Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 321: Light (1)

There is still a German Cup final to be played in a few days, the final battle of Bayern's treble. The highest domestic cup, the highest domestic league, and the highest regional cup are the orthodox and most valuable "Triple Crowns", so after winning the Champions League, apart from a small celebration that night, the club kept quiet and calm.

It is not only Wang Ai and Gomez who have to go, but also Heynckes, who is already coaching Bayern for the third time. Wang Ai won the sixth Champions League trophy on behalf of four teams in an unprecedented manner. At the same time, Heynckes also won three Champions League championships on behalf of the two teams as a coach, and also became the coach tied for first.

It's just that Wang Ai and Gomez will start anew at another club, and Heynckes is already content to retire... This Gerd Muller's peer and national team teammate is 67 years old. No matter how many times his violent temper upsets the club management to the extreme, but at this moment, facing his still stubborn white hair, he is full of warm farewells.

Right now, in front of the three people who are about to take off Bayern's jersey, it is a problem of good beginnings and ends, all beards and all tails. Heynckes is naturally no problem, and Gomez is not a big problem. The problem lies with Wang Ai. Probably at the moment of toasting the Champions League, he suddenly remembered the previous five times, different flags, different lineups, and different teammates. He suddenly had the urge to escape from Bayern as soon as possible, especially at the last minute.

Saying goodbye is always sad, but life is always full of helplessness. He has been China's No. 1 star for many years and bears the hopes of hundreds of millions of fans. He dare not indulge a little, dare not stop, and dare not expect to be able to breathe a sigh of relief and play recklessly with his dear friends... When Bayern is no longer When it suits him, he can only say goodbye, even though he loves the atmosphere of the team.

The club is noncommittal about whether Wang Ai will play or not. The person who is about to leave, even a disciplined and humane club like Bayern will not think too much. Now Bayern's executives are working intensively around Lewandowski to do fan work, and of course Guardiola, who has already talked about the same.

It was Heynckes who personally went to the Samaria Manor to persuade Wang Ai before reluctantly left him. 55 league goals last season, 88 league goals this season, 14 Champions League goals last season, and 19 Champions League goals this season have not only pushed Wang Ai to a new historical height, but also Great help to the team, to help Heynckes.

Without Wang Ai, a super striker, it would be impossible to easily convince Dortmund. The young and impulsive Klopp felt great pressure even for Heynckes. There are many games that cannot be won without Wang Ai, many championships cannot be won without Wang Ai, maybe the club will have other ideas, but the chess player Heynckes has the most profound understanding of the role of Wang Ai: that is a player who can rely on his personal A super chess piece with the ability to make up for the lack of lineup and unfavorable tactics is the most valuable player to the head coach.

It's a pity that Heynckes is already content to return home. He just hopes that the last battle of his career can be accompanied by this superstar who is destined to go down in history.

Because of the old coach's persuasion, Wang Ai temporarily suspended his trip. He didn't want to return to China early, but he didn't want to play, and he didn't want to face a sad parting. In fact, he still has the graduation defense of the Department of Mathematics at the University of Munich to be held in advance in early June.

After two seasons of intermittent study, Wang Ai reluctantly completed all the undergraduate courses in the Department of Mathematics. After all, he was born in the liberal arts. If it wasn't for the two-year science study at the Agricultural College of the University of Milan, he really didn't have the courage to challenge the Department of Mathematics.

He Wei and Lin Long still haven't left. They plan to shoot another German Cup final to witness the best star in their country and the most famous athlete in the world since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The end of the two-year Bundesliga career and the beginning of the new life . It's just that they, like Wang Ai's family, felt Wang Ai's depression during this time, so they seldom disturbed him, except that occasionally Lin Long would set up a camera to secretly photograph Wang Ai in a daze in the backyard.

On June 1, Wang Ai received his university diploma and degree certificate in the graduation defense held in advance for him. After hugging and saying goodbye to his teacher and defense teacher, Wang Ai waved away from the campus where he had visited countless times in the past two years. Since the college entrance examination in 1998, I have gone to university for 15 years without knowing it, and have obtained 8 diplomas, namely, Bachelor and Master of Philosophy from Renmin University of China; Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Arts from University of Tübingen, Germany; University of A Coruña, Spain Bachelor of Arts; Doctor of Philosophy, London School of Economics; Bachelor of Agricultural Environmental Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Milan; Bachelor of Mathematics, University of Munich.

"I seem to be living the same life all the time. It seems that I haven't come out of my student days, don't I?" Back home, Wang Ai handed the certificate to the curious Xu Qinglian.

"Really?" Xu Qinglian opened the certificate, looked at it, and looked up again: "It's just a lot older."

"Old? Still a lot?" Wang Ai rolled her eyes: "I'm only 26!"

"Hey, I still remember the photo on your diploma from Renmin University, a junior high school student." Xu Qinglian said with a smile.

Wang Ai shook his hand and looked at Huang Xin: "Is it almost cleaned up?"

"Well, it's all packed." Huang Xin looked at Xu Qinglian: "Your books, our clothes, and the guards' tools will be sent to Tübingen temporarily after we leave the day after tomorrow, until your whereabouts are decided. Buy it and send it over. Qinglian's study materials are brought back to China, she will use them."

"Can a car fit it?"

"Yes." Huang Xin nodded: "The van is very capable."

"What about cats and dogs? Are you going to Tübingen too?"

"Send it away, they're exhausted after tossing back home."

Wang Ai nodded and suddenly laughed: "Not bad, Germany has earned at least one cat for two years."

Probably feeling Wang Ai's gaze, Lili, who is also a raccoon cat but is obviously much more timid, turned over in the corner of the sofa, carefully glanced at Wang Ai, and then curled up beside wiwi again.

"I'm going to rest for a few days when I return home this time." Wang Ai said calmly.

The women did not speak, each nodded.

"I mean, I want a special day off, I want to find a place with no one, a run-down house, not in BJ, preferably Liaoyang, find a house, live alone for a few days, and nothing Don't see anyone, don't do anything..."

After Wang Ai finished speaking, the women felt that the situation was extraordinary. Leoni had just been slapped by wiwi: "Do you want to retreat again?"

Wang Ai even shook his head and nodded, but did not explain.

Huang Xin wondered: "According to the date, when you return to China, shouldn't you go to join the national team right away? The Confederations Cup is only a few days away."

Wang Ai nodded: "Well, but I don't care, I, I feel like I'm going to explode."

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