Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 169: Full Moon (9)

No one thought that the interview would be so long. From the time Wang Ai arrived at Comrade Fidel’s apartment at 7 o’clock that night, after two hours of conversation, Wang Ai was invited again the next morning. All day long.

On the first day, accompanied by the deputy director and the Chinese ambassador, Wang Ai presented to Comrade Fidel the Chinese national team's No. 10 signature jersey and the ball for the South African World Cup finals, and took out the original Spanish version of Comrade Fidel that he had purchased abroad. The speech set requests a signature.

The main thing that night was about football. Comrade Fidel watched yesterday's European Cup final, and Wang Ai also watched it. So the topic is concentrated here. Comrade Fidel is very interested in the story behind how the Chinese team defeated the almost unbeatable Spanish team. Wang Ai took a focused attitude of reporting to the leadership, from team formation, strategy and tactics, and pertinence. Arrange to the analysis of the enemy situation before the war. Under the inquiry of Comrade Fidel, Wang Ai also expanded the topic, referring to the ups and downs of the Olympic football match two years before the World Cup finals.

Wang Ai is fluent in Spanish, and Comrade Fidel knows a lot about football through Maradona's channels, so he talked very well. At first Wang Ai was still a little nervous, but Comrade Fidel has bid farewell to front-line work for a year, and has become accustomed to the posture of an ordinary old man. Coupled with his humorous and relaxed speech, Wang Ai gradually became relaxed and talked more and more. More and more.

Because the Chinese team had learned from the lessons learned from the failure of the Confederations Cup, it has increased the pertinence of strategy and tactics, and increased the shaping of the spirit, such as military training. Starting from this aspect, the topic has gradually transitioned to the field of spiritual civilization. Laid the foundation for a long conversation the next day.

The topics on July 3 focused on philosophy and history. Specifically, Wang Ai asked Comrade Fidel some questions, and Comrade Fidel learned some questions through Wang Ai. For example, Wang Ai is very interested in some important historical events, and Comrade Fidel is the witness and even the decision maker. Comrade Fidel was very interested in the thinking of the new generation, and Wang Ai reported to Comrade Fidel. At the same time, Cuba is facing the problem of restructuring state-owned enterprises, and Wang Ai has participated in the construction of a modern enterprise system; Cuba has the headache of athlete defection. Wang Ai is a middle-level cadre and celebrity in China's sports management agency. In short, unlike Maradona, who is purely a star, Wang Ai has multiple identities as a star, a scholar, and an entrepreneur. This is a good conversation partner for Comrade Fidel, who is constantly thinking about the future and destiny of the Cuban socialist movement.

After all, youth is the future of the world, and this is common in all countries.

Therefore, the content of the conversation on the second day was very wide. In the morning and afternoon, Wang Ai spent more than 5 hours together with Comrade Fidel. This was a great courtesy, and of course it also reflected the harmonious atmosphere and the quality of the conversation. If Comrade Fidel and Maradona are in agreement because of their common anti-imperialist and anti-colonial pursuit, then they will have a long conversation with Wang Ai mainly based on realistic, academic, and profound topics.

"What kind of person is he?" Xu Qinglian finally couldn't help being curious in the hotel room at night.

"Hero." Wang Ai said two words after thinking about it for a long time.

Xu Qinglian waited eagerly, but saw that Wang Ai was speechless, and couldn't help saying: "That's it?"

Wang Ai let out a long sigh: "The international communist movement is a great social practice carried out by proletarians from all over the world. In this magnificent social movement in pursuit of freedom, democracy, and equality, he is a figure who cannot be bypassed by any means. He may have made a mistake, Cuba may have gone through a detour, but no one can deny his great sentiment, noble pursuit and realistic success. Bolivar led the Latin American people to initially get rid of colonial rule hundreds of years later. Comrade Fidel also led a new era of anti-imperialist and anti-colonial movement. It is precisely because Cuba is in the front that the vast number of proletarians in Latin America will have a little respite, and Latin American countries will have all kinds of leftists. The political parties contained the big bourgeoisie and comprador parties, and did not let the oppression become so deep. Just as the existence of the Soviet Union promoted the American civil rights movement, women's liberation, and improved the living conditions of the American proletariat."

After Wang Ai finished this long sentence, Xu Qinglian pondered for a while and still asked curiously: "Then why do you say he is a hero?"

"Because he is too heroic." Said Wang Ai smiled: "He gave me a biography written to him by a foreigner today, which records more than 600 assassinations of him by the CIA. He also told me that if assassination can also become an Olympic event, he must be a gold medalist! If assassination can also become a professional league, he must be a superstar!"

"What did he say?" Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai in surprise, and couldn't help laughing when Wang Ai nodded, "What a lovely person."

"Yeah, he is very funny." Wang Ai said with a hint of memory: "I said he was a hero, and because of his revolutionary romanticism, some decisions were simply... You can say that he is inspiring, but you can't deny those. The decision is really interesting!"

"What is it?" Xu Qinglian grabbed Wang Ai's arm curiously: "Say it quickly."

"Do you know about the smuggling incident in the Port of Marlère?"

"It seems..." Xu Qinglian nodded thoughtfully: "I have an impression."

"This is a long story. To put it simply, the place where the international communist movement started must be economically backward and people living in poverty, right? Whether it’s the source of imperial Russia or China, whether it’s Eastern Europe or Latin America, you can Understand?"

"Of course, the weak areas of the bourgeois alliance, where the class struggle is the most acute and severe, must be the places with the most fuel."

"Yes. But in this way, when these countries become socialist countries one after another, because of historical reasons, the economic foundation and productivity level cannot catch up with the capitalist countries immediately, so there will be a phenomenon of defections. And the capitalist countries do so. The plundering of labor is also in order to devalue the socialist system, which will be happy and even deliberately lured."

Xu Qinglian nodded: "I've heard that there are East Germany, Cuba, and my country's Guangdong region, and of course North Korea now."

Wang Ai smiled: "Then what did they do? East Germany's approach is to build the Berlin Wall. Our approach is to catch first and then open up. North Korea's approach is modeled on our country. Only Cuba's approach is the most alternative! Facing capital In the United States, the stronghold of ism, the situation in Cuba is too bad, and general practices are not good. So on a certain day in 1980, the great comrade Fidel put all the murderers, hooligans, and prostitutes in Cuba as bad elements. 150,000 people were packed and sent to the smuggled ferry boat, smuggling to the United States in a magnificent manner! The coast guards in the United States are so happy!"

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