Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 280: Sagittarius Heart (10)

In the middle of the night of March 9th, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, who had been back to bj for a week, faced the computer screen with WPS turned on in his study at home. After thinking for a long time, he finally put his hands on the keyboard.

"The young man who used to break through the ceiling of Chinese football has a clear impression in my mind, gentle, wise, and superb. These are the labels I added to him. This time, the leader asked me to go to Germany to see him and listen to him. Let's talk about the European golden boot competition between him and Messi, which has affected the world football situation. Originally, I was looking for a 'fixed answer'. I thought I just needed to compare the data and praise him according to the impression. But as expected The answer did not appear. Later, I made a special trip to his German 'hometown' Tübingen, where I not only asked Li Bing and Wang Yongpo, but also visited many citizens, Lions Stadium staff and young players. These visits did not let me clear the fog in my heart. In recent years, Xiao Wanger, whom almost every Chinese has known, has spent his days and life in Europe, and how he has built and maintained outside the stadium. How competitive he is in the arena, how did he get to where he is today... God, I still can't believe that Gerd Muller's record will be doubled one day!"

"It wasn't until I watched the live broadcast of the 25th round of the Bundesliga 1213 season on TV, when I calmed down my excitement in a quiet study, that his image suddenly became very real and clear. A defender of the body and mind who is far away from my life and my world. It's just that he has so many star halos on his body that I and of course many people always regard him as an ordinary star, while ignoring his inner . This conflict between the simple inner and the splendid outer has always made my impression of him blurry, and the closer I get, the more unclear."

"Looking back now, the football expert I had a good conversation with in the gym in Munich that morning completely overlapped with the one who led the fans to dance the 'tree dance' in the stands at the Allianz Arena just now."

With both hands off the keyboard, the reporter let out a satisfied sigh of relief, got up and left the study. After a while, he came back and opened a bottle of Red Bull. Tomorrow is the day for submission of manuscripts. text.

"The Heart of a Shooter - A Long Feature Interview Report on Wang Ai".

"Inscription: Shooter, a once very popular title, is a proxy for the era's striker with a relatively fixed role. In recent years, with the increasingly integrated play style, it rarely appears unless it is so powerful that his shooting brings great benefits. Because of the benefits of some of his defense. The title of striker is increasingly rare, but also increasingly precious, it belongs only to those superstars who can change the game, even greatly, through their individual ability."

"In the afternoon in Germany in February, I was sitting in the gym of Wang Ai's house and was amazed at the completeness of the fitness equipment and the wear and tear. It can be seen that the floor is often cleaned, but there are various deep and shallow pits, which reminds me inexplicably. The training room of Shaolin Temple... No, this is really a training room. How can one of the top three players in the world hone his skills today, how can there be no legend?"

"While I was thinking about it, a tall young man came to me with a tea tray. He was more stable than when he was a child, and he looked a little haggard, but his expression was still gentle and calm, even if he knew he was a superstar, he still treated him peacefully. I'm someone I've never met."

"He told me frankly that he was indeed competing with the Argentine superstar Messi for the European Golden Boot, and he was indeed promoted and influenced by the outside world, including me. According to him, his European Golden Boot was originally just a team. It takes him as an attacking player to score goals, and the natural result of his own enjoyment of the game and defuse the pain of training. But because all parties want to see some of the best goalscorers in the world of football in direct competition, so They gradually became 'hostile'."

"He personally told me that the direct cause of today's situation was the transfer of Ronaldo to Real Madrid. He gave me a brief analysis of how Ronaldo's transfer to Real Madrid led to the return of La Liga to a balance and how it led to La Liga. The gold content of the golden boots has suddenly increased, and how did the fierce competition finally approach his dominance in the European golden boots. After all, he had monopolized this award for five years before... He told me with a smile that he subconsciously He took the award as his own, so much so that when someone tried to take it away, he almost instinctively got angry."

"He went further and told me that he was very clear that the formation of this situation was deliberately promoted. It is the current professional football, which he calls the operating rules of the commercial competition league. He is in the game with Messi and Ronaldo. A clever hand pushed Ronaldo to Real Madrid, starting the competition between the two superstars in La Liga, improving the data of the La Liga Golden Boot, and finally forcing him to participate in the war. And his participation in the war will inevitably make the other two arrogant. Even the solitary man fights back, and then there are goals that have never been seen so far this season.”

"Then, he compared the differences between Chinese and Western ways of thinking. He said that professional leagues were born out of Western culture and are full of adventurous spirit, while China is a farming civilization, and values ​​based on the characteristics of agricultural production tend to be conservative and stable. He said Learning Western science and technology, institutional rules, but unable to learn the spirit, the implication is that Chinese football and the league can only and inevitably take the road with Chinese characteristics.”

"The rich, step-by-step analysis gave me an intuitive understanding of the level of thinking of the only doctoral star in the world of football, and made me realize how terrible a visionary is: it seems that nothing can cause him. Confused, as if no one in football could threaten him. Although Messi tied the numbers at one point, he was quickly thrown back in less than a month, and it seemed that victory was within reach."

"I think I need to admit that his thinking and thinking blurred my understanding of him to a certain extent, and the only combination of academics and players made it difficult for me to grasp the description of him. It was not until later that I found out in the overall interview report that although the He has a lot of results, both in thinking and in action, but he's still essentially a straight-forward person, as candid in interviews and straight-forward as in competition."

"He told me it's a shooter's gift."

"He told me he was screened and shaped by the Pro League."

"He told me that the Sagittarius' heart keeps him focused, up to the challenge, fearless, and going forward."

"He told me he had the heart of a shooter."

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