually receded, and Wang Ai's gaze became firmer and firmer. Before leaving, Shi Wenjun, with his stomach upright, warned him repeatedly: You must be firm and never back down. Now she needs a reason to go with you and a reason to get through all of this that can't resist and refuse. And all the reasons are inferior to your resolute, no-go or no-go attitude.

Therefore, Wang Ai suppressed the panic in his heart, and stepped forward with a cold voice: "Is it all packed?"

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Did you buy this computer?" Wang Ai pointed to the monitor that was not turned off: "You still like Dell."

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian raised her head and said in a low voice.

Wang Ai panicked, saying that he was cold, why did he laugh and laugh just after saying a few words? So quickly stayed indifferent again: "Okay, let's go."

The words "Let Tang Mudan help you clean up the leftovers" came to his lips after all. He was worried that once he started to grind, the pressure on Xu Qinglian would not be enough.

"I haven't written my resignation letter, and the job hasn't been handed over..."

"No need!" Wang Ai enters the role: "Don't think too much of yourself, a grassroots cadre, there are not many of you, not a lot of you. If you really have experience in working in the past few years, you really have a good impression of colleagues here It’s time to deal with it when I go home."

With that said, Wang Ai took a step forward and picked up the two trolley boxes with his left hand, and freed his right hand: "Huh?"

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian whispered, stepping forward, cringing and putting her hand in Wang Ai's palm.

The three people who were chatting outside the door found the door opened, and they were all surprised, why so quickly, they saw Wang Ai carrying a trolley box with a stern face, and the other hand holding Xu Qinglian, who bowed her head silently: "Go, go back to the hotel. "

The group of people walked straight downstairs. The head of the base looked at the five people who came down in surprise. Xu Qinglian and Tang Mudan knew each other. These are the outstanding cadres that have emerged from the base in recent years. Although they don't like to be the limelight, they are very capable. , He was still wondering when he would formally recommend him to his superiors. How?

It seems that the relationship is not ordinary.

He didn't think that his prince was here to grab the male and female, he must have met before.


Wang Ai ignored the restless base boss. Yan Zhu wanted to drive and Zhao Dan was defending. Naturally, he didn’t talk to him. Only Tang Mudan, who was walking at the end, pointed to his mobile phone secretly. The boss nodded and followed out. Wang Ai nodded at him through the car window until he left.

The car drove away, and half an hour later, the boss of the fired base received an unfamiliar call.

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