Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 375: I said (5)

"Is there a problem with the registration and deregistration data of private industrial and commercial enterprises in 2011? Why is it different from the trend in recent years?" In the study on the second floor, Xu Qinglian scratched the short hair above her head with her fingers while looking at the computer screen.

"Let me take a look." Shi Wenjun leaned his head from the side and took a look at the trend chart: "It's a little wrong, you wait, I'll look for the original data... Uh, here, oh, I've seen the serial."

Xu Qinglian backed down, Shi Wenjun pulled the keyboard to make changes, and after more than ten seconds, the graph finally looked comfortable. When Shi Wenjun turned around, he found that Xu Qinglian was looking out the window. He couldn't help but wonder, "How useful is this thing?"

"It's useless." Xu Qinglian said lightly.

"It's not much use, we've been busy all morning?" Shi Wenjun raised his brows.

"Oh." Xu Qinglian turned around and said with a smile: "At present, the theme framework has been perfected, and the thinking has been smooth. At present, I am looking for these data to make a counter-evidence."

"Contradictory evidence?" Shi Wenjun frowned and thought for a while: "You mean, you have noticed an objective law from the changes in the management thinking of other companies. Do you think that the existence of such an objective law is because the bottom layer The data has changed. In order to confirm your judgment, you especially find the underlying data to disprove your inference?"

"Well, that's it." Xu Qinglian nodded happily.

"Okay." Shi Wenjun calmed down convincingly: "You are a scientist and you have the final say, but I think you have been visiting Brazil for half a month, so you are a little guilty, so you will find the most solid data when you come back. To consolidate and consolidate. I am now very doubtful about what you finally brought out, whether you believe it or not. "

"Hahaha." Xu Qinglian raised her head and smiled, and the person with a slight force on her feet also left in front of the computer: "Metaphysical, metaphysical, practice, three levels, I connect them. Especially the practice and the metaphysical I have to do a lot. Solid, even if there is no metaphysics in the end, it belongs to me, and the first paragraph alone is enough to cross.”

Shi Wenjun also pushed aside the computer desk and leaned on the headrest of the chair with half-closed eyes: "A phased methodological summary of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics over the past 30 years? Well, I really haven't seen the results in this regard. Maybe the Academy of Social Sciences has Do you have this subject?"

"Maybe there is." Xu Qinglian nodded: "But their problem is that they are too far away from practice. In the final analysis, many entrepreneurs are working on this topic, and excellent entrepreneurs are leading the way, not scholars. Like our family, as well as Haier's President Zhang, what they did is not exactly the same as what the scholars envisioned, or even completely different. But in the end, who do you listen to?"

"Ha!" Shi Wenjun raised his head and smiled: "Practice brings true knowledge."

"Yes." Xu Qinglian stood up, stretched, and showed her beautiful figure without hesitation: "Especially those who built this system from scratch are very clear about the necessity of the details of each system. For example, during the establishment of Milan Light, I thoroughly researched every regulation, and none of them were useless. Only those who have experienced these things will know where they are based on scriptures, and even those who use doctrines can understand them. Maybe their thinking is unfettered and can have pioneering development, but unless they are natural or coincidental, their guiding significance for practice is far less practical than the self-summary of front-line entrepreneurs.”

"You have to say that..." Shi Wenjun frowned: "I suddenly felt that some of the rules were not practical when I was an idiot. It seems that I didn't think much about it, and basically followed the previous ones, oh, the previous ones are still Many of them are copied from the system of the National Nutrition Chicken Farm. Times have changed so much, some systems should be out of date."

Xu Qinglian didn't speak, and smiled at the tangled little beauty.


After a long while, the little beauty slapped her hand: "Don't disturb me, let me think about it, I may have reached a point where my thinking is improved."

Xu Qinglian nodded lightly, said "Okay" softly, turned around to get some of Shi Wenjun's favorite fruits and put them gently by her hand.

For a typical high-level intellectual who has never really broken away over the years, he understands Shi Wenjun's current state too well. She suddenly discovered a practical-oriented system construction model, which led to a breakthrough retrospective on the systems and even her own business management behaviors that she had encountered in the past. There are summaries, gratifications, and regrets. , There is a sudden change, after this fold, the little beauty's understanding of the enterprise system and regulations has become completely different.

Presumably, the stupid company she is most familiar with will soon feel the change in the soul of her soul.

While leaving the study, Xu Qinglian took out her mobile phone and typed a line: "After Xiaomei has finished her thinking, remind her to pay attention to the rhythm and the adaptability of the company to the new system. Xiaomei is always impatient."

After typing, put away the phone, and the eyes are bright. At ten o'clock in the morning of BJ in July, it was already hot, but there were no guests under the shade of the trees in the courtyard. Only Wang Ai and Leoni sat opposite each other. The three children in the yard next to them were cheering and playing on the slide. Standing Huang Xin, the tenderness on her body perfectly decorated the word "mother".

"Have we talked about it?" Xu Qinglian unbuttoned a button on the collar of the goose yellow sleeveless shirt and sat at the round table.

Wang Ai, who was still in deep thought, raised his head: "Oh, um, it's probably the bottom line, right? Lion?"

"The annual salary of 10 million pounds, and the image rights belong to us 100%." ​​Leoni smiled: "For a player with little loyalty, this is the limit."

"It seems to be less than Messi." Xu Qinglian said a sentence and suddenly smiled: "That's right, it's the limit."

"Then..." Wang Ai looked at the two women who were looking at him: "Let's settle, the next stop, go to Manchester."

"Okay." Leoni nodded and packed up the information on the table: "I'll call the negotiating team ahead and finalize the details according to this direction. Wow, it's easier, the super giant thing is Trouble, especially if this superstar loves to run around."

"Don't forget to call Brother Jihai." Xu Qinglian reminded: "Manchester City asked him to come forward last time, but he was on your side."

"Yeah." Wang Ai nodded: "The current result should be a happy one, right?"

After a while, Leoni and Wang Ai put down the phone one after another. Leoni said, "It should be done in half a month. Who will sign the contract then? And by the way, I have to buy a house."

"Come on, you won't bother the second master." Wang Ai thought for a while: "Klaus is getting older, and my managerial duties should have a clear handover, just you, my foreign girl. !"

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