Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 167: Full Moon (7)

Shi Wenjun's mood remained quite good, and when he held hands, he noticed the calluses on Xu Qinglian's hands: "Didn't you say that you went to the trade union to do a clerical job?"

"Occasionally, I still have to go to the workshop, make some technical improvements, and have to experiment." Xu Qinglian smiled disapprovingly: "Let's go, you must be very tired to stand like this."

"It's okay, it's still early, the activities are good." Shi Wenjun said, but he turned around and prepared to enter the hospital.

"The girl is still a kid, do you know?"

"I don't know yet. Auntie didn't let me see it, saying she was afraid of hurting her body."

As he said, a group of people entered the yard, but the two boys who were rolling all over the floor did not react. The lady who was lying on the side watching the excitement stood up and ran over after less than three seconds of doubt. Xu Qinglian kept spinning, her tail wagging like a windmill.

Xu Qinglian bent over and touched the dog's head, then walked to the two children and squatted down, looking at the older one curiously: "Your name is Wang Sheng?"

Wang Sheng looked at this aunt who had never met before, nodded in fear. Xu Qinglian was afraid of children and animals that she was used to it. She chuckled and looked at the other with fair skin and yellow hair: "Are you Wang Zhonghua?"

Wang Zhonghua yelled, touched his pocket, and turned out a candy. Wang Sheng also took out a candy over there, holding two candy in his two small hands and passing it to Xu Qinglian.

Xu Qinglian looked at the two children in surprise, then looked back at everyone, and subconsciously said: "Really...more obedient than I am."

Everyone laughed, and Xu Qinglian, who woke up from shock, shook her head and laughed. She took two candies and touched the heads of the two children: "Thank you brothers, you are all good children."

It was past twelve o'clock and they were about to have lunch. The family just walked into the dining room, and Ai Xiaoqing suddenly said, "Wang Ai, your flight is about to arrive, so hurry up and eat."

"What time is it?"


Wang Ai stood up immediately after hearing the sound: "Then I'll bring some to eat on the road, anyway, it's close to Qingdao."

With that said, Wang Ai got up and glanced at the woman in the room. Without saying anything, he walked to the yard and touched the heads of the two children, and took his men out to the airport.

In fact, he knew that Ai Xiaoqing had caused these complicated people to reunite for a long time and speak alone together, and it was difficult for him to handle it. There are secrets in a woman's family, and even the closest man is not easy to intervene. Although Xu Qinglian is expected to return, but after three years of return, the family relationship has to be adjusted, and emotional matters are easy to handle, but in terms of work, it is always necessary to re-divide the field.

Especially with children, what will happen to this family in the future? Wang Ai takes big ideas, but they always give them a try. What about marriage? Always ask them to talk. Even if there is a consensus, it is always safe for them to strike the gong and the drum face to face.

Wang Ai did not use a private jet to go to Qingdao this time. Although Haier gave him 100 million a year, he would go to Cuba tomorrow. The plane needed maintenance, and the family didn't want him to be too public.

We arrived in Qingdao at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, got on the car sent by Haier headquarters, and went to the venue. Today's old customer reception, Mr. Zhang, attended in person, and he was very solemn in all aspects, otherwise he would not invite Wang Ai specially. Mr. Zhang also personally came forward when signing the contract with Wang Ai. The endorsement fee of 100 million a year was too difficult for Haier. It's not that the money can't be paid, but the decision-making process is difficult. Haier is a world-renowned company, and the decision-makers have doubts about whether it is necessary to hire a spokesperson like Wang Ai. Later, Mr. Zhang summarized Wang Ai's most well-known characteristics: efficiency, precision, technology, and high knowledge to convince others in the decision-making level.

These four distinctive labels are highly compatible with Haier's product image, and considering Wang Ai's huge domestic and foreign support groups, it is appropriate to sign a global spokesperson of 100 million a year. Adi, who is also a top 500, only used 600 million a year to obtain Wang Ai's image authorization. Compared with that, Haier has made a profit.

Out of prudent consideration, Haier and Wang Ai's agreement was signed once a year, and Wang Ai also generously agreed. Up to now, the contract has been renewed twice. Obviously, both parties are more satisfied.

The reception was from 4pm to 8pm, and Wang Ai was about to start when he arrived, and he had already seen crowds in the hall. Seeing Wang Ai's arrival, the host warmly announced and invited Wang Ai to the stage. The benefits of football as the biggest sport have been reflected. These old customers, whether they are fans or not, are very familiar with Wang Ai's name. Therefore, Wang Aigang didn't say anything before he came to the stage, and applause broke out from below.

According to the event arrangement that Haier gave to Wang Ai earlier, Wang Ai next stood on stage and gave a short speech, saying that he was very honored to be a member of Haier's big family, and talked about his understanding of Haier in overseas work. , Evaluation of foreigners, etc. Then Wang Ai and the host were sitting on the stage at the same time. The host asked some questions about the Bundesliga and personal records, and then invited the customers to ask questions. This is a lot more lively.

Due to Wang Ai’s strict information management and control, the four domestic media that can interview him so far are still the same, so his news hunger remains the same as before, and there is no reporter on the scene, Wang Ai is not so restrained, and replied with witty words. A lot of problems.

The last link was when he stepped down and took photos and signed autographs with interested fans. Wang Ai also smiled and cooperated, and he was busy for another half an hour.

When Wang Ai goes down, some pretty girls will come on stage and sing and dance. Mr. Zhang will come by midway. Although he will leave after half an hour, he will leave Wang Ai on most of the time in half an hour. Around.

Soon after Mr. Zhang left, Wang Ai also left. He was very clear about the purpose of inviting him to this cocktail party. One was to thank his old customers and give them the opportunity to get close to him, an international university that is hard to reach by ordinary people. Stars, satisfy some of their curiosity. The other is to ask Wang Ai to talk about his impression of Haier, which will help Haier consolidate customer relationships.

When these processes are completed, it doesn't make much sense for him to stay on the scene. Haier employees still need to use this occasion to discuss business with old customers. It is a kind of interference for him to stay.

After coming out of the scene, Wang Ai drove directly to another place. Mr. Zhang will personally entertain some important old customers today. After arriving at a very private restaurant, when the banquet had just opened, Mr. Zhang greeted Wang Ai to take a seat, and also joked that today's ingredients are absolutely qualified. You can rest assured that there will be no problems with eating. Wang Ai only raised his chopsticks.

Even on this occasion, those present are still full of interest in Wang Ai. It is true that the group of fans is too big, covering all walks of life. Haier is the world's top 500, but Wang Ai is one of the three superstars in football and is a top figure. So the bosses on this occasion are not much different from the bosses just now. They are also taking photos and signing questions, a typical fan performance.

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