Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 213: The Wave Stops the Flying Boat (3)

The family no longer needs Wang Ai's football achievements to protect him. He has become a legend. Although he may be tripped up by a conspiracy, he cannot be defeated by any frontal attack unless he has a problem himself. The day after he suddenly lost the ability to blindfold the ball, the fourth round of the Bundesliga began. Wang Ai accompanied the team to Gelsenkirchen and sat on the bench as a substitute to watch Bayern's away game against Schalke.

Generally speaking, Bayern had the upper hand, but never scored in the first half, until the 10th minute of the second half, with a pass and a shot from Müller within three minutes to take the lead. Shaker's offense has never been able to escape the obstruction of Bayern's strong backcourt, and even if it becomes a shot, it is no threat in front of the veteran Neuer.

Considering that Wang Ai had just finished a Champions League match three days ago, Heynckes rarely had a chance to appear at the last minute, but the powerful central defender Martinez came on the field to help the team seal the victory.

All this made the deep expression on Wang Ai's face, who was focused on by the camera, and was repeatedly interpreted by various parties after the game.

After returning to Munich that night, Wang Ai turned a blind eye to the concerned eyes of his family. After dinner, he went to the artificial forest for training as usual, and returned to his home for training. After all the training was over, he ran to his study again and slept on the sofa bed.

Xu Qinglian and Leoni came together, Wang Ai reluctantly cheered up and said, "My blindfolded ball was learned when I was a child. Now that I lost it, I will look for it since I was a child."

Xu Qinglian understood in seconds: "Children's work?"

Wang Ai shook his head with a wry smile: "It's not like that if they have coexisted for a long time."

Leoni, who only understood after Xu Qinglian's explanation, looked around, suddenly stretched out her arms around Xu Qinglian's waist, bowed her head and sighed: "It's been three years since such a good daughter-in-law came back, so you're useless, right? Then I'm welcome. ."

Xu Qinglian supported her forehead, Wang Ai shook her head and laughed twice: "You are my cream and honey, no matter how good you are, I'm not afraid, go ahead, I'll study more."

Seeing that Wang Ai was about to pull the blanket, Leoni hugged Xu Qinglian and approached her, her dark green eyes staring at Wang Ai: "If, I mean, if you really can't find it, then you don't need to think too much. You're 25 this year, and as a general rule, it's going to go downhill, and it's time to retire after another five or eight years."

Xu Qinglian also nodded: "We all feel that as long as you continue to maintain the current rhythm of life training, even if you lose this skill, your current level can be maintained, everything..."

Xu Qinglian turned her palms upwards and showed her left and right: "Nothing will change."

Wang Ai exhaled and looked at them seriously: "You're right, but I've always been accustomed to the upward posture, and I'm still a little unwilling to accept the parallel or even the downward trend. Give me some time, let me find a good one. Find."

Leoni looked at Xu Qinglian, Xu Qinglian looked directly at Wang Ai and pursed her lips: "Well, we are here today just to tell you that no matter what the situation is, we will accompany you. If you really love us that much, we will If you want to be your comforter after your disappointment, I, Lion and Huang Xin will be waiting for you next door, forever."

Wang Ai nodded and stood up and hugged the two of them: "Let me look for it for a while. If I can't find it, I will give up and improve in other directions. I have thought about it, and there is still room for improvement in my technology. ."

After the two left, Wang Ai sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket for a long time.

Xu Qinglian is still working on the big academic project that she scratches her head every day. Leoni is free from the constraints of her children and the pressure of work, and she has a rare childhood innocence. Mr. Xin stared, "Why don't you bring your own son?"

"Don't feel bad if someone else's son is playing bad." Leoni, who was holding Wang Sheng, plausibly.

Huang Xin sighed: "There is no one to worry about. I found that my life has been crooked since I met Wang Ai.

"Go, play by yourself." Leoni put down Wang Sheng and kicked Wang Sheng's ass. Wang Sheng rubbed his **** and ran away. Leoni sat beside her regardless of Huang Xin's staring eyes. He put his arms around Huang Xin's waist: "Who isn't? I swore that I didn't want to have children back then. Who would think that in the blink of an eye, all three of my children would be my name. Planning is very important, but if it remains the same, it will be rigid."

Huang Xin turned his head: "It's rare for you to say something philosophical."

Leoni tilted her head and looked at Huang Xin, and she suddenly lowered her head and kissed Huang Xin's mouth. After being pushed away, she didn't wait for Huang Xin to say anything, and said complacently: "Philosophy is discussed at home, and the doctor is the first. Second, I even have more practical experience than him, and I am working on the theoretical part of the big projects that Tiger is now working on!"

Huang Xin waved angrily: "Go go go."

"Don't, just a moment." Leonie approached again with a smile: "Don't be so blunt, as different mounts of a knight, don't we have any friendship? Besides, you can fight side by side with the little beauty for a long time. , I don't believe you haven't made out."

Huang Xin's face turned red when he said it, but he still defended: "We, we just can't do anything about it.

"I don't believe it." Leoni shook her head with a smile, and took out the phone: "How about I call the little beauty and ask for details?"

"Hey, don't." Huang Xin only knew that it was broken.

For some reason, Huang Xin, who suddenly felt guilty, was hugged and kissed by Leoni. Leoni panted with bright eyes: "I wanted to clean up you for a long time. I thought about it years ago."

Huang Xin leaned on the back of the sofa, tugged at Yu Wu's clothes, and joined his legs, waiting for Leoni's hand to take out before he said distressedly: "Why are you all trying hard at me, you can't let it go? Am I quiet and quiet? You play, can't I do the logistics for you?"

"Then how?" Leoni leaned down again, Huang Xin tilted her head subconsciously and adjusted her posture, and raised her arms slightly. Realizing it, she held Huang Xin's face in both hands: "Haha, do you think it's okay too?"

"Nonsense, I'm not a wooden man." Huang Xin broke the can.

"So what?" Leoni suddenly flashed her big eyes.

"I think everything is fine. I have men, children, sisters, and a career." Huang Xin said seriously: "Why do you have to count me?"

"We are a family." Leoni shook her head and said seriously: "What if you keep watching? If you don't join, it means that you have opinions and estrangements towards us. Do you think that in our complicated family, What does this mean?"

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