Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 322: light (two)

Xu Qinglian looked at Wang Ai with her big bright eyes that have always been calm and calm: "With your diligence and regular life, especially in terms of the state of this season, even a few days of interruption will not affect your performance in the United Nations. Will play in the cup. So, what do we need to do?"

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief and drew a circle in the air with his finger: "All, all of me."

Xu Qinglian heard the sound and understood: "Okay, do you want to go back to the old house in Liaoyang?"

Wang Ai hesitated for a moment: "It's too luxurious, I want something simpler, preferably ordinary people, I mean the kind of small, shabby houses that people from the lower classes of society live in."

Xu Qinglian thought for a while: "Let Kang Si help you find one? She happens to be in Liaoyang."

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief again, looking at Xu Qinglian with even a little smile and gratitude: "Okay."

Xu Qinglian nodded, picked up the phone and walked aside to dial Kang Si's number, and conveyed Wang Ai's strange request. As the hometown of Liaoyang, Wang Ai's family has a strong ability to handle affairs. This kind of request is easy. However, after all, it involves Wang Ai, who is famous in the world and proud of his hometown. Wang Ai obviously didn't want to disturb anyone, so he entrusted Kang Si to do the most work. Okay.

She is neither high nor low, highly mobile, but unobtrusive.

Xu Qinglian, who hung up the phone after a while, walked back and sat opposite Wang Ai, and put her hand on the back of Wang Ai's hand on her thigh: "Alright, she just happens to have a colleague's old house for rent, in a run-down community. , the fifth floor, a ten-year-old house, 70 square meters. The home has electrical appliances and furniture, as well as water and electricity, but there is no Internet and landline phones, and the TV should have no signal."

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief for the third time: "Okay."

"Do you want us to accompany you?" Xu Qinglian looked into Wang Ai's eyes calmly and seriously.

"No, I want to be alone, be quiet."

Xu Qinglian responded, paused, and said softly, "Let Brother Zhao drive you from Shenyang, right?"

Wang Ai hesitated for a moment, considering that it is not very safe for him to drive by himself, it is difficult to keep secret if he runs home alone and no one comes forward, and it is impossible for anyone to really let him run out without anyone, so Reluctantly nodded.

Xu Qinglian smiled at Wang Ai: "Then you should rest for a while, do you still go to the club to train in the afternoon?"

"No." Wang Ai suddenly stood up a little irritably: "I'll go soak in the water for a while."

After a while, there was a "pop" from downstairs. Leoni, who was clinging to the window, saw Wang Ai swam in the water for a few times, and then floated on the water and looked at the sky. Half asleep, she turned around: "Why don't you persuade him? Just let him? I remember that you usually fight against him the most. Why are you so obedient this time?"

"I can't tell you exactly." Xu Qinglian raised **** and tapped her head: "I feel that he is a bit strange. He is in a state of fullness and hunger, which is very contradictory. But at least one thing... Usually I When fighting against him, he is in a state that he can tolerate, and now..."

Seeing Xu Qinglian shaking her head, Leoni also sat down: "Is it really on the verge of an explosion?"

"Yeah." Xu Qinglian nodded: "I feel that he really can't stand it anymore. It's like blowing a translucent balloon, and it will bang after a little puncture. I don't want him to explode, and I don't want him to blow up on me."

Huang Xin heard this and realized: "You are still smart."

Xu Qinglian laughed and shook her head: "I'm not smart, I'm unprincipled. Since he has come up with a way, he should try it. If it doesn't work, change another way. He will always find a way, maybe he will find it. That's fine. I have nothing to insist on, the Confederations Cup or the East Asian Cup or the National Games, I don't care at all."

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian looked at Huang Xin: "About football, his football, do you really care? Huang Xin?"

"Why..." Huang Xin said something and suddenly paused, thought about it and smiled: "Yes, because he cares about me, otherwise I have a lot of choices, life is good enough now, even his football career is not good enough. Enough to reminisce for a lifetime. It really doesn’t matter to me whether I can play or not.”

"That's right." Xu Qinglian smiled and said, "So he can do whatever he wants. His thinking level is too high. Unless he patiently explains it to us, we can't accurately understand his current situation. Since he Do it when you think of a way, and ask him later."

"Then what do we do? Go back to BJ?" Leoni asked.

"Aren't you going to stay in Europe to continue his transfer negotiations?" Xu Qinglian asked.

"Don't worry, there is a team in Tübingen, I just need the remote control, and I have to go home to see my son." Leoni laughed at herself: "However, it is my son, and he will be freed, but always It's a bit of a concern."

Xu Qinglian smiled: "Then you can go back to BJ with Huang Xin, she misses children more than you. By the way, Huang Xin, please explain to your parents. I will go to Liaoyang to wait for him, go secretly, and follow He went behind to see what happened to him three days later. I just missed Kang Si, so I went to the base to have a look. After more than a year, I always dreamed of factories and machines."

Huang Xin smiled and accepted Xu Qinglian's arrangement. Leoni asked, "What about his phone? What about the national team?"

Xu Qinglian thought for a while: "Give me the black phone, and I'll be responsible for communicating with Director Gao about the national team's leave. I'll give you the red phone, you happen to be in charge of his business affairs, and you are still with Huang Xin, so it's easy to discuss. Bring the white phone to Li Jun, he has good experience and is very skilled in general things."

Huang Xin thought for a while and felt that there was nothing missing, and then suddenly sighed: "Why does he always encounter psychological problems?"

"Those who study philosophy always think about things that aren't human." Xu Qinglian also teased with ease: "Look at the lion, this year has been crazy."

Leoni, who was lying on the gun, threw herself on Xu Qinglian and took a bite in her face, Xu Qinglian spread her hands to Huang Xin: "Look, I think they think too much of metaphysical things, too boring, so they want to Thinking is pulled in turn by going out of bounds in behavior, just as more physical activity can strengthen the brain.”

Xu Qinglian suddenly grabbed Leoni's hand, who was already reaching for her belt, and gave her a casual glance: "It's a psychological problem, but I think it's more like a mental problem. The average person's life is flat, without too much mental shock. Even if there is, there are always people around him who can refer to it. But the doctor's life is too exciting, and what he has experienced has no one to refer to, so it is all in his heart, just like a super war, winning in reality is not the end, His heart hasn't finished digesting yet."

After listening to it, Huang Xin was leisurely fascinated: "No wonder he always has to retreat, or it's okay to be depressed for a few days and then refreshed."

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