Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 313: Light (3)

"By the way, should I report to my superiors?" Huang Xin asked subconsciously.

At this time, Xu Qinglian had already been pressed by Leoni on the sofa. She was being pushed up and down by her hands and was panting. She heard the sound and reluctantly raised her head and smiled, "Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan are here."

Huang Xin snorted, and didn't look at the fight between the lions and tigers: "Speaking of which, the doctor's treatment is really high, after so many years!"

Xu Qinglian opened her mouth several times to speak, but was covered by Leoni's mouth. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, she turned over and pressed Leoni under her body, and squeezed her hard before she was free: "From an investment perspective... ah... "

"From the perspective of investment, if two full-time guards are sent in succession, in exchange for the birth of the biggest star of the world's largest sports." Huang Xin said to himself: "Speaking of one year donated to the Hope Project. More than 300 million yuan will make the country not lose money, of course, it cannot be regarded as just economic benefits, otherwise there will be too many big taxpayers, and political issues will have to be considered.”

The lions and tigers who had been making continuous noises finally took the time to say something about the Confucius Institute, but was interrupted by the sound of Wuwu. Huang Xin continued to take care of herself: "In terms of contribution to China's national image, the Confucius Institutes in Germany are not as good as a doctorate. The National People's Congress, even if the influence of national TV and state news agencies at the public level, is not as influential as the Ph.D. University. It's just that Ph.D. The doctor really has a military status, and he is only of age until he is a general. Hey you two, general!"

The lion and tiger on the sofa were already half-dressed, and Huang Xin shook his head and said, "Why are the same cats so different? Wiwi and Lili only have **** once a year. You are good, every day."

Reaching out to block Xu Qinglian's attack, Leoni turned her head and said, "General, is that really enough? Would you like him to join the army? I want to sleep with the general!"

Huang Xin rolled his eyes: "Just like us, don't smear the People's Liberation Army, just be an ordinary person with corrupt morals."

Leoni heard the sound and said excitedly: "I'm morally corrupt? What about you?"

Huang Xin nodded calmly: "I am also a scum, so Qinglian holds her down!"

When Wang Ai had enough downstairs and decided to go upstairs to discuss something else, they saw the three women were having a good time... They were a little embarrassed when they saw Wang Ai coming, after all, their men were making trouble, and They themselves are heartless here.

Wang Ai waved his hand in a big way: "I can't let my troubles become your troubles. If you can help, you can't say that, you can't help because I affect your life."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ai sat across from the sofa and planned to watch the play without leaving, but the three women couldn't play anymore. This kind of thing is especially about atmosphere and mood... So the women left Wang Ai on the third floor alone, and went downstairs to swim.

Fortunately, in the evening, the women teamed up to cook for Wang Ai to pack a table of his favorite food. After the meal, Leoni took her mobile phone and handbag to the club with Wang Ai, and then took the car to the airport to fly to the German Cup. Finals - Berlin.

The club specially opened three suites for Wang Ai, which is a rare away game treatment, especially when Wang Ai has already left and there is a high probability that he will not play tomorrow, even Wang Ai is a little surprised.

"You are considered a friendly breakup, no one is to blame, so keep a friendship." Leoni stood in the suite and looked back at the star-lit Berlin city outside the window: "Speaking of which, I have also been confused this year. Trapped at a loss in the sudden rise of life's path."

"Really?" Wang Ai, who was sitting in a chair, looked away from the window: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Leoni smiled: "It's getting better and better, I feel like a year of wandering, and I'm coming out soon."

"Congratulations." Wang Ai raised the teacup.

"Why don't you ask about my experience? Do you think I'm taking too long? Yes, it will take me a year to see the direction, you can't wait."

"That's right, it's not right." Wang Ai shook his head: "It's really long, but it's not without merit. The problem is, if you think it's useful, you'll definitely tell me. I didn’t understand the method very well, or I didn’t have much confidence to help me. So, I still don’t ask, it happened that I also had a general idea.”

Leoni sighed, put both hands on the windowsill, raised one leg, and suddenly said, "I miss Cuba."

A light flashed in Wang Ai's eyes, and Leoni turned her back to Wang Ai: "I suddenly thought about it, and now I notice that Cubans, no matter how high or low, no matter what race they are, the purity in their eyes is like The beach, the blue sky, the coconut trees, the sea breeze. Doing nothing, just staring at them, will calm your heart. Maybe, this is what I, and of course, you are after, it can be washed."

Wang Ai took a few deep breaths and said nothing.

Leoni opened the window and swayed gently in the night wind: "I have traveled to many countries, I know what that kind of purity means, I once thought I could find it in China, but unfortunately I only found you, There are very few people. I didn't expect that I finally found it in a corner that no one cares about. You who have been immersed in capitalism for too long and have been trapped too deeply, are you also longing for that kind of purity in your heart? Everything has an instinctive boredom, so the deeper you go, the more you want to escape?"

"The reality of China is also the graveyard of idealists." Wang Ai said something seemingly irrelevant, and regardless of whether Leoni understood it or not, he continued to look after himself: "Maybe we can use various things to help ourselves. The consolation, however, is not or not, even if the new era that is about to open will bring back a lot, but, it is not or not. I already hate the calculations and struggles all the time, everywhere, and I hope that I can devote myself to something great enough. The center of his career is the undivided struggle. I now say that it is for the country and the nation, but above the country and the nation, there are also human beings."

"They're the great people, and I'm just a big boar rolling in filthy mud."

Leoni looked at Wang Ai and smiled, then walked to him and squatted down: "I'm sorry I shouldn't bring up this topic."

"What's your fault?" Wang Ai stroked Leoni's hair with a wry smile: "Where is your problem when the ideal torch goes out? Real indifference is an objective law, and I have to accept it when I feel uncomfortable, right? but……"

"It's just that the ideal torch is still tempting, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Wang Ai nodded: "Like me, I've eaten all the delicious food, played all the fun stuff, and finally the lead is gone. That thing is the fatal temptation for me."

Leoni buried her head on Wang Ai's lower abdomen and hugged Wang Ai's waist: "Look for a chance to visit his former residence, maybe you can find what you want there."

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