Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 227: One hero and three gangs (7)

The next day is Sunday, the school is off, and the club also has a half-month off because of the international competition day. Because the Chinese team had a bye in the fifth round of the top ten, there was no competition or training mission, and Wang Ai was able to have a one-and-a-half month vacation.

He is not going to go on vacation abroad, and plans to hold in Munich to save the "lost skill" for the last time: he will find it if he can find it, or pull it down if he can't find it!

He has not touched women for half a month, and the three beautiful beauties who are so charming and charming are just like that. Wang Ai feels that he will explode if he bears it anymore... I don't even dare to think about it, Xu Qinglian, who is waiting for punishment. With short hair and short hair on the head, Leoni and Konggu Youlan, who radiated light every step of the way, and Huang Xin, who was waiting for others to pick, couldn't help but think about Wang Ai.

Besides, sleeping on the sofa bed for half a month is enough. His temporary study is actually just a quiet room, most of the books are still in the real study, which is occupied by Xu Qinglian, who is also struggling to get through.

In a sense, Wang Ai's entanglement at this time was also infected by Xu Qinglian: his beloved wife works so hard, how dare you slack off for her husband's security?

There is another headache. After the game yesterday, I received an email this morning. The Training Bureau of the General Administration of Sports sent an invitation. I hope Wang Ai can write a paper to talk about his training experience. Wang Ai knew that Deputy Chief Yan Shiduo was also in charge of training. Although the email did not state it clearly, Wang Ai knew that it must be Yan Shiduo's advice.

Generally speaking, coaches or university professors have to talk about training, and very few athletes talk about it. It is only because Wang Ai's sports performance is too good, coupled with his academic background and academic influence, that he is barely enough for such a qualification. Although Wang Ai has made it clear that he will not pursue a career in the future, the habit of the system will still guide him in this direction: if Wang Ai published important papers on training during his athlete period and achieved widespread influence, then he will It is good to go to the Football Association or the General Administration of Sport after retirement.

This is called authority.

Wang Ai also happened to have some experience in the assignment of tasks by the leader, so he put this matter in the schedule. The leader meant that it would be okay to do around New Year's Day, but Wang Ai thought that it would be before New Year's Day as much as possible, in time for the year-end of the General Administration of Sports. Before summarizing.

It was sunny this morning, and Wang Ai temporarily forgot about writing the thesis. Rehearsal in math class. After lunch, I thought about it and gave up the idea of ​​going to the Bayern headquarters for training. The teammates were all on vacation, and there were many residential buildings around. Wang Ai didn’t want to expose his personal training content, so he went to the backyard to test the water temperature. , I plan to enjoy the outdoor swimming pool at home before the late autumn comes.

Although the winter in Germany is a little warmer than the northeast, it is often below zero, and the Bayern headquarters does not have a swimming pool but only a bathtub. If you want to swim, you can only go to Tübingen, which is very troublesome for hundreds of kilometers.

Wang Ai had been swimming for more than two hours, and the sound of the water rushing attracted the two women upstairs. Huang Xin's physique is weak, so he doesn't dare to go into the water so cold, but the lions and tigers don't care about the beasts, and Leoni has excellent physical fitness and dares to provoke Wang Ai's existence in the gym. Xu Qinglian, who is silent, is also a fierce man who can do push-ups on the parallel bars. As for why he is not on the flat ground, cough.

"It's the first time I noticed that swimming can strengthen the brain." Xu Qinglian swept her hair neatly, leaning against the pool and looking up to be lit by the sun: "Ah, I really want to have a good night's sleep."

Leoni leaned on the opposite side, and when Wang Ai passed by in a very serious freestyle posture, he suddenly reached out and patted Wang Ai, pointing to the opposite side: "I'm talking to you."

"Ah?" Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian: "Did you talk to me? Although I didn't pay much attention, I remember you said that swimming is good for your brain? Your brain is flooded?"

Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes, too lazy to have a water fight with Wang Ai... If you fight, you will definitely drink water: "You can swim without thinking about anything."

"Why tell me this?"

"Didn't tell you?"

Wang Ai turned to look at Leoni: "Are you flooded?"

"She said..." Leonie's expression was ambiguous: "If you want to sleep, what do you think it means when a woman says she wants to sleep in front of a man? Have to say she wants to sleep with you? Or..."

"Hey!" Xu Qinglian waved a string of water droplets.

Leoni just smiled and shut up. Although she admires Chinese culture and considers herself Chinese, she does not have a good grasp of the social scale of Chinese people. She is either too conservative and regarded as deliberately pretending, or she is happy to make people happy. want to smoke her.

"How's your progress?" Wang Ai changed the subject: "I didn't care much during this time."

"About 35%." Xu Qinglian put her hands on her hands, sat on the big towel by the pool, found her slippers, bent her legs, and stood up: "I'll go to the rush, come back for a while in the sun, and you'll be ashore as well. Come on, Lion, go?"

Leoni also went ashore with a promise. After a while, the two changed their daily clothes and went back to the sun loungers in the backyard to sit down and chat while drinking. At this time, Wang Ai also went ashore, and Yang Jun led a group of women. The goblin has come chirping.

There are many women at home, and the use of this outdoor swimming pool requires planning time. The female goblins play, which is unsightly. Anyway, it is not suitable for men to be present. Generally, only Wang Ai can use it casually, and the other male guards can only play a few laps in the water at night.

Since Wang Ai is currently on the European Golden Boot list, with 16 goals, he is currently twice ahead of the second Cristiano Ronaldo, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The women in the backyard began to play with water. I wanted to chat with Xu Qinglian about her academic research in the sunny backyard, so I could only go back to the house and say, "Is there anyone playing games?", and then went upstairs to connect with the guards.

The online battle is not over until before dinner. In fact, the female guards also have their own computers and online games that they like to play. This generation of young people no longer likes things like mahjong, and online games are theirs. A favorite for leisure time. It's just that unlike the war games that men like Wang Ai like, women prefer games like Fantasy Westward Journey and QQ Xuanwu that Wang Ai thinks are mentally handicapped.

Filling the extra large plate with food, Wang Ai came to the small round table in the backyard to eat slowly. The city in the sunset is quiet and leisurely. There is neither the sound of the rumbling carts running nor the sound of various constructions. Before you know it, people will be in a trance.

After serving the second meal, Li Jun reminded Wang Ai: "The game is about to start."

After a while, Wang Ai went back to the living room to turn on the TV, ready to watch today's Spanish national derby.

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