Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 260: Earth Fire Gou Tianlei (10)

"Then how do you think you haven't won the award in the past two years?" Bai Yansong asked: "This is an important basis for many people to judge that you are not good enough."

Wang Ai thought for a while: "The criteria for judging are diverse and changeable. After all, it relies on candidates rather than electronic timers, so it will have a certain chance."

"That is, do you think you deserve the award more?"

Wang Ai smiled: "I can't say that, but please understand that an athlete in his right age must have a fire in his heart. Of course, competitive sports are not as cruel as real war, but the struggle is also very sharp. There is no place to stand.”

Duan Xuan turned his head to look at Bai Yansong and pointed at Wang Ai: "Look, language art."

Bai Yansong nodded: "If you speak so elegantly about being competitive, Communication University should issue you a diploma."

A few people laughed, and the interview became more and more like a chat between a few friends. From 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., the recording time was three times longer than before, and I don’t know what the old paragraph is going to do what.

After dinner, Wang Ai was taking his two sons for a swim, and Huang Xin took the phone into the swimming room: "Zhao Xuri, said he wanted to come over."

Wang Ai didn't care: "I have water all over my hands, tell him, let him come directly, it is not an outsider."

Half an hour later, Zhao Xuri walked into the swimming room, and Wang Ai pointed to the water surface: "Go down for a swim?"

"Will not."

"Dalian people!"

"Everyone in Harbin knows how to ski?" Zhao Xuri gave gifts to the two children, and after receiving their suppressed cheering thanks, he waved to Wang Ai: "Boss, I have something to tell you."

Wang Ai went ashore from the pool: "Wait for me to rush."

After a while, Wang Ai came back with two cups of tea and a plate of fruit: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xuri looked at Wang Ai while picking up the pomelo's skin: "Boss, don't you really think it's abnormal?"

Wang Ai, who was drinking water, looked at Zhao Xuri with both eyes: "Huh?"

Zhao Xuri shook his head, took out the "China Sports News" from his pocket and opened it: "The shocking appearance of shark skin in the 2008 Olympic Games revealed the current and future development trend of competitive sports, and the role of science and technology will be It is getting bigger and bigger, and the proportion is getting higher and higher. This situation is not held high and put down lightly, not only in concepts and thoughts, but has appeared in actions and details, and is directly linked to results On. I would like to talk about this situation based on my experience in competitive sports at home and abroad for more than ten years. "

Wang Ai put down the teacup and looked at Lao Zhao calmly: "The beginning of my article."

Zhao Xuri nodded calmly, then flipped through the newspaper: "The content is divided into seven parts, the first part is data, which emphasizes the core position of data in scientific training, and can be fully digitized without relying on vague experience. The second part Rest, not a minute in an athlete's career is useless, and rest time outside of training and competitions is equally important. A good rest is to recharge, store energy, recover from injuries, and adjust. The third part of morality, if you practice martial arts or not, you will The backlash, big country athletes, powerful sports, and well-known athletes have objectively higher moral requirements. The fourth part of knowledge, contemporary athletes can no longer stay in the body and hand over the brain to the coach, but must go hand in hand with the body and the mind. Because young people are more sensitive to technology , and the development of science is too fast. The fifth part of interest, tired and unbroken interest, is the original motivation to support training persistently, find and protect interest in order to continue to move forward. The sixth part of democracy, the more multi-person projects, the more stressed Military democracy emphasizes the collective participation and decision-making of strategies and tactics. The seventh part of the rule of law, the rules must be clear and obeyed.”

Zhao Xuri nodded as he spoke, and Wang Ai, who was in the audience, also nodded: "It's a good summary, the main points of the ten thousand two papers are indeed these."

"Boss, I agree with what you said. In fact, these are the lessons you have taught us repeatedly over the past few years."

Wang Ai waved his hand: "Strictly speaking, teaching is good for you. I teach you lessons, and I also grow. Your feedback is also here."

Zhao Xuri nodded and pondered for a while, and then took out a large pile from his pocket: "Boss, you really didn't pay attention to the feedback from all parties?"

"I saw the criticism, what's wrong?" Wang Ai asked suspiciously.

Zhao Xuri shook his head: "This year's criticism is different from the past, with a lot of momentum. Some of the comments are very sharp, not even limited to the article itself, but to you... I feel that the taste here is not right."

Seeing Wang Ai frowning, Zhao Xuri simply let go: "Your coverage is a bit too big this time, and the sequence is different from the orthodox physical training materials. At present, all except the sixth part are under controversy. The most intense It’s from another project, pretending that you don’t understand, for example, this joint article by seven professors… I felt a chill on the back of my head after reading it.”

Seeing that Wang Ai was silent, Zhao Xuri asked, "Why are you messing with this, boss?"

Wang Ai sighed: "First, the leadership's request is considered an annual task; second, I am a bit low-profile this year, and I have made a lot of trouble; third, I really want to share some of my views, and it can be said that some shortcomings have been discovered. Before I started writing, it happened to be when the Liaoning ship was lively, so I looked at some materials and said that the shape of this ship must be tested in the pool before it is finalized, and it needs to be calculated by scientists of fluid mechanics. Then I will turn it around. I wonder, is there any hydrodynamics involved in our country’s swimming program? Similarly, did the sprint go through the wind tunnel? When I practiced direct free kicks in my early years, I asked a mathematician to help me calculate it. Do they have this awareness?”

After listening, Zhao Xuri nodded and pondered: "Boss, you have not been elected for two consecutive years."


"A lot of people think you can't do it, you're going downhill."

After agreeing to return to Germany together, Zhao Xuri left, leaving Wang Ai to ponder for a long time. Only then did he understand why the Sports Channel had a special attitude today. It was a group of old friends who saw that they were "in trouble" and silently reached out to help.

On January 15, Wang Ai and Zhao Xuri met at BJ Airport and boarded the plane to fly to Germany together. The criticism of Wang Ai's article in the media is still going on enthusiastically, but unlike previous years, Wang Ai has neither continued to publish articles nor counterattacked on the Internet, appearing unusually silent and low-key, which in turn proves that The judgment of "he can't do it" has made all kinds of criticism more noisy.

On January 17, two days after Wang Ai left, the "Liaoshen Evening News" suddenly disclosed a piece of news: The Organizing Committee of the 12th National Games confirmed that Wang Ai, a well-known Chinese athlete, had already registered. In addition to men's soccer, he will compete in the 100m, long jump and triathlon.

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