Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Fly and fly (3)

These things can't be discussed in a day, so I'm afraid of omissions. From home to Beijing, from the Academy of Social Sciences to the Sports Bureau, from China to Europe, the more people cross borders, the more friends, the more various relationships, the more people need to be considered and cared for.

Xu Qinglian's social relationship is simple, it is nothing more than family relatives and a few friends who can talk to. On Wang Ai's side, there are more than 200 phone numbers in his black mobile phones, more than 500 red phone numbers, and more than 2,000 white mobile phones. For relationships with different degrees of intimacy, the wedding gifts that need to be prepared cannot be the same. It is not expensive to cause the other party to have the burden of "must give you a gift in return", nor can it make the gift look too thin.

After discussing the middle of the night, the list of various levels was initially determined, and the basic gift content was determined.

The first level is the important leaders who have cared and helped Wang Ai at different stages, including the former principal of Hongqi Primary School Mei, the director of Taizihe District Education Bureau Zhang, the principal of No. 1 High School Jin, Gao Hongbo, Liu Chunming, Mi Lu, Yan Shiduo, Wei Di, Yuan Weimin, Mourinho, Moratti. Indirectly related to the former senior officials, mayor, and director of education of Liaoyang City, current senior officials, mayors, and provincial sports directors, and then the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, General Administration of Sports, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Communist Youth League, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Commerce, and Ministry of Propaganda. The relevant leaders who have passed and the immediate superiors of Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan.

The gift prepared is Wang Ai’s national team No. 10 jersey led by Tübingen Youth, Deportivo, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Bayern Munich. A full set of Wang Ai’s career signature jerseys, recording major events and important records with specific dates. The game ball, a sincerely worded thank you letter written by Wang Ai and signed by the husband and wife to recall the past, and a scheduled photo collection of Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian during their wedding.

These leaders are in Beijing, and Wang Ai is going to bring Xu Qinglian to the door to give gifts. Other places will be delivered by express mail, and they will also come to thank you if they have the opportunity, such as Xu Genbao in Shanghai. These three-piece sets are enough to reflect Wang Ai's sincerity, and the way of writing letters that have almost disappeared even more reflects the solemnity. With Wang Ai's current status and contributions, this letter with content can be recorded in history.

The second level is that Wang Ai’s friends include his classmates who still keep in touch with him, former teammates who have had close contacts, important cadres and key coaches beyond sports, and major leaders of enterprises in other systems, and those who have had a cooperative relationship with Wang Ai. Decision makers of the sponsors and contacts with Wang Ai, four media friends who can interview Wang Ai, general leaders and friends who have worked with him at different stages and helped him.

The gifts prepared for this basically parallel level include a national team signature jersey, a uniformly printed letter signed by the husband and wife, explaining the reason why the wedding is not to be done and asking for understanding and expressing gratitude, a pack of wedding candy, 28 A group photo of Kilogram Stupid Company's products with three couples.

The third level is Wang Ai's general friends, general contacts, middle and lower-level cadres who have been in contact with the company at home, Wang Ai's defense, and fan leaders who have been in contact. The gift is a national team signature jersey, a short thank-you letter signed by Wang Ai, 8 kilograms of dumb company products and two packs of wedding candy.

The leaders, friends, and subordinates in the working relationship of Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing were sent letters and gifts respectively, and according to different levels, gifts such as autographed jerseys and other souvenirs were given to Wang Ai.

Sorting out the list, making gifts, has been busy until late at night.

Wang Ai woke up in Huang Xin's bed early the next morning, and was still thinking about it as he ran out.

Because the parents need to arrange someone to help with the procedures, it will take some time. It can’t be said that you can get the divorce certificate right away when you get the marriage certificate on the same day. Although you know what’s going on, at least you have to do it on the surface. Almost, don't make the scene too ugly. Therefore, Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian may get their licenses until the end of the year or even next year, but if Wang Ai decides to leave Bayern next year, he will have to prepare the next club's signature jersey.

This time is just right to ponder this list. Wang Ai has too many contacts, and he may not contact him very often, but if he misses out on this important matter, people will have to pick and deal with it. Therefore, we have to strive for stability.

After breakfast, Wang Ai hurried out and went to the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the External Liaison Office and the Deputy Director’s Office of the General Administration of Sports, the Football Association’s External Liaison Office and the Director’s Office, and the Department of Literature and Philosophy of the Academy of Social Sciences to present his visit reports. If the corresponding leader is at home, he will make an oral report.

At dusk, when Wang Ai arrived home, just about to catch his breath, Li Jun stuffed a pile of schedules.

"Don't blame me if you didn't go, you're on vacation!" Wang Ai sighed while holding the schedule.

"I'll be back when you call?" Li Jun was still full of resentment.

"I remember you were not interested in Cuba." Wang Ai didn't look up: "I usually let you read the revolutionary works on my bookshelf. If you find it difficult not to read, then I think you have no idea about this kind of thing. What are you doing then?"

Li Jun sighed heavily: "I wasn't interested in it originally, but I heard that you met that person, don't you regret it?"

Wang Ai glanced at him contemptuously: "You will not be able to see you as soon as you go! The two leading comrades of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and I saw the more than 20 people in the delegation."

"Didn't you see Brother Yan and Brother Zhao?" Li Jun whispered back unconvinced.

The two people who were invisible every day were suddenly named, and had to disarm their skills: "We just took a look from a distance. People's apartments don't need us, and the safety of Xiao Wanger there doesn't need us."

"That is, the CIA has played more than 600 times without making it. That is the safest fortress on earth." Wang Ai laughed loudly.

There was no move to ask everyone to run together. Li Jun shook his head: "Anyway, you and I will stay together in the future. I will go wherever you go, so as not to miss the scenery of life."

"Then you don't hurry up and give me a knock?" Wang Ai looked down at his watch, his mouth still sharp: "Or I'll change you!"

"...No more!" Li Jun fiercely slapped the table and stood up, shouting: "Aunt Ai, Aunt Ai, your son bullies me, don't you care?"

Wang Ai quickly stood up and clutched Li Jun: "Your child, did you tell the parents?"

Ai Xiaoqing walked by slowly outside the door. Seeing that the brothers were smirking with their arms around their shoulders, they glared at them. When Ai Xiaoqing went back, Wang Ai pushed Li Jun away: "You **** still pinch me... I'll take you wherever I go. If you go back to Liaoyang for a holiday, didn't you go to the criminal police team again?"

"Yes, I love it."

Wang Ai shook his head and looked down at the schedule: "It is full until the 22nd?"

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