Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 172: Fly and Fly (2)

Wang Ai’s emotional life is complicated, but the more complicated it is, the simpler it is to deal with it. For example, you must not spoof or engage in secret room politics in front of you. Ai Xiaoqing, who had long been facing the future of his son's complicated family life, decisively asked it publicly at the dinner table.

Huang Xin chuckled, Lei Aoni was holding chopsticks in his mouth, Shi Wenjun lowered her head to drink the soup, her eyes were grunting, Wang Ai swallowed a mouthful of buns with a dumb throat, and glanced sideways at Xu Qinglian and said: "We plan to visit Yingkou recently. , Look at her dad, give her mother a grave, and then come back and find time to do it."

"Well, things have dragged on for so long, and it was done smoothly." Ai Xiaoqing nodded, then pointed at Huang Xin and the others: "Then what should they do?"

This meal is too much to eat, Wang Ai put down his chopsticks, looked around, and prepared a serious answer.

"I plan to marry each of them once, then divorce, and give the children a legal status. Finally, let Qinglian be made public as my wife in order to deal with various ceremonial tasks."

Ai Xiaoqing listened and turned to look at Huang Xin and the others: "Do you have any ideas? Say it right away, say it today, you can say anything. My family has wronged you, so as long as you mention it, I will agree to it. Anyway, our old couple is the only child."

Huang Xin smiled and shook his head: "Everything is fine, I have nothing to ask for."

Shi Wenjun looked at Ai Xiaoqing: "I have told me before, and I have known this arrangement a long time ago. Only this arrangement is the most reasonable, so I have nothing to say, I have already said it."

Leonie curled her lips: "It's an extra effort."

The people in the room were amused even Wang Bin. Ai Xiaoqing hated the iron and knocked Leo Ni’s head with chopsticks across the table: "What if you grow old without this? What do you regret?"

Leo Niu smiled eh eh eh, while dodging, Ai Xiaoqing saw that she couldn't simply give up: "I can't split Wang Ai into several pieces and give it to you. What I can do is treat you fairly and ensure that you have food and clothing. Worry-free and guarantee that you can freely pursue your dreams. I will ask you one last time, do you have any requirements? One last time."



Leonie shook her head: "No."

Ai Xiaoqing sighed: "That's OK, just do it like this."

Then, Ai Xiaoqing looked at Wang Bin and then at her son: "When you were young, we saw this tendency, and my father and I disagree. He basically condoned, saying that I can’t control you, but I always wanted to screw you up. Come here. But afterwards, all these things got entangled, and I acquiesced in it."

"But more importantly, these good girls are determined to follow you, crushing grievances and single-mindedly to you, and even the unnamed children are there. What else can I say? Is it really awesome? A wicked mother-in-law who beats a mandarin duck?" At this point, Ai Xiaoqing looked around with pity, and then sighed: "Since you are all determined to do this, there is nothing I can do as a mother. ."

Seeing what Ai Xiaoqing said of grief, Wang Bin rarely spoke; "In our family, this kind of thing can be considered a lot, it is a bit reasonable. If there are no such people and children in the family, we will not have a happy birthday."

Ai Xiaoqing gave a hum and looked at Wang Ai: "Since this is already the case, please listen to a few more words for the mother."

Wang Ai nodded hurriedly.

"First, keep in mind today and the friendship these girls give you. Although our family is rich, there are a lot of money. If you are not lucky, you will not be able to exchange so many good girls. If you bow your head and be a small temper, you will eventually be **** by friendship. So no matter when it comes, the friendship cannot be lost or forgotten."

Seeing Wang Aizheng nodding his head, Ai Xiaoqing continued: "Secondly, you have a right idea. No matter how upright these girls are, you will always make decisions when you are with you. In the future, you may inevitably listen to you. So, as the head of the family, you must keep in mind the principle of fairness in the face of them and the children who will grow up in the future. Only fairness can make people speechless, and can pretend to be the **** and powerful people of you. Strong people have always been the most difficult to get along with, and only fairness can unite them."

Wang Ai nodded his head again, and Ai Xiaoqing just looked at Wang Bin: "What do you have to say? This is the good son you are used to!"

Wang Bin lifted his eyelids and looked at his wife, then lowered his eyelids: "Eat...hey, I don’t dare to breathe when you train the children. Okay, I have nothing to say. Anyway, he can’t do those two. Article, even if I used a stick, I will beat him for you too, okay?"

Everyone in the room chuckled, Ai Xiaoqing also smiled and shook his head: "I really can't adapt to you, all right, eat."

After the meal, the family sat in the living room to continue discussing the details. It was easy to go through the formalities. As long as the time was staggered, the marriage certificate and then the divorce certificate would be justified. The wedding should be discussed carefully. Wang Ai decided early on not to hold a wedding in the ordinary sense, not to invite guests, not to post, and of course not to look for the media. He once said to his family: "I don't like turning marriage into a public relations event. Many people have no choice, but I do. Many people can't be willful, but I can."

Xu Qinglian, her marriage partner, agrees. Whether it is now or three years ago, she has a psychological shadow about marriage, wishing the bird to get the job done quietly. If it were not for family work assignments, she would need to appear publicly as Wang Ai's wife to handle many things, and she would not even want a marriage certificate.

But not having a wedding does not mean that you will not be accountable to all parties. Many leaders have been concerned about Wang Ai's marriage on different occasions. For example, Yuan Weimin asked when Wang Ai came home to pay a New Year's greetings last year. Yan Shiduo also joked that the National Youth Team would reserve a place for your son. As a pioneering Chinese football king, and the leader of a group of people who suddenly came to the fore, or a lonely group of people who couldn't do it in the front and couldn't look at it from the back, they counted on this group of people to pass on, and they became the Chinese football world. Forced "consensus."

Unless there are frequent young football players in China in the future, this group of old leaders can let go of this idea.

Since the leader has cared about it, everyone is equal and the leader is not good to say anything if it is not publicly held, but it is too much to say hello without even saying hello.

So what the family discussed was when to obtain the certificate and when to notify the leaders. Which leaders need a couple to visit in person, which friends need to call in person to inform, which media needs to inform and when to inform.

Also, what souvenirs to bring to these leaders and friends.

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