Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 168: Full Moon (8)

In the second half of the banquet, the topic gradually became more advanced, involving business management, policies and regulations, etc. Wang Ai wanted to say goodbye, but was pulled by Mr. Zhang: "Little Wanger, did you know that I have been to Liaoyang? North Light Industry Special I have visited the paper production base, and there has been supplying insulating paper to our Haier."

Suddenly, Wang Ai found that there was still this relationship, so he stopped pretending and stayed to accompany him. He still doesn't talk about policies and regulations, and his status is not enough. His dad came just right. But when talking about corporate image and product image, Wang Ai said a few words based on his own situation.

Everyone here understands that being able to become a superstar is definitely not just because of playing well. There must be his way to success if Mr. Zhang can take away 100 million yuan this year. In the corporate world, Haier is one of the top 500 in the world, while in the football world, Wang Ai is among the top three in the world, and even number one in the world. It is of important reference value to hear Wang Ai's thinking and analysis on brand image in person.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that the banquet broke up. Wang Ai accompanied Mr. Zhang to deliver important customers one by one in the car, and then jokingly said "I am the wage earner you hired" and insisted on sending Mr. Zhang to the car. Car, wave until you can't see the taillights.

Wang Ai didn't attend many similar occasions. After all, there are not many companies that can afford him, but as long as he comes, his attitude must be in place, and he will never belittle anyone because "my family has more money than you". After all, at this moment, he is an entertainer who takes money. It would be nice if he didn't let him carry the bag, and he really admired Mr. Zhang. Wang Ai’s enterprise has referenced many of his practical and theoretical results in the establishment of the system. He has established Haier’s decades of high-end product image by "smashing the refrigerator" as early as decades ago. When it comes to brand building and corporate management, they are A person like a middle-aged veteran and founder of the mountain.

And Wang Ai's attitude is strictly speaking part of the "superstar" brand image management.

After a rest in Qingdao for a night, Wang Ai landed in Beijing at 10 am the next morning. He hurried back home and took the accompanying clothes, prepared gifts, etc., and brought Leo Ni, Yan Zhu, Zhao Dan, Xu Qinglian, and soup. Mudan and others hurried to the airport to join the other members. At 12 o'clock noon, the German Beauty was slowly taxiing at Beijing Airport, starting the itinerary of the "Economic, Trade and Cultural Friendship and Cooperation Visiting Group".

On the plane, Wang Ai sat with the Deputy Director of the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean, and took the time to compare the itinerary and team division based on the information provided by Cuba. The delegation was divided into four parts: Wang Ai Sports stars will go to meet the great comrade Fidel, which is the highlight of his trip. Don't talk about a private visit. Wang Ai has no personal space for his position. What's more, he is going to Cuba to meet the legendary Communist Party leader, so the time may only be a few hours, but it is the most important thing. Secondly, young philosophers like Lao Liu and Lao Ding will go to the Cuban Academy of Sciences to conduct exchanges and discussions with related majors, and to exchange at the Department of Philosophy and History of the University of Havana. Depending on the situation, Wang Ai may also participate in the event, or may not participate in public. Thirdly, the three scientific research units of Northern Light Industry Paper Research Institute, Beyond Rehabilitation Medical Center, and Stupid Livestock Breeding Research Institute, led by Leo Ni, communicated with the Cuban Ministry of Light Industry, Cuban Sports Bureau, and the Bureau of Livestock and Poultry Breeding of the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture. We will go to Cuba’s bagasse papermaking project, Cuban medical school, Cuban cooperative farms and other places for research. Finally, Chaoyue Entertainment, who brought a few excellent cultural works, will visit the Film Bureau of the Cuban Ministry of Culture.

The total number of people is only 27, but the composition is very complicated. The Chinese guards sent 7 people. There are more than a hundred of various activities, and the level is not low, so the various arrangements are very detailed. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is happy to see the results of the cooperation, but it is even more afraid of causing trouble.

Cuba can survive the suppression of the United States for decades. It is also a rebellious country. Even if such a country is small, its self-esteem is very strong or even too strong. It's easy to talk about how you are doing well, and you can even talk to you, but if you don't handle it well, it's ruthless.

Under the solemn instruction of Comrade Deputy Director, all members of the visiting delegation were silent, showing the best mental state and the most kind smile. When the plane finally soared over the Havana Airport, the tension reached its peak.

Leonie, who was used to the big scenes, was a little nervous: "You will lead me in front of you when you get off the plane."

Wang Ai was also a little nervous, but smiled pretentiously: "I'm behind the leader. You can follow me. The other party will not be a big person to pick you up at the airport, don't worry."

Because Wang Ai had communicated with Cuba in advance, Cuba did not arrange a grand welcome ceremony for Wang Ai, a superstar who is as well-known as the Pope. Very low-key, only a few dozen people greeted him at the airport, which made the guests relax. In a sigh of relief.

Arrive at the Chinese Embassy first for dinner and rest, and finally adjust the itinerary according to the content communicated by the Cuban side. Soon he was informed that Comrade Raul would meet the people at the Revolutionary Palace in the evening.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, on the lawn in front of the Revolutionary Palace, which is full of tropical style, Wang Ai met this leader who can sing "Dongfanghong" in Chinese. It seems that these young people in China are a little nervous, and Comrade Raul jokingly asked the captain of the previous World Cup champion team to predict the outcome of tomorrow's European Cup final. And Wang Ai was infected by the smile of Comrade Raul, and easily replied: Since you asked me in Spanish and I answered in Spanish, then the Spanish team must have won.

This humorous dialogue established a good atmosphere for the interview. Comrade Raul was very talkative and relaxed when he met with youth representatives from friendly countries. At the same time, although this visit is led by the leaders of the Chinese foreign affairs department, it is still private, so the process is not so tense and rigid. For example, the official visit requires both parties to translate sentence by sentence, but Wang Ai does not use it here. He directly uses Spanish. Say. The Chinese translators turned into relaying the dialogue between the two parties below to other people. Sometimes the speech speed of both parties was too fast.

The hotel arranged for the Cuban side to rest for a night, and the delegation officially started work the next day. The deputy director took Leo Ni’s three scientific research teams to connect with various units. The Chinese embassy sent cadres to take Lao Liu and the others to Cuba. The Academy of Sciences started philosophical and historical exchanges. Wang Ai stayed at the embassy temporarily to wait for the corresponding arrangements from Cuba, and obtained information from the parties through the two temporarily appointed liaison officers Xu Qinglian and Tang Mudan, and went to the hotel to meet with the parties in the evening to learn about the talks Results.

On the third night of coming to Cuba, Wang Ai was in the hotel to listen to the analysis of the Cuban bagasse papermaking project by the Northern Paper Research Institute. The deputy director received a call with joy and said, "Quickly, Xiao Wanger is ready to prepare, and that person will meet you. !"

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