Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 376: I said (six)

Leoni laughed and suddenly remembered something: "Oh, I have to find a track and field coach for you."

"Let Huang Xin do it." Wang Ai said indifferently: "You have to hand over to Huang Xin and let her do it. She still handles this kind of thing smoothly, you, hehe."

"What's wrong with me?" Leoni rolled her eyes, the 1.86-meter girl was imposing.

"Hey, with your strength, you can siege the city and pull out the fortress, but you can't look at the thatched cottage."

"It's not impossible."

"It's just expensive."

"Okay." Leoni heard this and understood. One of the so-called costs is that the cost of hiring people will be high, and the other is that the sequelae will be relatively large. And Huang Xin's gentle and peaceful approach is much better and easier to accept.

"However, I'm not going to change, that's what I have to do with Europeans." Leonie, with blond hair and gray-green eyes, was complacent.

"Not only dealing with Europeans, but also relying on your precise scalpel for many difficult problems." Wang Ai commented calmly.

"Of course!" Leoni happily went to look for Huang Xin next door.

Xu Qinglian, who was watching the whole process, laughed and said, "Is it good to call people like this?"

"You have to do everything, what's wrong with being happy?" Wang Ai shook his head: "How is your work going? I heard that you are interested in data?"

"Well, verify it with the data." After speaking, Xu Qinglian looked up in the direction of the study: "Xiaomei is having an epiphany."

"Oh?" Wang Ai became interested: "What do you realize?"

"What else could it be? Of course it's something I've researched." Xu Qinglian rolled her eyes beautifully: "She was my amateur assistant before, so she probably didn't think much about it. It may have been that the accumulation reached a critical point just now. It is time to reflect on past work and system construction.”

"Idiot over there?"

"I guess there should be Northern Finance, your charitable fund, and even your brokerage job."

Wang Ai nodded frequently when he heard the sound: "Okay, let's see, oh, it's almost eleven o'clock, I'm going to cook and give her something to digest. Well, how about stewed pig's trotters?"

"How did you remember this?"

"Uh..." Wang Ai was also at a loss: "I don't know, this popped up when I wanted to cook for her."

"That's for breastfeeding!" Xu Qinglian said angrily, "She's been taking it for a year, and she's already sick!"

Gu Cheng

"Oh!" Wang Ai shrank her neck and stood up straight again, pointing at Xu Qinglian: "No body discrimination!"

"And." Xu Qinglian also stood up by the way: "Let's go, I'll do it together."

At noon, Shi Wenjun frowned and looked tangled in the last small building, and even the children were seated, and suddenly looked at the dazzling array of things on the dining table, a little surprised: "This... oh, it's specially made for me?"

Wang Ai, Huang Xin, Lei Aoni, and Xu Qinglian suddenly applauded together: "Congratulations to the progress of the young classmates!"

"What?" Shi Wenjun sat down with a smile.

Huang Xin took a large piece of boiled meat with chopsticks and placed it in front of Shi Wenjun: "They said that you have been away from the academic front line for many years, and you came back suddenly today, of course everyone is happy."

"I'm back, but you and Leoni haven't come back yet?"

"I can't do it anymore. I'm getting old and my brain is stupid. I plan to wait for Qinglian's masterpiece to complete the first reading comprehension. It's a study."

Shi Wenjun glanced at Huang Xin, who was sloppy, but Leoni said, "I am now in a period of adaptation before and after cognitive breakthrough. In fact, I have participated in Qinglian's work a lot, especially in metaphysics. I feel that her metaphysical research is also helpful to me, but I don’t know when my understanding will break through.”

"Okay." Shi Wenjun brought food to the three children, and then rambled on when he came back: "Living in such a family, I really don't want to be free. In fact, I don't have much to study in college, and I patronize the stupid company all day long. In the blink of an eye, it’s been ten years since I graduated, and it’s the first time I’ve seriously thought about academic issues.”

"This is the importance of Qinglian's work." Wang Ai scooped a spoonful of chicken soup and tofu in the past: "She has built her metaphysical things. For you entrepreneurs in practice, um, although her things are not less from You get it from there, but after all, it is abstract and elevated, and it will definitely help you to think about work and promote work.”

Seeing Wenjun frowning again, Wang Ai hurriedly said: "I will talk about work after dinner. If you have any problems, I happen to have half the sky today, and we will study together. I also participated in the early system of the stupid company. Didn't pay much attention."

Shi Wenjun nodded, picked up a piece of tofu and ate slowly, and suddenly laughed out loud: "I found it really strange that a group of celebrities and entrepreneurs gathered together to not talk about food, drink and fun, but to talk about academics. ? Even talking about market volatility is fine."

"No." Huang Xin motioned for everyone to look at the three children, and found that the three little ones were eating honestly while listening hard: "Be good to the children."

After lunch, Wang Ai really went upstairs to the study to accompany Shi Wenjun to summarize the work. She and Xu Qinglian's work were temporarily separated. Xu Qinglian is still perfecting her works little by little like an ant moving house, while Shi Wenjun temporarily withdraws for self-refinement and sublimation.

However, this peaceful atmosphere only lasted for one afternoon. From the next day, Wang Ai went to Chaoyue Entertainment to "take a shift", accompanied by Leoni. Huang Xin is still taking care of the children at home, and Xu Qinglian and Shi Wenjun cannot come out of the study.

After a busy week, about 70% of the contract at hand has been processed by Wang Ai, and the rest cannot be handled.

At this time, Wenjun's sublimation has been completed, and he is ready to return to the headquarters of Liaoyang Stupid Company to inspect and start the system upgrade work. Xu Qinglian is very leisurely, but not slow. Accompanying Wang Ai to the Confederations Cup is already the limit. In order to support her research, the leader has sent a lot of classified materials this year, and she has run out of time. Leoni, on the other hand, was about to get up and head to the UK to find a new house for the family while personally participating in the final part of the transfer negotiations.

The Samaria Manor in Munich has not been sold. One is such an expensive property that it is not easy to sell, and the other is sold at a good price because of Wang Ai's current popularity, but the price is that the secrets of Wang Ai's family will be exposed. , after all, how many rooms in this house can never deceive people. Even if the buyer sells tickets for people to visit, it is a violation of Wang Ai's privacy, so he can only delay it later, and Wang Ai is not bad for money.

On the night when everyone parted, Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing happened to be there, and the last major decision of this summer was completed under the consultation of everyone: the wedding date of Wang Ai and Xu Qinglian was postponed until after next year's World Cup.

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