Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 373: I said (three)

"So, the reborn is a very active wave in the torrent of the times, or in the will of the people, right?" Xu Qinglian finally got rid of the emotional agitation, and asked and analyzed with great interest: "Even if it is not the reborn. , Every era also has its own trendsetter. The reborn person can plan and improve himself but cannot change the general trend. What can change is the one who runs the fastest on the chain of inevitability of various historical contingency combinations. Or the son of luck Like Liu Bowen and Zhu Yuanzhang?"

"Well." Wang Ai listened and couldn't help nodding: "Inevitability created that position, and chance determines who will be the handler of the changing times in that position."

Xu Qinglian pondered for a while: "If you combine the butterfly effect, you can make the following inference: The influence of the reborn is extremely extensive, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has changed the world. But at the same time, this change is extremely small and not mainstream. The world is still running according to objective laws. In this objective law, there are countless contingencies, and rebirth is just one of the more special contingencies.”

Leoni heard this slap in the face: "I can understand why he said that I just changed a few houses in Xiangshan."

Everyone listened, thought for a while, and nodded.

Wang Ai smiled and waited for a while, and when she saw a few women, she had nothing to say, so she said, "How? There are no more secrets from you."

"That's how it should be, you lied to us for many years." Shi Wenjun said with relief.

"Then." Wang Ai stood up and walked in front of several people, bending slightly and looking directly at the faces of several people: "Can you accept rebirth or limited foresight? Can you accept it calmly and not let us Accept that life has changed?"

Huang Xin smiled and looked left and right, then raised her hand first: "I can."

Leoni pouted: "It wasn't a big deal...

Section 373 I said three (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

, once analyzed with Marxism, the truth is revealed. "Well, I can too.

Shi Wenjun snorted: "The children are all born, it's too late to say anything. In the future, I have to beg you and Qinglian not to kick me out of the house. Well, I can too."

Xu Qinglian raised her leg and kicked Wang Ai lightly: "Don't always say such stupid love words, especially to a few poor women who have already been eaten by you."

Wang Ai straightened his waist: "Haha, haha, haha, haha, hahahaha."

Looking at Dr. Wang who was laughing wildly, Huang Xin glanced at Shi Wenjun, Shi Wenjun shrugged: "The music is crazy."

Leoni continued to curl his lips: "I think it's been a long time, hey tiger, have you two slept in the past two weeks?"

"Ah? It's just that we can see each other all the time, but I don't have a chance to sleep." Xu Qinglian replied subconsciously.

"Really?" Leoni stood up with her waist twisted. "That's been a long time. I think I'm going to work overtime tonight."

Wang Ai stretched out his arms and put his arms around Leoni's waist: "Come on, let's go upstairs and sleep together! I spit out such a big secret for you tonight, you can't hide it with me any longer!"

Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun, who had known Wang Ai's intentions but were dodging left and right for various reasons, finally felt a little embarrassed and were pushed upstairs and into the master bedroom awkwardly.

However, it was late at night, and everyone was tired after such a laborious and painstaking analysis. Even Wang Ai just thought about it, everyone had to get a good night's sleep to digest such a huge psychological impact.

The next morning, Wang Ai, who was sweating in the gym in the semi-basement, came upstairs lightly. Just as he was about to enter the bedroom, Shi Wenjun came down from the third floor: "The children are still asleep, you go quickly. Take a shower, I'll go downstairs and cook."

"Aren't you going to sleep for a while?" Wang Ai looked up at the electronic clock hanging in the corridor: "It's just over four hours."

"Aren't you too?"

"I came back from a 24-hour flight, and I slept a lot in between.  …

Section 373 I said three (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

"Wang Ai put both hands on Shi Wenjun's shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her into the bedroom: "Go, sleep for a while, I'll go downstairs to cook for you after taking a shower." "

"What's the point of that?"

"Good." Wang Ai pushed her to the side of the bed and sat down, touching her face with his palm.

Wang Ai went to the bathroom, Shi Wenjun was in a daze for a moment, looked back and saw that Breeze was still pulling the curtains, Leoni was sleeping with Huang Xin on the bed behind him, but Xu Qinglian who was lying in the middle seemed to have woken up.

Xu Qinglian smiled at her, pulled away the blanket, Shi Wenjun rolled over and lay on the pillow, tilted his head to look up and down, and suddenly turned over: "You go over there."

Xu Qinglian lazily turned her back to Shi Wenjun, and felt that Shi Wenjun's little hand lifted her elbow, then stretched it out, gentle and precise. Xu Qinglian hummed contentedly, patted her hand on her chest, and fell back asleep silently.

At 7:30, when Wang Ai went upstairs, the women had already finished grooming, and was about to go up to the third floor to call for the children, but saw Wang Sheng and Wang Zhonghua, each holding Wang Hongzhuang by one hand, and walked down carefully step by step. Wang Ai stood in front of the children with a smile, squatted down and stretched out his arms.

Wang Sheng was happy, Wang Zhonghua was a little shy, and Wang Hongzhuang was a little surprised. In her world, she already knew that this huge person was something called "Dad", a family member, but she was really unfamiliar.

"Can you see the stairs?" Huang Xin asked worriedly from the side.

"Yes." Wang Ai raised his arms, Wang Sheng on the left forearm, Wang Zhonghua on the right forearm, and Wang Hongzhuang, who was wrapped around his **** by his big hands, all rose at the same time.

"You better put it down, I look scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Wang Ai muttered and put the three children down, looked at the small platform from the second floor to the first floor, and stretched out her arms: "Lean back!"

Huang Xin, who was holding Wang Sheng's little hand to prevent him from running around, leaned back. Shi Wenjun had already held his daughter in his arms...

Section 373 I say three (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Wang Zhonghua obediently hid beside Leoni's thigh, Wang Ai turned to face several people, suddenly leaned back and jumped, landing firmly on the small platform with a "bang".

Wang Sheng's eyes lit up immediately, Wang Zhonghua opened his mouth, and Wang Hongzhuang blinked, as if he didn't quite understand why "Dad" suddenly went down. Huang Xin rolled his eyes subconsciously, holding his son's hand tightly in his hand, Shi Wenjun, who was holding his daughter, sighed, and looked down at her daughter, thinking what kind of father this is.

At the end, Xu Qinglian, who heard the sound and walked a few steps, glanced up and down and knew what was going on, and looked at Wang Ai who was still proud downstairs: "I know you are no longer burdened, but we can't help you tossing around like this."

Leoni didn't care about the others, and was squatting down and pushing Wang Zhonghua's back: "Go, learn from your father, go and turn it over."

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