Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 259: Earth Fire Gou Tianlei (9)

On the second day, the media industry really turned violent and said everything. Among them, the loudest voice came from Germany's "Süddeutsche Zeitung": it is said that this year's best 11 people are well-deserved, and the three forwards are respectively served by three superstars, but what we doubt is that in terms of individual performance and collective honor First in both aspects, and the king who broke all records in goals, why isn't he the final winner?

Wang Ai flipped through various newspapers in the hotel room and looked at the official websites of major European sports newspapers, and found that most of the evaluations were in favor of himself. As for the domestic Wang Ai, he didn't even look at it. After breakfast, he took his luggage and went out to the airport with his group to return to China.

There are 12 days left in the Bundesliga. Wang Ai should have stayed in Germany. Unfortunately, there are still many things to do in the country. Fortunately, the first class is not tiring, and there is no need for jet lag to run back and forth in two days.

In the middle of the night on January 8, Wang Ai and Leoni sat in the restaurant of Haidian's family eating hot steamed buns, dumplings, cooked food and mixed vegetables. Huang Xin, who woke up in the middle of the night to cook, couldn't hide the sleepiness, but still said: " When you get up tomorrow, pay attention to the domestic newspapers."

Wang Ai didn't hear it, she ate a little and went upstairs to sleep. It wasn't until she had breakfast the next morning after morning exercise in the yard that she realized that Huang Xin's words had a bit of meaning. Don't complain about his grievances. This is an old show for two years, so it's not surprising. Surprisingly, Wang Ai's "Training Experience" published on "China Sports Daily" 10 days ago attracted a violent backlash.

Except for a few major major newspapers, there was no movement, other professional sports newspapers and some urban newspapers appeared a large number of rebuttal articles, some of which were still very fierce.

"The war has begun." Leoni read with a grin and trembling: "A good athlete does not mean a good sports scholar, and you should be more cautious when talking about training experience, instead of blaming everywhere. What's more, in commercial events, It's also worth considering how good the performance is."

Wang Ai shrugged: "If you don't get scolded, don't call yourself a star, just eat."

After the meal, Wang Ai still looked for his own article, and then put it aside and ran to help Xu Qinglian in the study. The secret information was a little bit, and he couldn't read it when he returned to Germany.

In the afternoon, Wang Ai took his crystal trophy of the best eleven of the year to the CCTV Sports Channel to record the magic version of the football night - "Golden Ball Night", which is a special program born because of him. It has been one of the sports channel's most-watched programs of the year for many years.

This year's situation is a bit special. When Wang Ai got off the bus at the gate of the central station, the shooting started. Lin Long carried the camera, and Duan Xuan waved at the door with a smile. Wang Ai glanced at Lin Long and approached Duan Xuan: "Brother Duan, what's going on this year? I don't need to wear makeup?"

"Take some footage." Duan Xuan took Wang Ai to the big sign at the door: "Come on, take a photo."

Wang Ai, who was wearing a black down jacket and a hood, was pulled and turned around. When a small wind blew in the BJ city in January, she shivered a little, so she touched the sleeves with her hands without a teacher...

"Hey, you are a bit of a superstar!" Lin Long tilted his head and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"It's cold!" Wang Ai shrugged.

"It's still cold!" Lin Long and Wang Ai were too familiar to know that he was talking nonsense.

Wang Ai had no choice but to put down his hands, straightened his back, and stroked his down jacket, revealing a smile that belonged to summer.

"Would you like me to wait for you?" After filming at the door and walking inside, Wang Ai asked kindly when he saw Lin Long still carrying the camera: "You are working too hard, if I don't wait for you to be considered a big name? "

"Just think that I don't exist, and don't talk to me, it's work." Lin Long didn't show his head this time.

Wang Ai shrugged, walked to the elevator with Duan Xuan, waited for the elevator to come down and greeted the passing staff, and asked for a group photo. Wang Ai walked over and stood smiling in front of the big white wall between several elevators. Duan Xuan urged.

Duan Xuan did not stop Wang Ai when he passed the dressing room. When he walked into the live broadcast room, he saw Bai Yansong drinking tea there. Wang Ai took two steps: "Uncle Bai, are you here? Come to the sports channel to support economic construction?"

Bai Yansong smiled heartily: "I heard that you are coming, and I will join in the fun."

Duan Xuan stood between the two, looked left and right, and said with a smile: "Then, let's start now?"

"So anxious?" Wang Ai said strangely, "Isn't the script for me yet?"

"You still use that?" Duan Xuan waved his hand: "Besides, we have to cut it."

Bai Yansong sat on the single sofa opposite Wang Ai, and there was a small round table between Wang Ai and three tea cups. Duan Xuan sat between them and faced the camera: "Audience friends and fans, this is football night one. In the annual special program: Golden Ball Night, we invited Xiao Wanger, who just returned from Zurich, Switzerland, and Bai Yansong, an unprofessional football commentator."

Bai Yansong smiled when he heard the sound, and pointed to the best 11-person crystal cup on the small round table: "Just one?"

Wang Ai rubbed his hands together: "This year, the harvest is not very good."

"You haven't won the award for two years in a row, and someone said you can't do it, what do you think?" Bai Yansong asked.

"Uh." Wang Ai was a little surprised: "I'm still on the rise."

Bai Yansong shook his head: "According to the previous law, a star will take it continuously during his peak period, and then basically he will not take it again. Will you do this?"

Duan Xuan was a little nervous: "In the past, it seems that I won the Golden Globe Award three times at most. The last one was Basten, and then it was Platini. You won it three times in 2007, 2008 and 2010, respectively. Doesn't it mean that you will accompany you in the future?"

Seeing Wang Ai's words, Bai Yansong looked at Duan Xuan: "It seems that before the co-organization, the World Footballer's side also has a maximum of three times?"

Duan Xuan nodded, and Bai Yansong looked at Wang Ai and said, "In fact, the majority of fans are very concerned about this matter. You are not yet 26 years old, and theoretically you are still at your peak, so it will be difficult for everyone to accompany you to run like this in the future. accept."

Wang Ai laughed: "I am a little hard to accept myself."

Duan Xuan and Bai Yansong smiled, Wang Ai looked at the two of them: "But I don't think three times will be my restraint, I remember when Platini won the award for the first time at the age of 27 or 28, Bastendi It seems to be 24 when I win an award once, that is, the awards they all won at their peak, and then continue down. And I won the first one when I was 20 years old, more specifically because of my performance when I was 19 years old. I won the first one when I was just over 20 years old. Although there was a three-year gap in the middle, I am still younger than Platini and bigger than Basten when he won the award for the second time, so there is still a chance in the future. of."

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