Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 228: One Hero Three Gangs (8)

After eating and watching the two superstars perform for him together, Wang Ai suddenly felt that he was very happy as an ordinary fan.

"There is news from Tübingen in the afternoon." Li Jun said on the side before the game started; "Mendesto people said that they have no intention of competing with you for the European Golden Boot, the purpose is the Golden Ball at the end of the year, As soon as the 23-man list was announced."

Wang Ai said "Oh": "Do you want us to reply?"

"That's not true." Li Jun shook his head and put down the phone: "But it's okay to just say it?"

Xu Qinglian, who didn't plan to go upstairs immediately after eating, sat beside Wang Ai when she heard this curious question: "What are you going to do? Is that a begging for peace?"

Wang Ai sneered: "Perhaps Ronaldo is willing to maintain his friendship with me. After all, he is sometimes naive, but Mendes is just a fool. If I breathe a sigh of relief now, guess he is there for the second half of the journey. Will you be relieved of me? Don’t leave the European Golden Boot that I have a chance to win? Now Ronaldo is the worst among the three of us. Besides, he can only influence Ronaldo, but not Messi. He forced him last season. I'm the most ruthless Argentine."

"So, are you planning to take a half-month break and come back to continue?" Xu Qinglian looked over Wang Ai to Leoni on the other side of Wang Ai: "The Lion said that you are averaging three goals per game now, another series of records in the Bundesliga and the five major leagues."

"If I can't find that technology, I'll have to record it and get someone to scare people to death. Even if I decline seriously in the future, no one will dare to say that I'm not super-giant." Wang Ai laughed when he said this. Look left and right: "What if my fighting power can be recovered? Right? The media, clubs, and sponsors will all have concerns, and I will be able to enjoy a few more years."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai looked at Li Jun: "No need to make the phone call, I won't be relieved whether he is aiming at the Golden Globes or at me. As long as I don't get hurt this season, Mueller can make the future People have been desperate for 40 years, but so can I!"

"You can do more." Leoni couldn't help holding Wang Ai's arm: "Müller has improved less than 10, and you have 15 or more, and the Bundesliga has not had a golden boot with more than 30 goals for more than 30 years. ."

Even Wang Ai couldn't help but nod his head. The game on TV started shortly after. The two **** on the TV were very enthusiastic. In the second half of the Bernabeu, both sides even had a little conflict with their opponents, including those who were not very brave in general. Messi.

When the Spanish commentator analyzed that this was caused by the national derby's own attributes, Wang Ai couldn't help but sneer: There is a part of the game attributes, which is the reason why the two teams are so enthusiastic, but Ronaldo and Messi both completed hat tricks. There's definitely an element of this year's Ballon d'Or, and there's definitely an element of its own.

Even the leader himself felt the pressure, Wang Ai didn't believe that these two **** were completely unconcerned. If you don't care, you can't get into the status of super giant.

Counting the number of goals, Wang Ai was a little relieved. Although they both broke out at the same time, he maintained his average hat-trick since the beginning of the season. He scored 5 by himself yesterday, and they both scored 6 together, so The gap between the three is still widening.

At 16:11:9, the European Golden Boot list was also suspended with the arrival of the international break.

The continuous battle and unremitting pressure can finally be relieved at this time, and Wang Ai also rested at home for three days. Of course, classes still have to be held, morning and night exercises still have to be carried out, and "lost techniques" still have to be found, but because of the relaxation of the mentality, the intensity of various arrangements has naturally been reduced.

Three days later, Wang Ai went to Tübingen according to the itinerary, to wash the dust for the 93 National Youth and the Women's 93 National Youth who came from afar. Because of the absence of both men's and women's football at the London Olympics this summer, the last point in the Chinese football world to deny the "Tübingen football model" has disappeared. From the national youth to the national youth to the national Olympics and even local teams, they used various opportunities to train in Tübingen. , investigation and study are numerous. Li Jue, who is well versed in domestic social culture, obediently hides behind the scenes and pushes the Romanian girl Anika to the front desk. Only in this way can people from all walks of life do business, instead of subconsciously thinking about taking something away from Tübingen.

Wang Ai was invited by the Chinese Football Association to go to Tübingen this time. Of course, it was also invited by the two national youth teams to receive the honorary captain of the national team, the first goal scorer in the history of the national team, the first Chinese football achievement, and of course, the implicit host. These stars of hope can be regarded as an extra-large training class that is not a training class.

Before going, Wang Ai downloaded the technical data and competition data of both sides from his e-mail. The women's football team was just fine, maybe they could make it to the next Olympics, but the men's football team... Well, if it wasn't for Tang Zhen and a few young players from Liaoning Province, Wang Ai has no confidence at all. In the first half of this year, the Football Association was also ruthless and anxious, and sent them to Germany to find Wang Ai before the Asian Youth Championship.

After Wang Ai arrived, he first met Lao Liu and then Li Bing. After a warm exchange of greetings and dinner, Wang Ai took a serious look at the training situation of the two teams. It turned out to be similar to the feedback in the technical data, except for Tang Zhen. The level of a few other than Liao Shao is worrying. Then Fu Bo asked Wang Ai to take these children to play a few training games, and Wang Ai reluctantly agreed.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, but that he will hit these juniors if he tries his best. If he doesn't try his best, he can't master it well, so Wang Ai treats it with the attitude of daily training games, but he still hits these children. Wang Ai also ignored it. His daily training place is called Bayern Munich...

Moreover, Wang Ai was not familiar with Fu Bo and Hao Wei, and it was not easy to intervene in the comments after the training game. Two days passed like this. When Wang Ai returned to Munich, when his family asked him, He just sighed.

"Actually, the top domestic football leaders have realized that you guys are hard to copy in the short term." Huang Xin said in a leisurely tone: "What you should see is that although the overall Chinese football youth training has not improved much, But we still have a lot to contribute to surpassing, the five men's football team and the four women's football team are all from us, and also from your suggestions and creations, which is not bad."

Leoni also agreed: "If it weren't for you to fight against all opinions and have three Liao Junior Leagues and one Liaoning Junior League, I think it would be good to have one or two Liao football teams in the men's football team, and almost none in the women's football team. ."

Xu Qinglian also nodded: "I think it's okay too. It's not bad that you can influence 1/8 of the country's affairs. Even in the field of football, it's not bad."

"Okay. That's all I can think of." Wang Ai nodded and got up: "Then I'm going to practice, I have to rely on myself."

"Hey, don't you try blindfolding the ball?" Xu Qinglian shouted behind Wang Ai.

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