Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 279: Sagittarius Heart (9)

"I'm not friends with Wang, um, it's the simplest kind of friend."

On the evening of March 6, an exclusive interview with Messi was playing on the big TV in the living room of Samaria Manor. When Xiao Flea answered the reporter's question: "Are you and Wang friends?", he said the first sentence quite frankly, but felt that his tone was too harsh: "It's the kind of friend who meets and greets but has no personal contact, we Never worked on a team, just had some ceremonial meetings."

"Then how do you evaluate his achievements?" asked a Spanish TV reporter.

"I think, I don't need to evaluate, right?" Messi looked at the reporter from Madrid with a smile: "Just like I don't need him to evaluate."

"But I heard that he has a very high opinion of you and admires you very much." The Madrid reporter did not seem to notice Messi's mood: "I have seen some of his reports before, and it is rare to mention others like you, but It must have complimented you."

Outside the camera, Wang Ai hugged her shoulders and smiled, and the women were also very happy. The battle between the two sides has become like this, and their family members and friends have long been standing in line, and Messi and Wang Ai are definitely not as peaceful as in previous years when they look at each other. However, when dealing with the president and reporters and Wang Aibi, who has a deep understanding of this line, Messi still has a little less experience.

I saw Messi on the TV secretly taking a breath, then relaxed, and nodded: "Thank you for his evaluation, I am very happy to be able to compete with him."

"Can you beat him?" The Argentine reporter finally found a chance to shut up the Madrid man.

"As he said after the last game, the greatest respect for the opponent is to beat him." Messi couldn't help showing a little emotion again when facing fellow countrymen: "His lead is because he has better More opportunities to rest, and I need to play more for the team. Of course I don't hate the club, it's the team's needs and my mission, but it's also true. Bayern is in the league, at least this season's pressure has not Not much."

"How much will your rewriting of the La Liga record be improved?" The Argentine reporter asked a happier question.

"Let's see how much the team needs me to improve." The little flea finally stabilized his mood and answered very wisely: "People always like to pull the two of us together. In fact, I, of course he should be, is completely helping the team. In the case of winning, we just try to enjoy the game as much as possible, if there is a little more factor, it is to try our best to use our skills to make the fans happy, after all, everyone wants to see goals, right?"

The interview then entered a relatively soothing stage. The reporter asked about Messi's family life and his first child with his girlfriend, as well as the story of Messi's childhood. When Messi talked about coming to Spain when he was a child and being far away from his friends who were on the streets of his hometown, Wang Ai in front of the TV suddenly became depressed. He didn't even have any friends when he was a child. However, his classmates should have a deep impression of him, but apart from Li Jun, Ma Dong and a few of the high school team, he doesn't seem to have a deep impression on him.

"You still have us." Xu Qinglian comforted, sensing the sudden depression of the man's mood.

"Yeah." Wang Ai replied, looking at Huang Xin who was about to say something similar but ended up just smiling, with a gentle Leoni in his eyes, still looking down at Li Jun, who didn't know what detective novel. Then Wang Ai looked back. The silent Yan Zhu, the quiet Liu Liang, the simple and honest Jin Element, the standing Su Shi, and Yang Li, who was leaning against each other and talking in a low voice, all noticed the gaze and what was in it. - That is a kind of happiness, a kind of treasure, a kind of satisfaction.

When Wang Ai turned around and looked at the TV again, the guards didn't say anything, but they roamed in the warmth.

No matter how big a star lives, they are mortals, and no amount of money can buy loyalty. Only ideals are the banners, and only struggles are worth following. None of these fighters who have gone through heavy political trials, with clean families, firm stance, and progressive ideology, support Wang Ai's love life, but all support his passion for the motherland. They also worry about money occasionally, but when they see that Wang Ai has no yacht, no private jet, no home theater, and the only luxury is the gym and swimming pool, all the income except for the maintenance of the family is donated, especially These living costs also include that after all of them eat, live and play together, they regard Wang Ai as an equal friend. Wang Ai will chat with them about life, ideals, and careers, whether full of wisdom, planning, or easy ridicule, and will also provide timely help to their personal difficulties, and explain in detail why it is so helpful.

Wang Ai, the "boss", has no oppression, no conspiracy, only ideal summons and the drive of his own deeds. Everyone is not high or low, and they are in different positions in the team according to their abilities. They are all companions who dedicate to the motherland and fellow travelers of national rejuvenation.

Sometimes, they even have a certain sympathy for Wang Ai: training in the morning, learning in the morning, training in the afternoon, training in the evening, week after week, year after year. When seeing all kinds of speculations about the luxury life of a big star on the Internet, if it weren't for discipline, they would have wanted to become keyboard warriors: the work intensity of the three guards was not as hard as him alone. If a person's life is filled with work, what luxury is there?

With leaders like Wang Ai, not only Wang Ai's women focus on their careers, but the guards are also inspired.

There are days of hope, no matter how bitter it is, it is sweet.

A warm air swirled in the living room of Samaria Manor, and the interview on TV was drawing to a close.

"Leo, someone once said that without him, your achievements would not stop there. You should have won at least three Golden Globes by now." The reporter spread his hands: "Do you think it makes sense?"

Messi on TV showed a mild smile: "It may be so, but it will not be as interesting as it is now."

Outside the TV, Wang Ai and his family looked at each other and spread their hands.

"If you were asked to say a word to the camera, what would you say to him?" the Madrid reporter asked: "He should be in front of the TV at this time."

Messi was a little surprised by this question, and after hesitating for a while, he looked at the camera calmly: "Wang, it is my honor to be in the same era with you. As a tribute to you, I will try my best to defeat you."

In the living room of Samaria Manor, Wang Ai put away his frivolous smile: "Me too, Leo."

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