Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 214: The Wave Stops the Flying Boat (4)

Huang Xin was silent for a moment, then said embarrassingly: "But, I'm really embarrassed. Besides, I'm the oldest..."

"You still don't understand, age is not a problem, never is." Leoni released Huang Xin and sat side by side with her: "I am also older than the doctor, you forget? The little beauty is also older than the doctor. It's all taking advantage. So it's not a problem, as long as the doctor thinks it's not a problem, it's not a problem. What you think is only what you think, it's the shackles you put on yourself."

"Shackles?" Huang Xin repeated subconsciously.

Leoni got up and took two glasses of water and came back: "Before, Dr. and I discussed the specific changes of production relations to the family under different productivity conditions, and we agreed that the monogamy system is a way of maintaining the stability of human society under the existing productivity conditions. Compromise, not the best model."

Huang Xin turned her head in shock, and subconsciously covered her chest: "You guys, do you respect the Nordic model?"

"It's a bit like, but it's not." Leoni laughed: "They are beyond the stage, too idealistic, not idealized, but idealized, or bound and promoted by an idea. And we think, As long as the personalities of people are equal, then the ultimate situation is free combination."

Huang Xin understood, but said angrily: "The Nordic kind is considered free for both men and women, what about us? He is free, and we guard him like jade."

"So, they are the idea, and we are the ideal." Leoni giggled: "We are not bound by the idea, we are free to choose out of the pursuit of the ideal."

Huang Xin thought for a while and suddenly smiled: "Then you know, it is because of the shackles of ideas that I and the little beauty choose the present? If you think this is a shackle, you must help me get rid of it, then I If you really release it, you may not be satisfied with the moment and pursue your lover, have you ever thought about this?"

Leoni looked at Huang Xin in shock and whispered, "The doctor never said no..."

"Do you think he can agree?" Huang Xin laughed: "He just tacitly agreed that neither of us would. We took advantage of our age, and he took advantage of having so much, so that's it, I don't think there is. What change is necessary."

Leoni was silent for a while: "But the Doctor really wants it."

The smile on Huang Xin's face froze: "Uh, then..."

"Do you remember when the doctor called you Sister Huang Xin last time?" Leoni resolutely chased after him: "You think too much, everyone should have a good time together, I think the little beauty has figured it out. If you figured it out sooner, you wouldn't have to wait until the age of 30 to have a man, not only after the tiger, but even after me. The tiger's absence for three years is equivalent to three years of debt to the doctor. What about you? If you are 18 years old, You owe the doctor 4 years!"

Huang Xin listened quietly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry after Leoni said, "Is it still possible? I owe him 4 years? Then doesn't he also owe me 4 years?"

"So you have to hurry up and make it up." Leoni's eyes lit up.

Huang Xin smiled and shook his head: "Let me think about it again."

Huang Xin, who thought about it again, did not expect that Leoni would live in her room that night. Because of the breakthrough during the day, Leoni, who was justifiable, made persistent efforts to make Huang Xin fall again. If it wasn't for begging for mercy at the last moment, Leoni would almost have been seated once and called Xu Qinglian over.

Wang Ai, who is unaware of the changes at home, is still in autism, constantly trying various training or activation methods. He does not believe that he can lose this skill for no reason, but Wang Ai has already This is rarely trained specially. After all, in the face of sharper actual combat skills such as stone ball and overhead arc ball, this skill used for ball feel expression has no value for further development.

When I think about it now, the last time I performed this was probably during the preparations for the BJ Olympics in 2007. At that time, there was a BJ condolence group from all walks of life at the Olympic Sports Center. Many of the big girls and daughters-in-law made the international players perform the show. Everyone sings, don't care if it sounds good or not, at least it's on the tune. It sounds pretty good to other singers. When it comes to Wang's probably out of tune... Anyway, most people can't grasp it. What singers will be dragged into the water. To be hated.

So, at that time, Wang Ai performed this in the crowd, but since then no one has asked him to play this again, and he has not practiced much. Since a few days ago, he found out that he was not in a good state, and he thought about using this unique globally unique It was only when the technology came to regroup that he discovered that he could not.

Now he's preoccupied with rebuilding this, looking for what he's lost, from every angle, every way. Therefore, he has completely ignored the matter at home: it is all meat in the pot anyway.

Just as the owner of the Samaria Manor and the deputy owner were all anxiously searching, the fifth round of the Bundesliga came. Just a few days ago, the fifth round of La Liga was over. Messi shot 7 times and 3 times on target, but he didn't score. Ronaldo scored a goal. Now the data of the three people on the European Golden Boot list is 664. Wang Ai and Messi have drawn.

Mandzukic didn't score in the last round against Schalke 04. This round of course Wang Ai started again, but Heynckes still has expectations for Mandzukic. Is unhappy. Although I didn't ask him why, I was worried that something happened to him at home, so the position for him was the front waist.

In this match at the Allianz Arena at 8 p.m. on September 25, Wang Ai's state really went wrong. In the first 15 minutes of the first half, he kicked the goal three times in total, of which only one shot was on target. Obviously Far from his usual level. Fortunately, Wang Ai then adjusted his mentality, no longer looking for feelings by shooting goals in the game, but honestly being a frontcourt ball transitioner and honestly creating opportunities for his teammates.

In addition to being unfamiliar with Mandzukic, Ribery and Robben on the left and right are already familiar with him. , Bayern's wings broke out at the same time, and the two teamed up to score three times in the remaining half an hour of the first half. Even Mandzukic decisively changed his point-to-point catching habit after failing to hold Wang Ai's pre-judgment pass twice in a row. And in the last minute of the first half, he received a sideways push pass from Wang Ai, and crossed the opponent's defense line in one fell swoop to turn this single-handedly into a goal.

Heynckes looked a little confused among the jubilant assistants.

The Chinese have never been lone wolves, so his forced smile does not come from sharing, and he does not have to worry about his main position, so why? It's good to create opportunities for teammates now, but in the second half of the season, the team still needs his scoring ability.

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