Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 374: I said (4)

Wang Zhonghua looked at the stairs, then at his father, and shook his head decisively: "I don't dare."

"Idiot, what's not to dare? Your father will follow you below."

"It's too high, I dare not."


The always obedient Wang Zhonghua suddenly looked up at Leoni: "Mom, do you dare?"

"Hahaha." Shi Wenjun, who was listening to the whole process, couldn't help laughing, and stepped forward to grab Wang Zhonghua: "Good son, good question!"

"What's wrong with me?" Leoni straightened up: "Doctor, follow me!"

After speaking, Leoni also had to turn her back down, but Wang Ai was frightened: "You have never practiced backflips, you are going to flip down, I know how you came down? You have to come down sideways and I will pick you up. How to fix it?"

"That's right." Leoni turned back again: "Then, face it!"

Before he finished speaking, the lioness's legs bounced off the second floor with force, and the 130-pound aunt slammed into Wang Ai's arms with a bang. Otherwise, the two have to go to the first floor together.

Leoni rushed to the second floor with a blushing face and shouted, "Son, jump down!"

Wang Zhonghua hesitated again and again, but still shook his head: "I still don't dare."

"Boy, are you kidding me?" Leoni rolled up her sleeves and was about to go upstairs to fight her son one-on-one.

At this time, the door of the first floor opened, and Ai Xiaoqing walked in: "I heard that Dr. Wang is cooking today, will you bring us a copy? I said what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Leoni had no choice but to die, and finally slapped Wang Zhonghua on Wang Zhonghua's **** twice while her son came down.

Everyone came to the restaurant, steamed buns, steamed buns, bread, milk, soy milk, juice, boiled eggs, boiled beans, rapeseed, spinach, cabbage, fried beef, stewed chicken. Because my parents were here today, Wang Ai deliberately took out a few more pieces of bread from the kitchen and added some vegetables. #......

Section 374 I say four (page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Everyone was ready to take their seats. Young brothers Wang Sheng and Wang Zhonghua stood at the dining table. Wang Sheng came first and said, "It's noon on the day of hoeing, and sweat drips down the soil. Who would have known that the meal on the plate is hard work."

After reciting the poem, Wang Sheng took the seat first, followed by Wang Zhonghua: "One grain of millet is planted in spring, and ten thousand grains are harvested in autumn. There is no idle land in the world, and the farmer is starving to death."

Ai Xiaoqing looked at her two grandsons with relief, and then looked at her son: "Better than when you were a child, you know how to play with a dog."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his granddaughter: "You want to grow up quickly, and learn to memorize poems from your brother?"

Wang Hongzhuang looked at her grandma ignorantly. She knew that this was a familiar person, so she gave a smile.

After breakfast, Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing went to work. In fact, their work is very leisurely now. Wang Bin is mainly the executive vice president of the Light Industry Federation, responsible for coordinating the production of light industry, raw materials, prices, and transportation across the country. Northern Light Industry already has a mature and sensitive system to guarantee it. Each enterprise and each base has not only a dedicated person in charge, but also a strong and meticulous internal supervision organization as a check and balance. What is more important is that Northern Light Industry has already established a strict network office. system. Including the heads of many departments and work contact groups at all levels who have direct contact with him, Wang Bin can easily understand the macro dynamics of the company from the smallest places. In general non-strategic decisions, he is no longer directly involved, but firmly controls the direction of the enterprise system.

Ai Xiaoqing is responsible for the Northern Agriculture and Sideline, Chaoyue Group, and Northern Finance. Fundamentally, the management idea of ​​Wang's enterprise is still the manufacturing industry rather than the financial industry. The emphasis is on stability and reliability, and the enterprise is governed by law. By the way, real decision makers mostly just need to follow the procedure.

The main focus of these two bosses is on the forward-looking research of the industry and the adjustment of the enterprise system related to it. Their "work" is mainly reflected in the study and understanding of the country's major policies. From this perspective, the play of Ai Xiaoqing and her sisters is also part of the job. Wang Bin and Lao......

Section 374 I say four (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Playing chess and sitting in the park are also part of the job.

They can't get busy unless the leader organizes the meeting.

The Wang Ai family who stayed at home also wanted to touch on the next stage of work. As usual, Shi Wenjun took a bunch of sponsor invitations for Wang Ai to choose and see when to deal with them. Leoni is responsible for reporting the progress of the transfer issue to Wang Ai during this period. Xu Qinglian was going to take Shi Wenjun to focus on studying the confidential materials left at home, while Huang Xin listened to the discussions of several people, while paying attention to the two sons and the girl who were watching the fun rolling on the grass next to her.

As he was talking, the phone rang. Wang Ai saw that it was his red mobile phone. He took it and said a few words, put it down, and looked around: "The UAE Commercial Counselor in Beijing is coming, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an escort."

Leoni, who looked up from the data pile, smiled: "Can't wait for Manchester City?"

"How long?" Shi Wenjun asked.

"From Dongjiaomin Lane to here, at this point, an hour?"

"If only I could hurry up with the diplomatic license." Shi Wenjun pondered for a moment: "I will take these business contracts first. You can take a day off today. Tomorrow you'd better go directly to work beyond the entertainment industry. You have too many things this summer, many Work has to hurry up.”

Wang Ai heard the sound and sighed: "Okay, if you don't tell me, I still feel like I have a lot of time in summer."

"And!" Shi Wenjun, who had already stood up with Xu Qinglian, pouted: "Who asked you to participate in the National Games? You have to sharpen your guns this month after coming back from the East Asian Cup, right? You are the only one who has practiced for more than ten years. Yue, look at you."

Wang Ai clicked his mouth in dissatisfaction: "I said, why are you so mean?"

Shi Wenjun was stunned for a moment: "If you don't let me work, I will definitely be gentle. But there is a lot of work, where can I be gentle? Why don't you let me go? I think it's good to have children all day long."

Wang Ai waved his hand: "Go away! I don't want you to get sick."


Section 374 I Say Four (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Shi Wenjun snorted as he walked and sneered: "I want to be gentle, I want ability, I want to be obedient, and I don't want to cry, how can there be such a good thing?"

Huang Xin, who was distracted with the child next to him, laughed: "Where are you going to receive guests?"

"Well, that's it?" Wang Ai looked around: "Green grass and green trees."

Huang Xin thought about it and nodded: "Alright, since the other party is visiting at home, he would definitely like to have a more relaxed atmosphere."

Huang Xin took a few children over a small fence gate in the middle of the green plants to the next yard. Since they brought an open-air swimming pool, they were afraid that they would not be able to take care of the children and fall into the water, so they separated the yard and stopped the children.

An hour later, Wang Ai stood outside the house, waiting for the guests to get off the black license plate car.

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